Installation ************ Unix ==== We will use as an example the installation for HP 9000 series 400 computers. The installation for other Unix systems is similar. MIT Scheme is distributed as a compressed `tar' file. The tar file contains a single directory, called `dist-7.3', and that directory contains subdirectories `bin', `etc', and `lib'. The `bin' subdirectory contains two executable files, `scheme' and `bchscheme'. The `etc' subdirectory contains several files that are used during the installation process. The `lib' subdirectory contains several files and subdirectories that Scheme uses while it is executing. The goal of the installation is to put the executable files in a directory where they will be executed as commands, and to put the library files in some convenient place where Scheme can find them. * First unpack the distribution: gzip -cd hp400.tar.gz | tar xvf - If you do not have the `gzip' program: we have built executables of this program for each of the machines that we support. Either use the executable that we have already built, or else get the gzip sources (from us or from numerous other sources) and build it yourself. * Next, go to the directory that you just unpacked: cd dist-7.3 The easiest way to install the files is to use the "" shell script that we've provided in the distribution. You will need to edit that script to tell it where and how you want Scheme installed. If you want to do something more complicated, or if the script can't easily be made to work for your system, use the script as a guide to installation. * The script assumes there is no pre-existing installation of MIT Scheme on your system. If there is, you may need to edit the script, or delete the existing version (particularly the contents of `/usr/local/lib/mit-scheme', see the later note on editing `libdir'). If you have trouble deleting the binary because it is in use, try renaming it to `scheme.busy' and deleting it later. * The installation script normally uses the command `cp -pr' to copy the files from the distribution directory to their final locations. You can change this by editing the definition of the `install' variable in the `' shell script. Some versions of `cp' do not support the `p' option; using simply `cp -r' in this case is acceptable. Note that most versions of `mv' require the source and destination to be on the same physical device. * The installation script may try to make some symbolic links during the installation. This is normally done using the command `ln -s'. If your system doesn't support symbolic links, or if you prefer to copy or hard-link files, change the definition of the `link' variable in the shell script. * For many systems, a standard place to put executable files is the directory `/usr/local/bin'. If this is true for your system, we suggest installing the executables there. Otherwise, you probably have some other directory that serves the same purpose; edit `' and change the definition of the shell variable `bindir' to be this other directory. * Normally, MIT Scheme's auxiliary files are stored in the directory `/usr/local/lib/mit-scheme/'. If you can, we suggest that you create such a directory and install these files there. Otherwise, create a directory somewhere else and edit the installation script to change the value of the variable `libdir' to be this directory. * If you have GNU Emacs installed on your system, uncomment the definitions of the variables `infodir', `emacslisp', and `movemail' in the installation script. You will also need to edit these definitions so that they correctly indicate where the GNU Emacs files are located. * Once you are satisfied that the `' script is correct, execute it: ./ * After `' finishes, you can delete the `dist-7.3' directory that you unpacked earlier. You should now be able to run MIT Scheme by typing scheme at the command line (if you use the C shell, you may have to type `rehash' before `scheme' will be recognized). PC Operating Systems ==================== This section describes how to install MIT Scheme on DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows NT. We would prefer that the Windows version be used, rather than the DOS version, because we intend to maintain the DOS version only so long as it is convenient. For the most part the installation on any of these platforms uses the same files, and the procedure is similar. It is possible to install MIT Scheme so that it will run under all three operating systems on one computer, but this does require some care with the configuration of the system. Note that we have only tested the DOS version on Microsoft DOS 5.0. System requirements ------------------- MIT Scheme requires at least a 386SX with 8Mb RAM. The bare minimum disk space required is 5.5Mb, which gives you a command line interface for Scheme. We strongly recommend a more advanced environment. To build the Edwin editor band requires an additional 4.3Mb. The whole installation without source code occupies 36Mb of disk. Manifest -------- The installation is split into several files according to functional units and the size constraints of a 1.4M high density 3.5" floppy disk. The following files are distributed: BIN.ZIP Scheme binaries for Windows 3.1/Windows NT DOSBIN.ZIP Scheme binaries for DOS LIB.ZIP Smaller files from Scheme library RUNTIME.ZIP `' band RUNNOFLO.ZIP `' band for DOS machines with no FP hardware EDDEL.ZIP `': a kit to build `' band COMPDEL.ZIP `': a kit to build `' band HELP.ZIP WinHelp User and Reference Manuals BCIRUN1.ZIP Debugging information for runtime system BCIRUN2.ZIP " " " " " BCIRUN3.ZIP " " " " " BCIED1.ZIP Debugging information for Edwin BCIED2.ZIP " " " " BCIED3.ZIP " " " " BCINOFLO.ZIP Extra debugging information for machines with no FP hardware SRCRUN.ZIP Source code for the runtime system SRCUC.ZIP Source code for the microcode (C) SRCED.ZIP Source code for Edwin SRCCOMP.ZIP Source code for i386 compiler WIN32S.ZIP Win32s installation floppy from Microsoft INSTALL.TXT These instructions UNZIP.EXE Program to unpack the `.zip' files Minimal installation on Windows NT requires: `BIN.ZIP', `LIB.ZIP' and `RUNTIME.ZIP'. For the Edwin editor and the native code compiler add `EDDEL.ZIP' and `COMPDEL.ZIP' repectively. Any configuration for Windows 3.1 is the same as for Windows NT except that Win32S also needs to be installed. For DOS the minimal installation comprises `DOSBIN.ZIP', `LIB.ZIP' and one of `RUNTIME.ZIP' or `RUNNOFLO.ZIP'. PC Installation --------------- These installation instructions describe how to install MIT Scheme on one or more of DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows NT. If you are installing for DOS and another operating system, you should do the bulk of the installation using the windowing environment. In each of the following steps the amount of disk space consumed is indicated in square brackets. These sizes do not include the `.zip' files which are required only during installation. 1. MIT Scheme under Windows 3.1 requires the Win32s system (version 1.1) to be installed. If you have not previously installed the Win32s system then you should create a floppy disk containing the contents of the `' file, e.g: a: unzip WHEREVER\ Run the `setup' command on the floppy disk. If you are not sure whether you have Win32s installed, or what version you have installed, try to install it anyway. If you have version 1.0 then the Win32s installation disk will upgrade your Win32s system to version 1.1. a:setup 2. Decide on where to install MIT Scheme. We suggest the default: `C:\SCHEME'. Create the root directory which we from now on refer to as SCHEME. If for example, you choose the default: mkdir c:\scheme cd \scheme SCHEME is the string ``C:\scheme''. 3. In the SCHEME directory unzip the following essential files: `', `' and `' [5.5Mb]. unzip WHEREVER\ unzip WHEREVER\ unzip WHEREVER\ This will create the directory structures `SCHEME\bin', `SCHEME\lib' and `SCHEME\etc', and unpack the essential files. (WHEREVER stands for the place that you have put the `.zip' files, which might be another directory or a floppy disk.) If you have a computer without floating-point hardware (e.g. a 386 machine or a 486SX) and you wish to run the DOS version then you must install the runtime with special floating point support instead of `': unzip WHEREVER\ 4. To install the DOS binaries, unzip the `' file. unzip WHEREVER\ This creates a `SCHEME\dos-bin' directory containing the DOS versions of the `.exe' files. These files are different from the Windows versions, so they are placed in a different directory to allow both versions to co-exist on your computer. It is only the `.exe' files that differ between DOS and Windows. The other parts of the MIT Scheme system are shared. The DOS version will run under Windows 3.1 but not under NT. Either running on DOS or Windows 3.1, the DOS version has *no* graphics support 5. If you are installing for Windows 3.1 only, do *one* of the following: * Put the following line in the `autoexec.bat' file to ensure that the `SCHEME\bin\win31' directory is on the path: path %PATH%;SCHEME\bin\win31 This command must be in a `.bat' file to work. * Copy the files from `SCHEME\bin\win31' into `SCHEME\bin'. 6. If you are installing for Windows NT only, do *one* of the following: * As system administrator add `SCHEME\bin\nt' to the `PATH' in the system environment (using the Registry Editor, `regedt32') * As an individual place `PATH='SCHEME`\bin\nt' in your environment (use the control panel's system option) * Copy the files from `SCHEME\bin\nt' into `SCHEME\bin'. 7. If you are installing for both Windows 3.1 and Windows NT then you must use use environment variables and the `PATH' rather than copying files, i.e. you must arrange for Windows 3.1 to be run with `SCHEME\bin\win31' on the path and for Windows NT to be run with `SCHEME\bin\nt' on the path. This can be done by putting path %PATH%;SCHEME\bin\win31 in the `autoexec.bat' file and adding `SCHEME\bin\nt' to the Windows NT system environment path. 8. If you are installing for DOS there is no need to add things to the `PATH'. 9. If you did not choose the default installation directory, make sure that the environment variable `MITSCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH' is defined: set MITSCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH=SCHEME\lib 10. Now test the installation so far. Under either Windows system, you should be able to get a Scheme system running in its terminal window by running the following from the Program Manager or the File Manager SCHEME\bin\scheme From DOS you should be able to get Scheme running by typing the following at the DOS prompt: SCHEME\dos-bin\scheme If there are any problems at this stage, review the installation so far. Remember that you might have to restart your machine to get the effect of any changes that you made in `autoexec.bat' or the NT registry. 11. Windows versions only. Now you should create a Program Manager group for MIT Scheme. This can be done by running a Scheme program from the Program Manager using the `File|Run' option: SCHEME\bin\scheme -load SCHEME\etc\pmgrp This program creates a program group called `MIT Scheme' which contains * Icons for running scheme in several configurations * Windows Help versions of the Scheme Reference Manual and the MIT Scheme User's Manual. * `Mincer' icons for building the rest of the system At this point only the Scheme icon called `Runtime' will execute. Test it. The other Scheme icons (`Edwin', `Compiler' and `MIT Scheme' shield) should report that they cannot find their bands. 12. Windows versions only. To install the help files, unpack `': unzip WHEREVER\ This installs two windows help files, `user.hlp' and `scheme.hlp', in `SCHEME\bin'. 13. To install the Edwin editor you need to build the `' band. First unpack the delta file `' [1.6Mb]: cd SCHEME unzip WHEREVER\ To build `' start the `build EDWIN.COM band' icon, or run the following command: SCHEME\bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( This will load in `' and create the new band [4.3Mb]. After a successful build the program will exit. The `' band can be used by both the DOS and Windows versions, so you only need to do this step once, even if you are installing for more than one of DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows NT. If you are installing only for DOS you will have to build `' from the command line. Be sure to run the DOS `scheme.exe' rather than the Windows version: SCHEME\dos-bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( 14. To install the compiler you need to build the `' band. First unpack the `' delta file [2.5Mb]: cd SCHEME unzip WHEREVER\ To build `' start the `build COMPILER.COM band' icon, or run the following command: SCHEME\bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( This will load in `' and create the new `' band [4.8Mb]. After a successful build the program will exit. As for Edwin, this step needs to be done only once. If you choose to build this band using the DOS version be sure to run the DOS `scheme.exe' rather than the Windows version: SCHEME\dos-bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( 15. If you want both Edwin and the compiler in one band you should build the `' band. First unpack the delta files [4.1Mb unless already unpacked in previous steps]: cd SCHEME unzip WHEREVER\ unzip WHEREVER\ To build `' start the `build ALL.COM band' icon, or run the following command: SCHEME\bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( This will load in both `' and `' into the runtime band and create the new band [6.7Mb]. After a successful build the program will exit. If you choose to build this band under DOS, be sure to run the DOS `scheme.exe' rather than the Windows version: SCHEME\dos-bin\scheme -large -load SCHEME\etc\build -eval ( 16. Any combination of `', `' and `' may be used. They may be built in any order: it is not necessary to build either of `' and `' before building and using `'. The bands are shared by all of the supported operating systems so you only have to build the bands once, even if you want to use them from, say, both DOS and Windows 3.1. After building the bands you may tidy the MIT Scheme group by removing the mincer icons and recover disk space by deleting the delta files [4.1Mb] and the `' band [2.3Mb] if you do not need it. To create icons that use `bchscheme' instead of `scheme' copy the icons and edit the command lines to change `scheme' to `bchschem' (that is right: no tailing `e'). 17. Debugging information can be installed by uncompressing the `bci*.zip' files in the Scheme root directory SCHEME. The total space required for all of the debugging information is 7.5Mb. The most useful is the runtime debugging info which is in `' through `' [3.6Mb installed]. If you have installed the DOS version for machines without hardware floating point support then `' should be uncompressed also. This must be done *after* the `bcirun*.zip' files. Debugging information files can be installed in the Scheme root directory or in another directory. If another directory is chosen then set the `MITSCHEME_INF_DIRECTORY' environment variable to this directory. `' through `' [3.8Mb installed] hold the debugging information files for Edwin.