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CUGINI Extensions: NBS/ICST Prolog Utility Library

This package contains various utility predicates, some commonly used, some not. They deal with lists, structures, I/O, sets, numeric facilities, and some extensions of logic and control. Predicates include member; append; maplist; other list-handling predicates; predicates for handling sets represented as lists; type-testing predicates; sorting and merging; readline; a predicate for getting the printable representation of a term; rational number predicates; and meta-logical predicates for dealing with true disjunction and negation.
Origin: (
   as cugini.tar.Z

Version: 30-JUL-88 Ports: Originally for C-Prolog. Should run in Edinburgh-compatible Prologs. Copying: Product of US Government: not subject to copyright. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): John Cugini Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology National Bureau of Standards Keywords: Authors!Cugini, Basic Predicates, Control, Extended Logic, ICST, IO, Lists, NBS, Numeric Facilities, Prolog!Code, Prolog!Extensions, Sets, Structures References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:33:33 1995