CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
MAP: Cambridge/Edinburgh Morphological Analyzer and
Dictionary System
MAP lets the user create lexicons for English (and other languages)
suitable for use in a natural language parsing systems. In addition
to simple look up, the system includes a rule driven morphological
analyzer. Thus words to be held in the lexicon in stem and affix form
(e.g. "move", and "ed", "ing"), and the morphological analyzer can
segment given full words into their basic components (e.g. "moved" to
"move ed" and "travelling" to "travel ing"). thus cutting down the
number of required entries in the lexicon. The work is done within
the framework of general feature grammars and two-level morphology.
MAP is a more powerful representation formalism than KIMMO
two-level finite state transducers, which offer only finite state
morphosyntax and finite state morphographemics.
Origin: []
as the file MAP3.1.tar.Z
Version: 3.1 (August 1992)
Requires: Franz Lisp (opus 38.79 or later) or Common Lisp
Copying: Copyright (c) 1987 Graeme Ritchie, Steve Pulman, Graham
Russell and Alan Black
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Alan W. Black
ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Laboratories
2-2 Hikaridai
Seika-cho, Soraku-gun,
Kyoto 619-02, Japan
Tel: (+81) 7749 5 1314
Fax: (+81) 7749 5 1308
Alan W Black
Centre for Cognitive Science
University of Edinburgh
1-13 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW, UK
Authors!Black, Authors!Pulman, Authors!Ritchie,
Authors!Russell, Lisp!Code, MAP, Morphology, NLP,
Term Unification, Unification
Graeme D. Ritchie, et. al., "Computational Morphology: Practical
Mechanisms for the English Lexicon", MIT Press, 1992. 291 pages, ISBN
For details of the system and its implementation see "Dictionary and
Morphological Analyzer User Guide", distributed with the system.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:26:31 1995