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ECLiPSe: ECRC Logic Programming System

ECLiPSe (ECRC Logic Programming System) combines the functionalities of several ECRC systems, including Sepia, MegaLog and CHIP. ECLiPSe includes a Prolog compiler with extended functionality that is Quintus and SICStus compatible, a tightly connected database system based on the BANG file system, a CLP system, and an interface to the Tcl/Tk X11 toolkit. The BANG database can store not only relations, but also any Prolog structures and programs. The CLP system contains several libraries with various types of constraint handling schemes, including atomic finite domains, linear rational constraints, CHR (constraint handling rules) and Propia (generalized propagation). It also supports writing further extensions like new user-defined constraints or complete new constraint solvers. ECLiPSe also includes a profiler, user-definable syntax, metaterms as first-class citizens, coroutining, and unlimited precision integer and rational numbers. **************************************************************** *** NOTE: It is not possible to put ECLiPSe itself in the *** *** Repository or on the CD-ROM, because its use requires a *** *** license agreement and payment of a nominal fee. This *** *** directory contains the ECLiPSe documentation and some *** *** shareware packages that have been ported to ECLiPSe. *** ****************************************************************
   This directory contains the ECLiPSe documentation (ASCII
   and dvi) and some shareware packages ported to ECliPSe.

Version: 3.4 Ports: Sun3, Sparc Copying: ECLiPSe is available for a nominal fee of DM 300 (~$200) -- binaries only -- to all academic and government- sponsored organizations. Send orders or requests for further information to the contact listed below. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Mailing List: To subscribe, send mail to Contact: ECRC Arabellastrasse 17 81925 Munich, Germany Keywords: BANG File System, CHIP, CHR, CLP, Compilers!Prolog, Constraint Processing, Coroutining, ECLiPSe, ECRC, Interpreters!Prolog, Logic Programming, MegaLog, Programming Languages!Prolog, Prolog!Implementations, Prolog!UNIX, Propria, Sepia, Tcl/Tk X11 Interface References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:56 1995