CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
OL(P): Object Layer for Prolog
OL(P), Object Layer for Prolog, is an object-oriented extension to
Prolog. It provides an object-oriented structuring and reuse
mechanism for Prolog in a manner that preserves performance and
semantics. The object-oriented layer is compiled into Prolog without
introducing any side-effects. OL(P) takes the view of objects as
collections of predicates (called methods). To Prolog, OL(P) adds
objects with methods, data encapsulation, instances, and multiple
inheritance. Object methods can access Prolog predicates and vice
versa. The OL(P) incremental compiler translates OL(P) programs to
Prolog programs that don't need runtime interpretation (e.g., no
search is needed for inheritance). OL(P) comes with source code,
documentation, simple built-in project management, some libraries,
and example programs.
Origin: []
Version: 1.1 (23-JUN-93)
Ports: SICStus Prolog and QUINTUS Prolog
Copying: Copyright (c) 1993 Markus P.J. Fromherz and Xerox Corporation.
Use, copying, modification, and distribution are permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Bug Reports:
Author(s): Markus P.J. Fromherz
Xerox PARC, Systems and Practices Lab
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Tel: 415-812-4273
Fax: 415-812-4334
Authors!Fromherz, OL(P), OOP!Logic Programming, OOP!Prolog,
Prolog!Code, Xerox PARC
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:35:28 1995