PI: PI is an interface between Prolog applications and the X Window System that aims to be independent from the Prolog engine, provided that it has a Quintus-style foreign function interface (such as SICStus, YAP). It is mostly written in Prolog and is divided in two libraries: (1) Edipo, a low-level interface to the Xlib functions, and (2) Ytoolkit, a high-level user interface toolkit that allows you to create and manage graphical objects, define new classes of objects, and handle user interaction. PI is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.ncc.up.pt:/pub/prolog/pi_1.2.tar.gz and includes documentation and some demos. Also see ytoolkit.tar.Z. PI has been tested in Quintus Prolog 3.1.1 and SICStus 2.1 #8. Send questions, comments, and bug reports to Ze' Paulo Leal, Universidade de Porto, Portugal, <zp@ncc.up.pt>. XWIP: ftp.x.org:/contrib/xwip.tar.Z (formerly export.lcs.mit.edu) ftp.uu.net:/X/contrib/xwip.tar.Z XWIP is an X Windows interface for PROLOG. XPCE: XPCE is an object-oriented X-window interface toolkit for symbolic programming languages (Prolog and Lisp), offering a high level of abstraction for communication with X11, Unix processes, Unix networking facilities (sockets) and Unix files. XPCE's built-in classes (about 150) are mostly written in C. The XPCE/Prolog interface allows the user to create and manipulate instances of these classes. The user can also create new XPCE classes from Prolog. XPCE's window related classes provide various styles of menus, primitive graphical objects, compound graphical objects and Emacs oriented programmable text manipulation windows. The distribution contains several demo programs, including a diagram drawing tool (PceDraw), an animation demo, an Epoch-like editor, a graphical interface to Unix ispell, and an online hyper-text manual for XPCE itself. A demo version of XPCE/SWI-Prolog for Linux may be obtained by anonymous ftp from swi.psy.uva.nl:/pub/xpce/linux/ []. The non-demo versions (for SWI-Prolog, SICStus Prolog, Lucid Common Lisp and LispWorks) require filling out a license and paying a fee (see the file pub/xpce/INFO). To be added to the mailing list xpce@swi.psy.uva.nl send mail to xpce-request@swi.psy.uva.nl. Send bugs to xpce-bugs@swi.psy.uva.nl. ProWindows 3 is a commercial version of XPCE for Quintus Prolog. For further information, write to Simon Heywood, AI International Ltd, The Chapel, Park View House, 1 Park View Road, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 3EY, phone +44-(0)442-876722 (Sales Hotline +44 (0)442 876448), fax +44-(0)442-877997, or send email to sheywood@aiil.co.uk. ProTcl: ProTcl (pronounced pro-tickle) is a Prolog interface to Tcl/Tk. It has a very simple and lightweight interface, which allows one to evaluate Tcl expressions from Prolog. It defines the tcl_eval/1,2 predicate which passes the Tcl expressions to the Tcl interpreter. It has been tested on ECLiPSe and SICStus, on a Sparc 10. ProTcl is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.ecrc.de:/pub/eclipse/progs/protcl/ The ProTCL home page is http://www.ecrc.de/eclipse/html/protcl.html Send comments and suggestions to Micha Meier <micha@ecrc.de>.Go Back Up