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LP: Logic Programming Bibliographies

This directory contains BibTeX bibliographies of Logic Programming conferences and journals. BibTeX entries are included for the proceedings of the following conferences ALP: 90, 92 (Algebraic and LP) ALPUK: 91 (UK Conference on Logic and Programming) CADE: 90, 92 (Itl Conference on Automated Deduction) CTRS: 90, 92 (Conditional and Typed Rewriting Systems) EAIA: 90 (Portuguese Advanced School in AI) EPIA: 89, 91, 93 (Portuguese Conference on AI) FGC: 92 (ICOT: Fifth Generation Computer Systems) ICLP: 82, 84, 86-91, 93 (International Conference on LP) ILPS: 91, 93 (International LP Symposium) JICLP: 92 (Joint Itl Conference on LP) LICS: 86-91 (IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science) LP: 88 (Logic Programming Conference) NACLP: 89-90 (North American Conference on LP) PEPM: 91, 93 (ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Partial Evaluation) PLILP: 90-92 (Programming Language Impl. and LP) RTA: 89, 93 (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) SLP: 84-87, 91 (Symposium on LP) TACS: 91 (Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software) TAPSOFT: 93 (Theory and Practice of Software Dev.) UNIF: 89 (Itl Workshop on Unification) and journals FAC: 90 (Formal Aspects of Computing) IANDC: 82-92 (Information and Computation) JAR: 91-93 (Journal of Automated Reasoning) JLP: 85-93 (Journal of Logic Programming) JSC: 91-93 (Journal of Symbolic Computation) The bibliography can be searched using either WAIS or GOPHER. 1. To search the lp-proceedings using WAIS, use the lp-proceedings.src WAIS source, available from the directory of servers. 2. To search the lp-proceedings using GOPHER, point the client to, and follow the directories "Research/Bibliography/Logic Programming Proceedings". Searching should be easier than retrieving the entire package every time you want to locate a particular article.
Origin:  []

Version: patchlevel 14 (30-JUN-94) CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Contact: Ralf Scheidhauer DFKI Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 D-66123 Saarbr"ucken, Germany Tel: +49 681 302-5313 Fax: +49 681 302-5341 Keywords: ALP, ALPUK, Authors!Scheidhauer, Automated Deduction, Bibliographies, CADE, CTRS, EAIA, EPIA, FGC, IANDC, ICLP, ICOT, ILPS, JAR, JICLP, JLP, JSC, LICS, LP, Logic, Logic Programming, NACLP, PEPM, PLILP, Prolog!Bibliographies, Prolog!Documents, RTA, SLP, Symbolic Computation, TACS, TAPSOFT, Theoretical Computer Science, UNIF, Unification References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:13 1995