CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
LINGER: Language INdependent Grammatical Error Reporter
This directory contains LINGER, a tool for grammar analysis of
Western European languages.
LINGER is a language-independent system to analyze natural language
sentences and report and correct grammatical errors encountered. An
important objective is that the system should be easily configured for a
particular natural language by an expert in that language but not in
computer science.
This library contains two versions of Linger. The older one contains
only a French grammar. The more recent also has German, Spanish, and
English. Both versions were contributed by Paul O'Brien and Masoud
Yazdani, and were written in Expert Systems International Prolog-2.
Origin: (
as the file linger.tar.Z
Version: 1.1 (4-SEP-92)
Requires: Prolog
Copying: If you are using Linger, please send Masoud Yazdani an
email message.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Masoud Yazdani
Paul O'Brien
Department Of Computer Science
Exeter University
Exeter, EX4 4PT
Authors!O'Brien, Authors!Yazdani, Grammar Checker, LINGER,
NLP, Parsing, Prolog!Code
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:26:53 1995