CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
WINTERP (Widget INTERPreter) is an application development environment
developed at HP. It enables the rapid prototyping of graphical
user-interfaces through direct manipulation of user interface objects
and their attached actions. WINTERP provides an interface to the X11
toolkit (Xt) and the OSF/Motif widget set and a built-in RPC mechanism
for inter-application communication. It includes an object-oriented
2.5D graphics and animation widget based on the Xtango path transition
animation system, the XmGraph graph browser (with graph nodes as
arbitrary WINTERP widgets), and GIF image support. The interpreter is
based on David Betz's XLISP interpreter, which implements a small
subset of Common Lisp and runs on PCs, Decstation 3100s, HP9000s,
Sun3, Sparcs, SGI, and NeXT. XLISP provides a simple Smalltalk-like
object system, with OSF/Motif widgets as real XLISP objects -- they
can be specialized via subclassing, methods added or altered, etc.
WINTERP includes an interface to GNU-Emacs which allows code to be
developed and tested without leaving the editor. WINTERP is a
free-standing Lisp-based tool for setting up window applications.
See Also:
Available free in X contrib directory, or by anonymous
ftp from
as the file winterp-???.tar.gz where ??? is the version number.
Also available from
If you do not have Internet access you may request the
source code to be mailed to you by sending a message to
Version: 2.03 (24-JUL-94)
Requires: Xt and Motif, xlisp
Ports: Runs on IBM PCs, DecStation 3100, HP9000s, Sun3, Sparcs,
SGI, NeXT, 386/486 PC (Linux), IBM RS/6000 (AIX 3.2.5).
Copying: Copyright (C) 1994, Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp.
and Niels Mayer.
WINTERP 1.15-1.99, Copyright (c) 1993, Niels P. Mayer.
WINTERP 1.0-1.14, Copyright (c) 1989-92 Hewlett-Packard Co.
and Niels Mayer.
Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted.
Updated: Wed Oct 12 22:11:50 1994
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Mailing List: (announcements only)
To be added to the list, send mail to
Discussion of XLISP is on comp.lang.lisp.x
Contact: Niels Mayer or
Enterprise Integration Technologies
800 El Camino Real, Fourth Floor
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Authors!Mayer, GUI!Lisp, Graphics, HCI, HP, Motif, WINTERP,
Widgets, X-Windows, XLISP, Xt
xlisp/ The version of XLISP used with WINTERP
v202/ The source code for version 2.02 of WINTERP (X11r6)
v201/ The source code for version 2.01 of WINTERP (X11r6)
v113/ The source code for version 1.13 of WINTERP (X11r5)
papers/ Some documentation and papers about WINTERP
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:31:45 1995