Date: Sat, 10 Jul 93 18:59:36 PDT From: heeger@white.Stanford.EDU (David Heeger) Message-Id: <9307110159.AA06179@white.Stanford.EDU> To: Subject: Obvius 3.0 Reply-To: Obvius 3.0 is now ready for release, via anonymous ftp at This new version runs on both SUN and SGI workstations under Lucid 4.1. For the SGI implementation, you need to get a beta release of Lucid 4.1 from Lucid. The SGI implementation uses a lisp interface to gl (written by Patrick Teo, that you may find useful for other applications as well. This new tarfile also includes a number of tutorials on various topics in image processing and vision that we have developed over the last year for teaching. Sorry for the long delay. We were expecting to get this done by the end of March, but with teaching etc... - DH Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 12:35:16 PDT From: heeger@white.Stanford.EDU (David Heeger) Message-Id: <9307151935.AA04208@white.Stanford.EDU> To: Subject: obvius mailing list Reply-To: If you want to get in touch with other Obvius users, especially if have Obvius code that you would like to share, you can send email to: - DH