Return-Path: <@GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU,> Received: from GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU by A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa11009; 18 Aug 93 13:13:20 EDT Received: from by GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU id aa00767; 18 Aug 93 13:12:40 EDT Received: from by (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.6 ) id AA16006; Wed, 18 Aug 93 10:11:36 -0700 Received: by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA04456; Wed, 18 Aug 93 10:12:45 PDT Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 10:12:45 PDT From: "Virtual Reality...Publications" Message-Id: <> Subject: VRAIS-93 Apparently-To: This is an automatic response to your email to vraispub, the VRAIS-93 public email address. This is the latest information available at this time (July 23, 1993). *=> Please note that registration forms cannot be accepted by email. *=> If you cannot attend but you would like to purchase the Proceedings and the Video Proceedings Before September 15th 1993: Submit the Registration Form (below) without registration fees but check "I would like to purchase an additional copy of the Proceedings". After September 15th 1993: Contact the IEEE: Toll Free in US: 1-800-678-IEEE FAX: 908-981-9667 Telephone 908-981-0060 *=> If you would like to be a student volunteer for the VRAIS conference. Please send email to Prof. Mohammend El-Sharkawi University of Washington Local Arrangements Chair Thanks for your interest in VRAIS, see you in September!! ============================================== VIRTUAL REALITY ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 1993 Sheraton Hotel & Towers Seattle, Washington U.S.A. September 18-22, 1993 The Virtual Reality Technical Committee of the IEEE Neural Networks Council cordially invites you to attend the First Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. Virtual Reality has grown in recent years into an active, highly interdisciplinary field of research, development, and applications prototyping. It goes by several names including virtual environments, virtual worlds, artificial reality, and advanced computer-human interfaces. Whatever it is called, there exist many challenges to be overcome in science, engineering, and technology development before the vision of virtual reality can be reached. The goal of this conference is to bring together workers in the many diverse technical disciplines contributing to this field and provide a forum for the interchange of timely, quality theories; experimental results; and technological developments. We encourage you and your colleagues to actively participate in this first IEEE conference in virtual reality science and technology. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Neural Networks Council and cosponsored by nearly every IEEE society there is. AGENDA ------ SUNDAY, SEPT 19, 7:30-9:00 PM Opening Ceremonies and Evening Presentation Thomas Furness, University of Washington Thomas Caudell, Boeing Computer Services MONDAY, SEPT 20 8:00-9:45 AM, Plenary Symposium I, Virtual Reality Hardware Scott Fisher, Telepresence Myron Krueger, Artificial Reality Roy Lantham, Roy Lantham Associates 9:45-10:00 AM, Coffee Break 10:00 AM-Noon, Technical Session I Track 1, Applications Track 2, Human Factors Noon-1:00 PM, Lunch Break 1:00-3:00 PM, Technical Session II Track 1, Applications, Robotics/Teleoperation Trace 2, Human Factors 3:00-3:15 PM, Coffee Break 3:15-5:15 PM, Technical Session III Track 1, Body Sensing Track 2, Human Factors/Sensory Feedback 7:30-9:00 PM, Industrial Panel David Mizell, Boeing Computer Services Applications, Hardware Development, Software Tools TUESDAY, SEPT 21 8:00-9:45 AM, Plenary Symposium II, Virtual Reality Software Warren Robinett, University of North Carolina Creve Maples, Sandia National Laboratories Michitaka Hirose, University of Tokyo 9:45-10:00 AM, Coffee Break 10:00 AM-Noon, Technical Session I Track 1, Body Sensing/Senstory Transducers Track 2, Sensory Feedback Noon-1:00 PM, Lunch Break 1:00-3:00 PM, Technical Session II Track 1, Sensory Transducers Track 2, Sensory Feedback 3:00-5:15 PM, Technical Session III Track 1, Graphics Track 2, Sensory Feedback/Software Systems 7:30-9:00 PM, Government Panel Y.T. Chien, National Science Foundation Programs, Funding Levels, Applications WEDNESDAY, SEPT 22 8:00-9:45 AM, Plenary Symposium III, Human Factors and Perception Larry Stark, University of California, Berkeley Jannick Rolland, University of North Carolina 9:45-10:00 AM, Coffee Break 10:00 AM-Noon, Technical Session I Track 1, Graphics Track 2, Software Systems Noon-1:00 PM, Lunch Break 1:00-3:00 PM, Technical Session II Track 1, Animations, Neural/Fuzzy Track 2, Software Systems 3:00-3:15 PM, Coffee Break 3:15-5:15 PM, Technical Session III Track 1, Neural/Fuzzy, Teleconferencing Track 2, Modeling 5:15 PM, Adjourn There are tutorials on Saturday and Sunday, September 18-19: SATURDAY, SEPT 18 Basic Phenomena of Vision, Tom Piantanida, SRI International Introduction to Virtual Reality Implementation (User Interfaces), Steve Bryson, NASA Ames Research Center Psychophysics and Technology of Virtual Acoustic Displays (Fundamentals), Elizabeth M. Wenzel, NASA Ames Research Center Head-Mounted Display Engineering (User Interfaces), Arden Strasser, Virtual Reality, Inc. Force Reflecting Interfaces to Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (Fundamentals), Edward Colgate, Northwestern University, and Blake Hannaford, University of Washington User Interface Issues for Virtual Systems (User Interfaces), Chris Esposito, Boeing Comptuer Services SUNDAY, SEPT 19 Introduction to Virtual Reality (Systems and Applications), Henry A. Sowrizral, Boeing Computer Services Design and Calibration of Men and Machines in Virtual Environments (Advanced Displays), Stephen R. Ellis, NASA Ames Research Center Virtual Reality Architecture for Distributed, Multi-User Environments (Systems and Applications), Reza Jalili, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Virtual Environments, Display Enhancements, and Top-Down Vision (Advanced Displays), Lawrence W. Stark, UC Berkeley, and Won S. Kim, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Applying Virtual Environment Technology for Training and Simulation (Systems and Applications), Hans Jesse, Fysisch en Elektronisch Laboratorium TNO. Techniques for Geometrical Modeling and Animation in Virtual Reality (Advanced Displays), Mark Green, University of Alberta. Organization Committee --------------------- General Chair, Thomas Furness, University of Washington Program Chairs Thomas Caudell, Boeing Computer Services Michitaka Hirose, University of Tokyo Organization Chair, Robert Marks II, University of Washington Publications Chair, Mani Soma, University of Washington Finance Chair, Dmitry Kaplan, Siemens-Quantum Corp. Publicity Chair, Rich Donnelly, SPIE Press Relations, Alden Jones, University of Washington Local Arrangements Chair, Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Video Proceedings and Tutorials Chair, Blake Hannaford, University of Washington Exhibits Chair, Chris Esposito, Boeing Computer Services International Liaisons Masahiro Kawahata, Fujitsu Research Institute Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University ... and a Program Committee as long as your arm. Conference Registration ---------------------- Full conference registration permits attendance to all events and functions with the exception of optional tour programs. The fee also includes one set of Proceedings. Before July 15 After July 15 IEEE Member $325 $400 Non-Member 375 450 Students* 95 110 * Students must send a letter from their Department Heads at the time of registration, certifying their full-time status. Students must present ID cards at the conference registration. There is a $50.00 charge for refund requests received before August 15, 1993. There are no refunds after that date. Tutorial registration is $200 for the first tutorial and $100 for each additional tutorial. Individual tutorials may be cancelled and fees refunded if insufficient registrations are received for the tutorials. Only registered conference participants may register for tutorials. Venue, Hotel, and Travel ---------------------- Seattle is a truly beautiful, exceptionally friendly city, and a cultural Mecca on the U.S. West Coast. The conference takes place in Seattle's heart. Nearby is almost every major urban attraction in the city, including the Space Needle and Pacific Science Center, the world famous Pike Place Public Market, and the ferries to the legendary islands of Puget Sound. Vancouver, BC, Seattle's sister city, is only three hours north by automobile; Portland, Oregon, is three hours south. The Olympic Peninsula, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Rainer are each within an hour's drive. The Sheraton Hotel & Towers reservation number is +1-206-621-9000. For VRAIS registrants, room rates are $118 (single) and $138 (double). Deadline for Hotel reservations is AUGUST 1, 1993. American Airlines has waived restrictions and thus permitted many registrants to fly with SuperSaver fares. The official travel agency of the VRAIS is Bristol Travel, +1-800-762- 2746 or +1-714-285-1145. During off-hours, U.S. residents can call +1-800-237-7980 and use reference number SY2CO for preferential service. There are tours available for spouses and families to Snoqualmie Falls ("Twin Peaks"), all around Puget Sound by boat, and Boeing's state-of- the-art factories and technical center. For more information, contact: VRAIS '93 Symposium Office 5665 Oberlin Drive #110 San Diego, CA 92121 USA +1-619-453-6222 voice +1-619-535-3880 fax ==================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> Registration Form <<<<<<<<<<<< ==================================================================== CONFERENCE REGISTRATION VRAIS'93 Sheraton Seattle Hotel & Towers September 18-22, 1993 LAST NAME__________________________________________Dr Mr Ms FIRST NAME/MIDDLE INITIAL___________________________________ IEEE Membership #___________________________________________ (must be entered to qualify for discount) Mailing Address________________________________________________ City____________________________________State_____Zip___________ Country______________________________ E-mail____________________ Tel Office (____)____________________FAX(____)__________________ TO APPEAR ON BADGE: Name_____________________________________________________________ Affiliation______________________________________________________ City/State_______________________________________________________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES ENCLOSED: (includes one set of Proceedings) Before July 15 After July 15 IEEE/SPIE Member ___$325 ___$400 Non Member ___$375 ___$450 Students ___$ 95 ___$110 (Students must include letter from Department Head stating full-time student status) TUTORIAL SELECTION: (See end of Posting for list) ___One Tutorial $200 Tutorial #____ Alt #___ ___Two Tutorials $300 Tutorial #____ #___ Alt #___ ___Three Tutorials $400 Tutorial #___ #___ #___ Alt #___ ___Four Tutorials $500 Tutorial #___ #___ #___ #___ Alt #___ ___Five Tutorials $600 Tutorial #___ #___ #___ #___ #___ Alt #___ ___Six Tutorials $700 Tutorial #___ #___ #___ #___ #___ #___ Alt #___ I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL PROCEEDINGS: Number of Copies____ X Member $75/Non-Member $120 US=TOTAL $________ Please note that the price at the conference will be: IEEE/SPIE Member $100 and Non-Member $150 PAYMENT ENCLOSED: REGISTRATION FEES $_________________ TUTORIAL FEES $__________________ ADDTL PROCEEDINGS $__________________ GRAND TOTAL: $__________________ FOREIGN PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY BANK DRAFT ON A US BANK IN US DOLLARS PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK PAYABLE TO VRAIS'93 OR Credit Card #__________________________________ Expiration__________ Please indicate credit card: VISA MASTER CARD Authorized Signature________________________________________ (signatures for foreign credits will again be required to sign on-site) Land MAIL TO: VRAIS'93 Symposium Office 5665 Oberlin Drive, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (619) 453-6222 FAX (619) 535-3880 NOTE: Sorry, registration forms cannot be accepted by email. ==================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> Tutorial List <<<<<<<<<<<< ==================================================================== Organizer(s) Title ------------------- --------------------------------------- # 1: Thomas P. Piantanida Basic Phenomena of Vision SRI International #2: Steve Bryson Introduction to Virtual Reality Implementation NASA Ames Research Center #3: Elizabeth M. Wenzel Psychophysics and Technology NASA Ames Research Center of Virtual Acoustic Displays #4: Arden Strasser Head-Mounted Display Engineering Virtual Reality, Inc. #5: Edward Colgate Force Reflecting Interfaces to Teleoperators and Northwestern University Virtual Environments Blake Hannaford U. of Washington #6: Chris Esposito User Interface Issues for Virtual Systems Boeing Computer Services #7: Henry A. Sowizral Introduction to Virtual Reality Boeing Computer Services #8: Stephen R. Ellis Design and Calibration of Men and Machines in NASA Ames Research Center Virtual Environments #9: Reza Jalili Virtual Reality Architecture for Distributed, IBM T.J. Watson Center Multi-User Environments #10: Lawrence W. Stark, M.D. Virtual Environments, Display Univ. of California, Berkeley Enahncements, and Top-Down Vision Won S. Kim Jet Propulsion Laboratory #11: Hans Jense Applying Virtual Environment Technology for Fysisch en Elektronisch Training and Simulation Laboratorium TNO #12: Mark Green Techniques for Geometrical Modeling and Animation University of Alberta in Virtual Reality +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==================================================================== = ADVANCED PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST ANNUAL IEEE CONFERENCE = = ON VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY = = = ==================================================================== ************************************************************* * PROGRAM SCHEDULE VRAIS 1993 * ************************************************************* MONDAY 20 September 1993 SESSION 1 10:00-12:00 Track 1: "Applications" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "Virtual Reality Application for Software Visualization of a Power Control System" Haruo Amari, Toshiki Nagumo, Mikio Okada, Michitaka Hirose, Takemochi Ishii Computer & Communication Research Center Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc Tokyo, JAPAN 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: "Adding Reality to the Virtual" James Calvin, Alan Dickens, Bob Gaines, James Gonzalez, Paul Metzger, Dale Miller, Dan Owen, Richard Schaffer BBN Systems & Technologies Cambridge, MA, USA 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "The Use of Virtual Reality at Boeing"s Huntsville Laboratories" Steve Tanner Boeing Defense & Space Huntsville, AL, USA 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "The Virtual Windtunne: A High-Performance Virtual Reality Application" Steve Bryson NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, USA Track 2: "Human Factors" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "The Effect of Interocular Distance upon Operator Performance using Stereoscopic Displays to Perform Virtual Depth Tasks" Louis B. Rosenberg Stanford, CA, USA 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: "Spatial Perception in Virtual Environments: Evaluating an Architectural Application" Daniel Henry, Thomas Furness WORLDESIGN Seattle, WA, USA 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "Rationale and Strategy for VR Standards" Barry J. Shepherd IBM Corporation Austin, TX, USA 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "The Heaven and Earth Virtual Reality: Designing Applications for Novice Users" Kim M. Fairchild, Beng Hai Lee, Joel Loo, Hern Ng, Luis Serra National Univ Singapore Singapore LUNCH BREAK 12:00-1:00 SESSION 2 1:00-3:00 Track 1: "Applications/Robotics/Teleoperation" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "A Virtual World for Network Management" Steven Feiner, Michelle Zhou, Laurence Crutcher, Aurel Lazar Columbia University New York, NY, USA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "Human-Like Motion Primitives in a Novel Task-Encoding Scheme for the MIT - MANUS" Hermano I. Krebs, Neville Hogan Massachusetts Inst Technology Cambridge, MA, USA 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "Ground Control Testbed for Space Station Freedom Robot Manipulators" R.S. Askew, M.A. Diftler Lockheed Engineering & Sci Co Houston, TX, USA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "Virtual Fixtures: Perceptual Tools for Telerobotic Manipulation" Louis B. Rosenberg Stanford, CA, USA Track 2: "Human Factors" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "A Research Testbed for Virtual Environment Training Applications" J. Michael Moshell, Brian S. Blau, Bruce Knerr, Donald R. Lampton, James P. Bliss Inst Simulation & Training Orlando, FL, USA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "Presence in Virtual Environments" Mel Slater, Martin Usoh University of London London, UNITED KINGDOM 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "Task-Oriented Design of Virtual Worlds" Chris Stary Technische Universitat Wien Vienna, AUSTRIA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "Interactive Adaptive Interface Using Recursive Fuzzy Reasoning" Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Yoshihiro Yamamoto, Toru Naito, Teruyuki Matsui Nagoya University Nagoya, JAPAN COFFEE BREAK 3:00-3:15 SESSION 3 3:15-5:15 Track 1: " Body Sensing" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "Non-Linear Interactive Motion Control Techniques for Virtual Space Navigation" Deyang Song, Michael Norman University of Illinois Urbana, IL, USA 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2: "A Novel Gestural Input Device for Virtual Reality" Christoph Maggioni SIEMENS AG Munchen, GERMANY 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Transmission of Realistic Sensastion: Development of a Virtual Dome" Michitaka Hirose, Kensuke Yokoyama, Shinichi Sato University of Tokyo Tokyo, JAPAN 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "Tracking Position and Orientation in a Large Volume" Henry Sowizral, James C. Barnes Boeing Computer Services Seattle, WA, USA Track 2: "Human Factors/Sensory Feedback" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "Explorations of Display Interfaces for Virtual Reality" Michael Deering Sun Microsystems Mountain View, CA, USA 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2: "Visual Detection of Coarticulatory Anticipation in the Time Course of Handwriting" Sonia Kandel, Louis-Jean Boe, J. P. Orliaguet Inst Communication Parlee Grenoble, FRANCE 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Human Performance Evaluation of Manipulation Schemes in Virtual Environments" Shumin Zhai, Paul Milgram University of Toronto Toronto, CANADA 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "Touch and Trace on the Free-Form Surface of Virtual Object" Yoshitaka Adachi Suzuki Motor Corporation Yokohama, JAPAN Evening Presentation 7:30-9:00 Industry Panel Chairman: David Mizell - Boeing ------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY 21 September 1993 SESSION 1 10:00-12:00 Track 1: "Body Sensing / Sensory Transducers" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "The Power Glove Serial Interface: Touching the Future" Jim Brain, Ben Gross Urbana, IL, USA 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: "The Use of 3-D Audio in a Synthetic Environment: Building an Aural Rendererfor a Distributed Virtual Reality System" Stephen T. Pope, Lennart E. Fahlen Swedish Inst Computer Science Kista, SWEDEN 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "ASPECT: Audio SPatial Environment for CommunicaTion - as a Three Dimensional Auditory Interaction Tool" Tatsuhiro Yonekura, Nobuyoshi Ariyoshi Ibaraki University Ibaraki, JAPAN 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "Synthesis of 3D Virtual Auditory Space via a Spatial Feature Extraction and Regularization Model of HRTF" Jiashu Chen, Barry D. Van Veen, Kurt E. Hecox University Wisconsin Madison, WI, USA Track 2: "Sensory Feedback" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "OMAR - A haptic display for speech perception by deaf and deaf-blind individuals" Silvio P. Eberhardt, Lynne E. Bernstein, David C. Coulter, Laura A. Hunckler Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA, USA 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: "Implementation of Stiff Virtual Walls in Force-Reflecting Interfaces" J. Edward Colgate, Paul E. Grafing, Michael C. Stanley Northwestern University Evanston, IL, USA 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "Dynamic Force Simulator for Force Feedback Human-Machine Interaction" Hideki Hashimoto, Yasuharu Kunii, Martin Buss, Fumio Harashima University of Tokyo Tokyo, JAPAN 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "Design of a High Performance Haptic Interface to Virtual Environments" P.A. Millman, Michael Stanley, J. Edward Colgate Northwestern University Evanston, IL, USA Lunch Break 1200-1300 SESSION 2 1:00-3:00 Track 1: "Sensory Transducers" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "Video See-through Design for Merging of Real and Virtual Environments" Emily K. Edwards, Jannick P. Rolland University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC, USA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "Augmented Eye" Paul Manhart Lightpath Research Inc, Tucson, AZ, USA 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "Calibration of Head-Mounted Displays for Augmented Reality Applications" Adam L. Janin, David W. Mizell, Thomas P. Caudell Boeing Computer Services Seattle, WA, USA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "Development of Surface Display" Koichi Hirota, Michitaka Hirose University of Tokyo Tokyo, JAPAN Track 2: "Sensory Feedback" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "Perceptual Feedback Issues in Dexterous Telemanipulation: Part I. Finger Force Feedback" Karun B. Shimoga University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, CANADA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "Perceptual Feedback Issues in Dexterous Telemanipulation: Part II. Finger Touch Feedback" Karun Shimoga University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, CANADA 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "Design of An Interactive Lumbar Puncture Simulator With Tactile Feedback" Mikael Bostrom, Sunil K. Singh, C.W. Wiley Dartmouth College Hanover, NH, USA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "Pen-based Haptic Virtual Environment" Hiroo Iwata University of Tsukuba Ibaraki, JAPAN COFFEE BREAK 3:00-3:15 SESSION 3 3:15-5:15 Track 1: "Graphics" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "An Interactive Graphics Display Architecture" Matthew Regan, Ronald Pose Monash University Clayton, Victoria AUSTRALIA 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2: "Sparcchair: A One Hundred Milion Pixel Display" Bruce A. Reichlen Sun Microsystems Laboratories Chelmsford, MA, USA 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Image Generation Implications for Networked Tactical Training Systems" Rick D. Bess BBN Advanced Simulation Bellevue, WA, USA 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "Image Generation Design for Ground-Based Network Training Environments" Brian Soderberg, Dale Miller BBN Advanced Simulation Bellevue, WA, USA Track 2: "Sensory Feedback(2)/Software Systems" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "A Desktop 3D Interface with Force Feedback" Masahiro Ishii, Yukihiro Hirata, Makoto Sato Tokyo Inst Technology Yokohama, JAPAN 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2: "Robotic Graphics: A New Approach to Force Feedback for Virtual Reality" William A. McNeely Boeing Computer Services Seattle, WA, USA 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Agent-supported Interactive Exploration of Virtual Buildings" Jurgen Emhardt Freie Universitat Berlin, Institut fur Informatik BERLIN, GERMANY 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "A Heterogeneous Architecture for Stereoscopic Visualisation" Mark Nelson, Mario Cavaiuolo, Andre Yakovleff Defense Science & Tech Orgtn. Salisbury, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Evening Presentation 7:30-9:00 Government Panel Chairman: Y. T. Chien - NSF ------------------------------------------------------------------ WEDNESDAY 22 September 1993 SESSION 1 1000-1200 Track 1: "Graphics" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "Data Complexity for Virtual Reality: Where do all the Triangles Go?" Michael Deering Sun Microsystems Mountain View, CA, USA 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: "A Full Color VGA Field Sequential Display for Head Mounted Applications" Dave Allen, Ken Hawken, Tom Haven, Philip Bos Tektronix Inc. Beaverton, OR, USA 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "Performance Limits of Stereoscopic Viewing Systems Using Active and Passive Glasses" Philip Bos Tektronix Inc. Beaverton, OR, USA 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "A Note on Averaging Rotations" W. Dan Curtis, Adam L. Janin, and Karel Zikan Boeing Computer Services, Seattle, WA, USA Track 2: "Software Systems" 10:00-10:30 Speaker 1: "The Virtual Panel Architecture: A 3D Gesture Framework" Augustine Su, Richard Furuta University of Maryland College Park, MD, USA 10:30-11:00 Speaker 2: 48 "DIVE - a Multi User Virtual Reality System" Christer Carlsson, Olof Hagsand Swedish Institute Computer Sci Stockholm, SWEDEN 11:00-11:30 Speaker 3: "A Toolkit for Developing Multi-User Distributed Virtual Environments" C. F. Codella, R. Jalili, L. Koved, J. B. Lewis IBM T.J. Watson Research Ctr Yorktown Heights, NY, USA 11:30-12:00 Speaker 4: "A Study of an Operator Assistant for Virtual Space" Alain Chanezon, Haruo Takemura, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Fumio Kishino ATR Communication Systems Kyoto, JAPAN LUNCH BREAK 12:00-1:00 SESSION 2 1:00-3:00 Track 1: "Animation / Neural/Fuzzy" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "Realtime Collision Detection for Virtual Reality Applications" Ji-Hoon Youn, K. Wohn Computer Science Department KAIST Taejon, KOREA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "Generating Autonomous Dynamic Behavior for Computer Animation: A Constrained Optimal Control Approach" Sunil K. Singh, Alok Kumar, Lin Shi Dartmouth College Hanover, NH, USA 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "The Virtual Sailor: An Implementation of Interactive Human Body Modeling" David T. Chen, Steven D. Pieper, Sunil K. Singh, Joseph M. Rosen, David L. Zeltzer Dartmouth College Hanover, NH, USA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "A Method for Training Feed Forward Neural Networks to be Fault Tolerant" H. Elsimary, S. Mashally, S. Shahine Rochester, NY, USA Track 2: "Software Systems" 1:00-1:30 Speaker 1: "Making WAVES: On the Design of Architectures for Low-end Distributed Virtual Environments" Rick Kazman University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA 1:30-2:00 Speaker 2: "A System Architecture for Virtual Worlds" James Calvin, Alan Dickens, Bob Gaines, James Gonzalez, Paul Metzger, Dale Miller, Dan Owen, Richard Schaffer BBN Systems & Technologies Cambridge, MA, USA 2:00-2:30 Speaker 3: "Real Time Simulation of Stiff Dynamic Systems via Distributed Memory Parallel Processors" Michael C. Stanley, James E. Colgate Northwestern University Evanston, IL, USA 2:30-3:00 Speaker 4: "The MR Toolkit Peers Package and Experiment" Chris Shaw, Mark Green University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta CANADA COFFEE BREAK 3:00-3:15 SESSION 3 3:15-5:15 Track 1: "Neural/Fuzzy / Teleconferencing" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "Virtual Worlds as Fuzzy Cognitive Maps" Julie A. Dickerson, Bart Kosko University Southern California Los Angeles, CA, USA 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2 "Neural Modeling of Face Animation for Telecommuting in Virtual Reality" Thomas P. Caudell, Adam L. Janin, Sean K. Johnson Boeing Computer Services Seattle, WA, USA 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Facial Expression Synthesis Based on Natural Voice for Virtual Face-to-Face Communication with Machine" Shigeo Morishima, Hiroshi Harashima Tokyo, JAPAN 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "Real-time Reproduction of 3D Human Images in Virtual Space Teleconferencing" Jun Ohya, Yasuichi Kitamura, Haruo Takemura, Fumio Kishino, Nobuyoshi Terashima ART Communications Systems Kyoto, JAPAN Track 2: "Modeling" 3:15-3:45 Speaker 1: "A Direct Deformation Method" Juli Yamashita, Yukio Fukui AIST, MITI Ibaraki, JAPAN 3:45-4:15 Speaker 2: "A Development of Dynamic Deforming Algorithms for 3D Shape Modeling" Kenji Yamamoto, Akio Ishiguro, Yoshiki Uchikawa Nagoya University Nagoya, JAPAN 4:15-4:45 Speaker 3: "Virtual Aristotelean Physics" Timothy Poston, Kim M. Fairchild National University Singapore Singapore 4:45-5:15 Speaker 4: "A Direct 3-D Shape Modeling System" Ken-ichi Kameyama, Koichi Ohtomi Toshiba Corporation Kawasaki, JAPAN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End Posting