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Machine readable forms of conference proceedings

This directory contains copies of the following proceedings: ppcp93 Proceedings of the Constraint Programming Workshop after PPCP93. iclp93 Abstracts from the proceeding of the ICLP'93 Post-Conference Workshop on Concurrent Constraint Programming, Budapest, June 24-25, 1993. dfki9339 Manfred Meyer, editor, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Constraint Programming at CSAM93 (St. Petersburg) August 1993. DFKI technical report DFKI-93-39. est93 Estonian Proceedings of Parnu NATO ASI August 1993 Conference on Constraint Programming. natobook Proceedings of Parnu NATO ASI August 1994 Advanced Study Institute Lectures on Constraint Programming.

CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Contact: Brian H. Mayoh Keywords: Benchmarks!Prolog, CLP, Prolog!Benchmarks, Prolog!Documents References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:35:31 1995