CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
XWIN: Simple X windows for text output from LISP
XWIN is a simple hack for getting X-window text output from a LISP
program. Rather than be tied into a LISP graphics package, it uses a
shellscript to do the windows stuff, and drives the shell script from
Lisp. This makes refresh run quite quickly.
The code is short -- a page or two of Lisp code including comments --
but lets you manage several X windows by name.
On the LISP end the program refers to the X windows by name (a symbol
or other EQ-able object). It would have been even easier to just pass
back the streams and let the program output to them directly, but that
would require that the program pass them around or store them globally
somewhere. It also puts the need to do FORCE-OUTPUTs in the hands of
the main program. So XWIN lets the interface to maintain the list of
posted 30-DEC-91 to comp.lang.lisp
Version: 30-DEC-91
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Bruce Krulwich
The Institute for the Learning Sciences, Evanston, IL
Authors!Krulwich, GUI!Lisp, Graphics, HCI, ILS, X-Windows,
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:31:46 1995