CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
PCALL: Scheme code to emulate FUTURE and PCALL.
PCALL is a multi-threaded kernel that provides a pcall facility, an
implementation of futures and suspensions, and a high-level control
operator that allows the definition of partial continuations.
Version: 1.1 (15-JAN-92)
Ports: Tested in MacScheme and Scheme->C.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Christian Queinnec
Ecole Polytechnique and INRIA-Rocquencourt
91128 Palaiseau Cedex -- France
Authors!Queinnec, Concurrent Scheme, FUTURE, PCALL,
Partial Continuations, Scheme!Code, Scheme!Extensions,
Suspensions, Threads
Christian Queinnec, "PolyScheme: A Semantics for a Concurrent Scheme",
in Workshop on High Performance and Parallel Computing in Lisp,
November 4, 1990.
Christian Queinnec and Bernard Serpette, "A Dynamic Extent Control
Operator for Partial Continuations", in Proceedings of POPL-91, pages
174-184, January 5, 1991.
Christian Queinnec, "Crystal Scheme, A Language for Massivel Parallel
Machines", in M. Durand and F. El Dabaghi, editors, Proceedings of the
Second Symposium on High Performance Computing, North-Holland, pages
91-102, October 5, 1991.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:36:11 1995