CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
PL2SQL: Prolog to SQL interface
PL2SQL is a Prolog to SQL compiler. It translates database access
requests, which consist of a projection term and a database goal, to
the appropriate SQL query. This compiler may be useful in
Prolog-to-RDBMS interfaces, which often allow SQL queries as string
arguments (e.g. the Quintus Prolog Oracle interface and others).
The compiler allows negation, arithmetic, and aggregate functions.
Email to Mark Kantrowitz from Christoph Draxler on 16-AUG-93.
Version: 1.1 (21-DEC-92)
Requires: standard Edinburgh Prolog
Ports: Runs in Eclipse (formerly SEPIA Prolog), Quintus Prolog,
LPA MacProlog, and some other Prologs.
Copying: Copyright (c) 1992 by Christoph Draxler, Munich.
Use, copying, and distribution permitted, provided that
it not be used in commercial applications without the
prior written consent of the author.
The Prolog to SQL compiler is part of a commercial
package (ProDBI of Keylink Ltd, England). However, in
Draxler's arrangements with them they agreed to allow
the compiler to be distributed for free.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Christoph Draxler
Centre for Information and Language Processing
Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich
Wagmuellerstr. 23
D 80538 Munich
Tel: +49 +89 211 06 64 (211 06 60 secretary)
Fax: +49 +89 211 06 74
Authors!Draxler, Database Interface for Prolog, IO, PL2SQL,
Prolog!Code, Prolog!IO, SQL, SQL Interface for Prolog
The following tech report is included in the distribution:
Chistoph Draxler, "A Powerful Prolog to SQL compiler",
September 1993.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:33:45 1995