To: Subject: Status report and test of mailing list Reply-To: No, we have not forgotten you. We should be making the goodies available early next week, probably Tuesday. Here are some answers to questions that some of you have asked, and also a description of the system (for those of you unfamiliar with CScheme). - Disk requirements: They vary, depending on how full a development system you want to install. If you are only interested in debugging your own programs (you are not interested in pretty printing PP, for example), you don't need an editor, and are not terribly concerned about speed (i.e. the interpreter is adequate), then you will need about 2.2 Mbytes of disk space to hold a minimal system, however you may be better off using a different implementation. Our interpreter is big and somewhat clunky. If you want debugging of system code and the compiler, you will need more, at least 10 Mbytes, but I can't say exactly how much yet because the most significant change to be made to the system is teach the compiler how to produce significantly smaller debugging information files. They are currently enormous. If, in addition, you want Edwin, then you will need at least 5 Mbytes more. If you want the works (including sources, etc.) plan on 20 Mbytes+. - OS/2 support: We don't plan any. Please don't try to convince us otherwise. The people currently doing this should be working on their PhD theses and not on this, and have already spent too much time on something that started as a hack. However, if you are not uncomfortable with C, and know OS/2 moderately well, it may be possible for you to do the work (we are willing to answer questions). We are currently using the Zortech C/C++ compiler to build the "microcode" (the C part of the system). Their compiler is supposed to work under OS/2 as well. However, there is some assembly language code (to interface compiled scheme to interpreted scheme and C, and to do some low-level keyboard I/O), which may not be trivial to port. - Graphics support: The short answer is "not yet". We've tried to use Zortech's flash graphics library, but have been marginally successful. We will probably remove the support before making the stuff available because it is too unreliable to be useful, and is otherwise only taking up space. Whenever we have a real Windows interface (later this summer, if all goes well), we will have graphics under Windows. We are not terribly interested in graphics outside of Windows. - Getting the goodies if you don't have convenient FTP access: For the alpha test, we can arrange something on a case-by-case basis after we make the goodies available on the net. If you cannot get the stuff using the net, please send mail again to when you see the availability announcement and we'll arrange something then. If you have limited FTP access, we'd rather have you get the stuff that way even if it means a little more work on your part (the extra work for us is not constant, but linear on the number of people who want a floppy distribution). Once things settle, depending on demand, we will set up some standard floppy distribution with an associated nuissance fee. - Structure of the system: The CScheme implementation consists of two major components, and two major subsystems. The "microcode" is the part written in C (and a little assembly language). It is called the microcode because it has evolved from an emulator for the Scheme-81 chip. It provides the garbage collector, the Scode interpreter, and many primitives of the language (most importantly those having to do with I/O). This is the part of the system that results in a DOS (or Unix) executable, but is useless by itself, since it does not contain a reader (parser), compiler to Scode, a read-eval-print loop, or an error system. Currently, on DOS, the executable (scheme.exe) is about 350 Kb, of which 50 Kb consists of the Zortech flash graphics library which we may drop. The runtime system is written in Scheme and provides all the support that is needed to make the Scode interpreter usable (plus some more). The runtime system includes the rest of the language primitives, the user-level I/O system (ports and channels), the reader, the printer, the compiler to Scode (usually called the syntaxer), the error and interrupt systems, the debugger, the read-eval-print loop, and assorted other facilities. The runtime system is collected into a file called a Scheme image or "band" usually named "". Under DOS, is currently approx. 1.8 Mb. The native-code compiler, called Liar, is an optional subsystem. An image containing the runtime system and Liar is usually called and takes up approx. 4.3 Mb. The code produced by the compiler is adequate, not great, and is pretty large. The code is large not only because of inefficiencies in the code, but also because of support for interrupts and GC, and for mapping the compiled code back to the source and environment structure to enable source-level debugging. The compiler produces .com files (an unfortunate choice for DOS, we know) and .inf files (an unfortunate choice for OS/2, from what we gather). The .com files are the scheme executables (to be loaded into any scheme image, not to be run independently), and the .inf files are the debugging information files loaded on demand when source or reification of environment structure for compiled code are needed. The .inf files are currently huge, but they should be manageable (probably not small) by the time we distribute the stuff. The Emacs-like editor, called Edwin, is another optional subsystem. An image containing the runtime system and Edwin is usually called and takes up approx. 3.7 Mb. Edwin is command-level compatible with GNU Emacs (most of the key bindings are commands are the same), but the "extension" language is Scheme (extended with Edwin-specific facilities) rather than elisp. The internal model for the editor is also somewhat different, so elisp code cannot be trivially trans-literated. There is a project on the way to produce an automatic elisp to Edwin Scheme translator. As far as documentation is concerned, we will provide the current (actually somewhat out of date) MIT Scheme Reference manual, the Unix user's guide, and an addendum for DOS, plus some notes to highlight the differences between the version released for Unix (that matches the documentation) and the (newer) version released for DOS, and installation notes. Later this year there will be a newer manual describing some of the additional facilities.