Return-Path: <> Received: from EDRC.CMU.EDU by A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa04823; 23 Jul 93 17:15:38 EDT Received: from by EDRC.CMU.EDU id aa07493; 23 Jul 93 17:14:46 EDT Received: by inet; Fri Jul 23 17:07 EDT 1993 Received: by (/\==/\ Smail3.1.25.1 #25.11) id ; Fri, 23 Jul 93 17:07 EDT Received: by (/\==/\ Smail3.1.25.1 #25.1) id ; Fri, 23 Jul 93 17:07 EDT Message-Id: Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 17:07 EDT From: (Peter G. Selfridge) To: Subject: call-for-participation for the CMU AI Repository KBSE-8: 8th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference Call for Participation Sponsored by Rome Laboratory, USAF In cooperation with AAAI, IEEE and ACM September 20 - 23, 1993 Chicago, Illinois The 1993 Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference will provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results regarding the application of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based techniques to all aspects of software development. The Conference scope covers all activities related to software, including planning, domain modeling, reuse, specification, design, coding, documentation, evaluation, prototyping, testing, maintenance, and re/reverse engineering. TUTORIALS The three day conference will be proceeded by a day of tutorials. There will be three tutorials given, in parallel, on Monday, September 20, 1993. The following is a brief description of each along with a biography of the presentor. A Survey of Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (half day) W. Lewis Johnson USC / Information Sciences Institute This tutorial is intended to give attendees an understanding of the key concepts in knowledge-based software engineering. It will identify software engineering tasks that are amenable to knowledge-based solutions, and categorize the various types of knowledge-based systems that may be developed. The current state of the art in KBSE research and development will then be examined, in each area of software engineering. The key technologies currently being used in these solutions will then be examined in detail. The tutorial will also place Rome Laboratory's Knowledge-Based Software Assistant program in the overall context of knowledge-based software engineering. Dr. Johnson is Project Leader and Research Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute. He has been active in KBSE research for a number of years. He was chair of the KBSE'92 conference, and is a member of the KBSE steering committee. He is currently co-editor-in-chief of the journal Automated Software Engineering: The International Journal for Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning in Software Engineering. He conducts research in a several areas in artificial intelligence relating to man-machine collaborative problem solving. ====================================================================== KIDS: An Algorithm Synthesis System (full day) Douglas R. Smith Kestrel Institute email: Dr. Smith will outline a formal model of the software development process being developed at Kestrel Institute. This model uses concepts from mathematical logic to represent application domains, software specifications, and knowledge about algorithms, data structures, optimization techniques, and software architectures. He will discuss how these representations are composed to produce executable code. KIDS (Kestrel Interactive Development System) is a state-of-the-art synthesis system supporting many aspects of this formal model of software development. Dr. Smith will describe the system and plans for its future development. The synthesis of a scheduler will be used as an illustration. ====================================================================== A Knowledge-Based Approach To Software Process Engineering (full day) Walt Scacchi University of Southern California Process integration represents the ability to model and execute software development processes users should follow when using software engineering tools or environments. CASE and KBSE environments that support process integration can guide people working in different development roles in their use of CASE/KBSE tools, as well as in using these tools to model, prototype, and develop software application systems and related documentation. Process integration also provides a strategy for how to best exploit tool, data, and presentation integration mechanisms, together with process asset repositories. This tutorial describes techniques used for modeling, integrating, and executing software development processes with process-integrated KBSE environments, as well as present examples that help to show how these techniques and environments operate. It also describes experiences with the use of these process integration capabilities in both research and industrial settings. Finally, it describes current research efforts that continue to advance our knowledge of the design and practice of process-integrated KBSE environments. Walt Scacchi received a Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science at University of California, Irvine in 1981. He is currently an associate research professor in the Information and Operations Management Dept. at USC. Since joining the faculty at USC in 1981, he created and continues to direct the USC System Factory Project. This was the first software factory research project in a U.S. university. Dr. Scacchi's research interests include knowledge-based systems for modeling and simulating software processes, CASE technologies for developing large heterogeneous information systems, large scale software production, software technology transfer and transition, and organizational analysis of system development projects. Dr. Scacchi is a member of ACM, IEEE, AAAI, Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), and Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). He is an active researcher with more than 70 research publications, and numerous consulting and visiting scientist positions with firms including AT&T Bell Laboratories, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon University, SUN Microsystems, Perceptronics, Hewlett-Packard, and Andersen Consulting. PROGRAM SCHEDULE --------------------------- Monday, September 20, 1993 -------------------------- 9:00 - 5:00 Registration 9:00 - 5:00 Tutorials - Tutorial 1 : Introduction to KBSE - Tutorial 2 : Knowledge Based Software Process Engineering - Tutorial 3 : The Kestrel Interactive Development System (KIDS) --------------------------- Tuesday, September 21, 1993 --------------------------- 8:00 - 5:00 Registration 9:00 - 9:15 Opening Remarks 9:15 -10:15 Invited Talk, "A researcher's view of life in a large software development environment," Dr. Eric Sumner, Jr., AT&T Bell Laboratories. 10:15 -10:45 BREAK 10:45 -12:15 Panel, "KBSE and Software Engineering: Strangers, Brothers or Identical Twins," Chaired by Dr. Peter Selfridge, AT&T Bell Laboratories. 12:15 - 1:45 LUNCH 1:45 - 3:15 Paper Session 1: SYNTHESIS - "Knowledge Requirements for the Automatic Generation of Project Management Reports," Tanya Korelsky, Daryl McCullough and Owen Rambow CoGen Tex, Inc. - "Diagrams for Software Synthesis", Richard Jullig and Yellamraju Srinivas Kestrel Institute, Stanford. - "Towards Supporting Design Phase Synthesis", Tobiah E. Smith and D. E. Setliff University of Pittsburgh. 3:15 - 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 5:15 Paper Session 2: VALIDATION and VERIFICATION - "Validation of Rule-based Reactive Systems by Sound Scenario Generalization," Robert J. Hall, AT&T Bell Laboratories. - "The ARIES Simulation Component (ASC)," Kevin M. Benner USC / Information Sciences Institute. - "A Knowledge Base for Software Test Refinement," Steven J. Zeil and Christian Wild, Old Dominion University. 5:30 - 7:00 KBSE Technology Demonstrations 7:00 - 9:00 Banquet ----------------------------- Wednesday, September 22, 1993 ----------------------------- 8:00 - 5:00 Registration 8:30 - 9:30 Invited Talk, "Modeling Processes", Dr. John Myloupolos, University of Toronto 9:30 -10:30 Panel, "Requirement's Elicitation," Chair: Dr Lewis Johnson, USC / ISI. 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 -12:30 Paper Session 3: APPLICATION - "Transformational Approach to Transportation Scheduling," Douglas Smith and Eduardo A. Parra, Kestrel Institute, Stanford. - "A Knowledge Based Framework for Developing and Customizing Schedulers," Venkatesh Srinivasan and Leon Sterling, Case Western Reserve University. - "Articulation: An Integrated Approach to the Diagnosis, Replanning, and Rescheduling of Software Process Failures," Peiwei Mi and Walt Scacchi University of Southern California. 12:30 - 2:00 LUNCH 2:00 - 3:30 Paper Session 4: MAINTENANCE & EVOLUTION - "The Knowledge Base Maintenace Assistant," Ernst Lutz Forwiss University of Erlangen, Germany. - "Interactive Elaboration of Generic Designs," W. Lewis Johnson, K. Narayanaswamy and Robert Balzer, USC / Information Sciences Institute - "Operation for Evolving Specifications," Sudin Bhat and Kanth Miriyala Center for Strategic Technology Research, Andersen Consulting. 3:30 - 4:00 BREAK 4:00 - 5:30 Paper Session 5: REQUIREMENTS - "An Implementation of Bounded Obligations," Martin S. Feather USC / Information Sciences Institute. - "GRIT- An Extended Refine for More Executable Specifications," Paul Bailes, Murrsy Chapman, Ming Gong and Ian Peake University of Queensland, Australia. - "A Common Architecture to Encourage Reuse of Natural Language/ Text Processing Tools," T. Richard MAcMillan, Martha Farinacci, Sharon Laskowski, Elaine P. Lusher and Leonard J. Seligman MITRE Corporation. 5:30 - 7:00 KBSE Technology Demonstrations ----------------------------- Thursday, September 23, 1993. ----------------------------- 8:00 - 12:00 Registration 8:30 - 9:00 KBSE'94 Announcement, Dr. Douglas Smith 9:00 -10:15 Panel, "Software Process and Technology Transfer", Chair: TBA 10:15 - 10:45 BREAK 10:45 - 12:15 Paper Session 6: REUSE - "INQUIRE: Predicate-Based Use and Reuse," Dewayne E. Perry, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and Steven S. Popovich, Columbia University. - "An Analogy-Based Retrieval Mechanism for Software Design Reuse," Hing-Yan Lee, Information Technology Institute, Singapore, and Mehdi T. Harandi, University of Illinois. - "Accelerating Browsing By Automatically Inferring A User's Search Goal," Chris Drummond, Robert Holte and Dan Ionescu, University of Ottawa, Canada. 12:15 - 1:45 LUNCH 1:45 - 3:15 Paper Session 7: EVALUATION and EXPERIMENTS - "Observations on Using Empirical Studies in Developing a Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Tool," David F. Redmiles, University of Colorado, Boulder. - "An Experiment in Applying Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Technology," Paul D. Bailor, Frank C. D. Young, and Kim Kanzaki, Air Force Institute of Technology. - "Development of an Expert Assistant for Software Evaluation using a Hybrid Approach," Gina Kingston, Rudi Vernik and Philip Dart, Defence Science and Technology Organization, Australia. 3:15 - 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 5:15 Open Forum 5:15 - 5:30 Closing Remarks DEMONSTRATIONS Demonstrations of advanced KBSE technology will be presented during an hour and half time period at the end of each day's program, and by special arrangement with the demonstrators. For information on demonstrations please contact Timothy Smith of DePaul University at (312) 362-5479 or Fax (312) 362-6208 or Email: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Bruce Johnson, Andersen Consulting, Conference Chair Mehdi Harandi, University of Illinois, Program Chair Bill Sasso, Andersen Consulting, Assistant Conference Chair Doug White, USAF Rome Laboratory, Treasurer Peter Selfridge, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Publicity Chair Arnold Pittler, Motorola, Local Arrangements Chair Loren Terveen, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Tutorials Chair Tim Smith, DePaul University, Demonstrations Chair HOTEL INFORMATION The KBSE-8 Conference will be held at the Midland Hotel (800) 621-2360. Participants are responsible for their own hotel reservations. Please indicate to the hotel when making reservations that the reservations are for the KBSE-8 conference to receive the special conference rates: Deluxe Rooms Executive Class Rooms Single: $109 $159 Double: $114 $174 All rates are subject to occupancy tax, currently 14.9% The Midland Hotel features an "On the House" program for overnight guests including complimentary breakfast buffet and complimentary cocktail hour. Additionally, the hotel provides complimentary English taxi service to downtown destinations and a daily newspaper. AIRLINE INFORMATION America West Airlines is offering participants of the conference to take 40% off full coach fares, or 5% off any other published fare. Discounts are not applicable to other promotional fares at the time of booking. To make your reservations, call 1-800-548-7575 and specify that you are with the KBSE-8 Conference. REGISTRATION FORM TITLE: [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. [ ] Dr. [ ] Other: CITIZENSHIP: [ ] United States [ ] Other NAME/POSITION: ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL : FAX: Please mark all items that apply to your registration. [ ] KBSE-8 Registration Fee..........$250 (after August 30: $300) (The fee includes conference proceedings, break refreshments, lunches and banquet.) [ ] KBSE-8 Student Registration Fee..$125 (after August 30: $150) (The fee includes conference proceedings, break refreshments and lunches.) [ ] KBSE-8 One Day Registration Fee..$100 (after August 30: $125) (The fee include break refreshments and lunch.) [ ] Tuesday [ ] Wednesday [ ] Thursday [ ] Tutorial $125 (after August 30: $150) [ ] Tutorial 1 [ ] Tutorial 2 [ ] Tutorial 3 TOTAL ENCLOSED $____________________ CHECK NUMBER ____________________ Make checks payable to Kaman Sciences Corporation. Return payment and this form to Data & Analysis Center for Software by Monday, August 30, 1993. Mail Registration to: Ms. Barbara Radzisz, KBSE Conference Coordinator Kaman Sciences Corporation Data & Analysis Center for Software PO Box 120 Utica, New York 13503 (315) 734-3696