CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
MVL: Multi-Valued Logic
This directory contains MVL (Multi-Valued Logic), a theorem proving
shell written in Common Lisp. It includes first-order logic, ATMS,
default reasoning and circumscription as special cases.
MVL is a bilattice-based reasoning system. By changing the
bilattice, you can use MVL to do truth maintenance, nonmonotonic
reasoning, first-order reasoning, and a variety of other reasoning
Origin: []
Version: 19-AUG-93
Copying: Please send the author an email message if you are using
the system.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Matthew L. Ginsberg
CIRL (Computational Intelligence Research Lab)
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: (503) 346-0470
ATMS, Authors!Ginsberg, Automated Reasoning, Circumscription,
Default Reasoning, First Order Logic, MVL,
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Reasoning!Automated Reasoning,
Reasoning!Default Reasoning,
Reasoning!Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Theorem Proving,
Truth Maintenance
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:27:34 1995