[6-1] Repositories of Lisp Software

There are several repositories of publicly redistributable and
public domain Lisp code. 

Common Lisp Repository:

   The Common Lisp Repository is accessible by anonymous ftp to
      ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/lang/lisp/ []
   through the AFS directory
   or by WWW from the URL   
   and includes more than 250 megabytes of sources, including all
   freely distributable implementations and many programs. This
   repository supersedes the Lisp Utilities collection, and is now
   part of the CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository.

   Programs in the repository include XREF (portable cross referencing
   tool for Lisp, similar to the Symbolics Who-Calls and the Xerox
   MasterScope programs), Brad Miller's initializations package for
   Allegro CL 4.0, DEFSYSTEM (portable system definition facility, a
   "Make" for Lisp), a portable implementation of the X3J13 June 1989
   specification for logical pathnames, METERING (a portable code
   time/space profiling tool), SOURCE-COMPARE (a portable "diff" utility
   for Lisp), USER-MANUAL (a program which helps with documenting Lisp
   code), PSGRAPH (Joe Bates' PostScript DAG grapher), several matchers
   for Lisp, NREGEX (a regular expressions matcher), a date formatter, an
   infix reader macro for Lisp, SAVE-OBJECT (Kerry Koitzsch's package to
   save ASCII representations of Lisp objects to a file), Stephen
   Nicoud's semi-portable CLtL2 version of defpackage, LALR (Mark
   Johnson's lisp YACC parser generator), various implementations of the
   Loop Macro, William Schelter's sloop macro, Frank Ritter and Jim
   Panagos' implementation of the Yale yloop macro (described in
   McDermont, Charniak and Riesbeck's AI programming book), all free Lisp
   GUIs, including Express Windows, the iterate macro, Waters' Series
   Macro package, Waters' XP Lisp Pretty Printer, Bruno Haible's
   implementation of the Simplex algorithm, MAPFORMS (Moon's code
   walker), Brad Miller's resources package, and much much more.

   The repository has standardized on using 'tar' for producing
   archives of files and 'gzip' for compression.

   To search the keyword index by mail, send a message to:
   with one or more lines containing calls to the keys command, such as:
      keys lisp iteration
   in the message body.  Keywords may be regular expressions and are
   compared with the index in a case-insensitive conjunctive fashion.
   You'll get a response by return mail. Do not include anything else 
   in the Subject line of the message or in the message body.  For help on
   the query mail server, include: 

   A Mosaic interface to the keyword searching program is in the
   works.  We also plan to make the source code (including indexes) to
   this program available, as soon as it is stable.

   Most of the Common Lisp Repository appears on Prime Time Freeware
   for AI, Issue 1-1, a mixed-media book/CD-ROM publication. It
   includes two ISO-9660 CD-ROMs bound into a 224 page book and sells
   (list) for US$60 plus applicable sales tax and shipping and handling
   charges. Payable through Visa, Mastercard, postal money orders in US
   funds, and checks in US funds drawn on a US bank. For more
   information write to Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way, Suite 150,
   Sunnyvale, CA  94086  USA, call 408-433-9662, 408-433-0727 (fax),
   or send email to ptf@cfcl.com.

   Contributions of software and other materials are always welcome but
   must be accompanied by an unambiguous copyright statement that grants
   permission for free use, copying, and distribution -- either a
   declaration by the author that the materials are in the public domain,
   that the materials are subject to the GNU General Public License (cite
   version), or that the materials are subject to copyright, but the
   copyright holder grants permission for free use, copying, and
   distribution. (We will tell you if the copying permissions are too
   restrictive for us to include the materials in the repository.)
   Inclusion of materials in the repository does not modify their
   copyright status in any way. Materials may be placed in:
   When you put anything in this directory, please send mail to
   giving us permission to distribute the files, and state whether
   this permission is just for the AI Repository, or also includes
   publication on the CD-ROM version (Prime Time Freeware for AI).
   We would also appreciate if you would include a 0.doc file for your
   package; see /user/ai/new/package.doc for a template. (If you don't
   have the time to write your own, we can write it for you based on
   the information in your package.)

   The Common Lisp Repository is maintained by Mark Kantrowitz,

   Known mirrors:

   The CLOS code repository is available by anonymous ftp to
      nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/lispusers/clos/ [] 
   If you've got code you'd like to add to the repository, send mail to
   Arun Welch, commonloops-request@cis.ohio-state.edu.  The CLOS code
   repository includes dag.lisp.Z and 3DGeometry.lisp.  [The AI
   Repository's Lisp Section includes a directory of CLOS code as well,
   in ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/lang/lisp/oop/clos-code/.]

   The Macintosh Common Lisp repository contains Lisp code for
   MCL contributed by MCL users. It is available by anonymous ftp from
      ftp.digitool.com/pub/mcl/contrib/       []
   and also contains the Info-MCL mailing list archives. The
   repository contains, among other things, AV_Parser.hqx and Zebu
   (general parser toolkits), babylon-2.2.sit.hqx (expert system shell
   from GMD in Germany), btree.sit.hqx (binary trees), LGL.lisp (Lisp
   Graphics Library for MCL), quicktime code, mmlisp.sit.hqx
   (midi-manager interface), tips on optimizing MCL code, PARKA.sit.hqx
   (a knowledge representation system), starsim.sit.hqx (*Lisp for MCL),
   IP/TCP examples, and support for hypercard XCMDs and XFCNs.  See the
   file README for a quick overview of the contents of the MCL

   The CLIM Library (a library of user contributed code for the CLIM
   environment) is available by anonymous ftp on
      cambridge.apple.com:/pub/clim []
   For information on CLIM, see the entry in [6-5] below.  For more
   information on the CLIM Library, contact Vincent Keunen, keunen@nrb.be.

      loop-macro.tar               [LOOP from CLtL1]
      series/                      [SERIES from CLtL2; older version]
      Iterate/                     [Alternative to series and loop.]
      clmath.tar                   [Numeric math 1984]
      ontic/                       [ONTIC Knowledge Rep. for Mathematics]
   clmath is a Lisp library of mathematical functions that calculate
   hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, Bessel functions,
   elliptic integrals, the gamma and beta functions, and the incomplete
   gamma and beta functions.  There are probability density functions,
   cumulative distributions, and random number generators for the normal,
   Poisson, chi-square, Student's T, and Snedecor's F functions. Discrete
   Fourier Transforms. Multiple linear regression, Fletcher-Powell
   unconstrained minimization, numerical integration, root finding,
   and convergence. Code to factor numbers and to do the
   Solovay-Strassen probabilistic prime test is included. 
   A technical report describing CLMath is available as MIT AI Lab
   Memo 774, Gerald Roylance, "Some Scientific Subroutines in LISP",
   September 1984. Iterate is Jonathan Amsterdam's alternative to
   series and the Loop macro. For more information, contact jba@ai.mit.edu.

LispUsers Archives:
   The LispUsers Archives, a collection of programs for Medley, can be
   found on 
   The files include a plotting module, addressbook, chat program, clock,
   call-grapher, grep implementation, Tower of Hanoi, Life, lisp dialect
   translator, and fonts. Also on nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu is GTT, an
   implementation of Chandrasekaran's Generic Tasks Toolset, in directory

Amiga LISP implementations:
   There's a repository of Amiga LISP implementations (and other Lisp-like
   language implementations) on gatekeeper.pa.dec.com:/pub/micro/amiga/lisp/.

Inside Computer Understanding:
   Common Lisp versions of the mini programs from "Inside Computer
   Understanding" by Schank and Riesbeck, 1981, are available by
   anonymous ftp from 
   This includes the SAM and ELI miniatures. It will eventually include copies
   of the miniature versions of PAM, POLITICS, and Tale-Spin. The FOR
   macro is also available in this directory, as are a set of functions
   for manipulating and matching lisp representations of Conceptual
   Dependency formulas.  Contact Bill Andersen <waander@cs.umd.edu> for
   more information. 


   The software from Peter Norvig's book "Paradigms of AI Programming" is
   available by anonymous ftp from unix.sri.com:/pub/norvig/ and on disk in
   Macintosh or DOS format from the publisher, Morgan Kaufmann.

   Software includes Common Lisp implementations of:
      Eliza and pattern matchers, Emycin, Othello, Parsers,
      Scheme interpreters and compilers, Unification and a prolog
      interpreter and compiler, Waltz line-labelling,
      implementation of GPS, macsyma, and random number generators.

   For more information, contact:
      Morgan Kaufmann, Dept. P1, 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260
      San Mateo CA 94403, (800) 745-7323; FAX: (415) 578-0672
	Mac          ISBN 1-55860-227-5
	DOS 3.5"     ISBN 1-55860-228-3
	DOS 5.25"    ISBN 1-55860-229-1

NL Software Registry:
   A catalog of free and commercial natural language software is
   available from the Natural Language Software Registry, by anonymous
   ftp from 
   or by email to registry@dfki.uni-sb.de.

TI Explorer Lisp Code:


   The Knowledge Systems Lab's set of Explorer patches and tools. It
   includes in the jwz subdirectory a set of tools written and collected
   by Jamie Zawinski. Send questions to acuff@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Waters' Programs:

   Dick Waters' XP Lisp Pretty Printer is available by anonymous ftp
   as the files xp-code.lisp, xp-doc.txt, and xp-test.lisp.

   The Series Macro is available from
   as the files s-code.lisp, s-test.lisp, and s-doc.txt. The
   Series macro package is described fully in Waters, R.C., "Automatic
   Transformation of Series Expressions into Loops", ACM Transactions on
   Programming Languages and Systems, 13(1):52--98, January 1991,
   MIT/AIM-1082 and MIT/AIM-1083.

   Both programs are also available from the Common Lisp Repository
   described above.

   For further information, contact Dick Waters, <dick@merl.com> or
   <dick@ai.mit.edu>. An improved version of Series is in the works.
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