CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Matcher: Regular expression style pattern matcher.
Simple regular expression style matching of a pattern against a
list expression. Note that this is not a full regular expression
Examples of use include:
(match-p '((:star :wild) b :wild d) '(a b c d)) ==> t
(match-p '(b (:star :wild) d (:star :wild)) '(a b c d)) ==> nil
(match-p '(:wild b :wild d) '(a b c d)) ==> t
Version: 21-JAN-91
Requires: Common Lisp
Ports: Fully portable.
Copying: Use, copying, and modification permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Bug Reports: Mark Kantrowitz
Mailing List:
Author(s): Mark Kantrowitz
Contact: Mark Kantrowitz
Authors!Kantrowitz, Lisp!Matchers, Matchers
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:30:10 1995