CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
DLISTS: Prolog doubly-linked list package.
This is Jocelyn Paine's revised version of a doubly-linked
list-handling package sent to the Prolog Digest by Philip Dart of
Melbourne University. The syntax has been changed slightly to run in
Edinburgh Prolog; otherwise, the predicates are the same.
Philip sent the original package as a joke:
"Following the comments [on the bulletin board] about Fortran as an
AI language, Melbourne University Department of Artificial
Intelligence has decided to convert all of its Fortran AI programs
to NU-Prolog. This package has been written as an aid to this
Doubly-linked list package: Why use boring old single-linked lists
when doubly-linked list could make your list processing applications
run as never before.
P.S. Don't forget to turn off the occur-check in your version of
However, it seems that the package might be useful in those few cases
where you really *do* need circular structures (rather than using
edge-sets to represent graphs), and Philip has agreed to let Jocelyn
redistribute his package on this basis.
Predicates defined:
test Demonstrate the predicates
dPrev(D, _) Get previous node
dNext(D, _) Get next node
dHead(D, _) Get head of list
dTail(D, _) Get tail of list
isD(D) Is this a doubly-linked list?
portray(D) Portray doubly-linked list
dAppend(X, Y, Z) Append for doubly-linked lists
dAdj(L, R) Are these adjacent nodes?
Origin: (
as dlists.tar.Z
Version: 6-DEC-87 (3-NOV-87)
Ports: Edinburgh-compatible Prologs
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Philip Dart
Melbourne University
Authors!Dart, DLISTS, Doubly-Linked Lists, Lists,
Melbourne University, Prolog!Code, Prolog!Extensions
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:33:34 1995