CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
FUF and SURGE: NLG system based on Functional Unification
This directory contains FUF and SURGE. FUF is a natural language
generation system based on the formalism of functional unification
grammars. SURGE is a large grammar for FUF with a very good coverage
of English syntax. SURGE is inspired by systemic grammars [Halliday
1985] and HPSG. A user manual and numerous examples are included.
Also included is a copy of Elhadad's thesis, which provides
detailed information on the design of FUF and the only documentation
available on the SURGE grammar.
Version: FUF 5.3 (24-APR-94); SURGE 1.2 (21-DEC-93)
Requires: Common Lisp
Ports: Tested under Lucid CL, Allegro CL, MCL, Ibuki CL, and
Copying: Copyright (c) 1987-93 by Michael Elhadad.
Use, copying, and distribution permitted. (See file
license.txt for details.)
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Mailing List: The author is maintaining an informal mailing list of
users. Send him mail if you want to be updated on
improvements to the grammar and the unifier.
Author(s): Michael Elhadad
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Beer Sheva, 84105 ISRAEL
Tel: +972 (57) 461-626
Authors!Elhadad, FUF, Functional Unification Grammar, HPSG,
Lisp!Code, NLG, NLP, SURGE, Systemic Grammar, Unification
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:26:45 1995