This file contains two responses to Elkan's paper, one by Enrique Ruspini and the other by Didier Dubois & Henri Prade. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From: (Enrique Ruspini) Subject: Re: Responses to 'The Paradoxical Success of Fuzzy Logic' Date: 3 Aug 93 00:18:55 After reading for a while rather curious comments and opinions regarding Elkan's paper, I am posting herein a recent evaluation of that work prepared at the request of a number of colleagues. I am posting this message in reply to Lucke's message as a matter of convenience (I cannot remember how to post an original message and my News help file has disappeared) and, therefore, this message is intended to address the whole issue rather than simply respond to Lucke's message. Since he is, however, my avenue to enter Usenet I begin by addressing his concerns: * Lucke's does not understand how a logic where formulas such as "p OR not-p" can have a degree of truth other than 1 can be useful. He is, however, confining his thoughts to uncertainty and probability. If, for example, the degree of truth of the proposition "object O is red" were to be measured (in RGB scale) by the relative proportion of red in O, then a purple object (50% red, 50% blue) will be half red and half not-red. Thus, if he and his friend, not knowing the color of O, were to bet that O is red, they will have to agree to some fair resolution procedure in case that the object is partially red. Simply, FL is not a substitute for probability but a methodology to represent the degree by which a statement matches or resembles another. Its roots lie in notions of similarity and resemblance, not on those of likelihood or propensity. For example, if the wealth of Mr. M is one million dollars stating that he is worth $999,999 is less of a mistake than stating that he is worth $1000 (although, in classical logic, both propositions are strictly false). * Zadeh's logic is distributive and, therefore, the roots of Elkan's mistake do not lie on distributivity but on failure of the law of the excluded middle (as correctly pointed out by Kroger). * Whoever posted a message wondering about "sepulchral silence" in the FL community was a bit overconcerned. Rather, we were both amused and perplexed as to how Elkan's paper (ignoring results so well known that they appear in textbooks) not only passed the referres but actually won an award. Normally, we would not bother to clarify a simple matter that is otherwise obvious to anybody that actually bothers to learn about FL before trying to criticize it (FL skeptics keep popping up repeating worn arguments that were disqualified long ago---we are rather busy doing positive things and cannot answer to all of them). The notoriety that NCAI has given to this work requires, on the other hand, some response. I am afraid, however, that while I will try to answer and clarify valid technical concerns, I will refrain (mainly because of lack of time) to answer opinions based on ignorance of either classical or multivalued logics. In particular, I pledge to stay away from claims based on the notion that the purported paradox requires explanations based on esoteric mysticisms. I hope that you will find the following writeup enlightening and informative. Enrique H. Ruspini ---------------- On the purportedly paradoxical nature of fuzzy logic Enrique H. Ruspini Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International The publication of a recent paper by C. Elkan ("The paradoxical success of fuzzy logic," Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Conference, MIT and AAAI Press, pp. 698- 703, 1993) has been brought to my attention. This work has received particular attention from non-specialists since it was the only paper on fuzzy logic presented at the 1993 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, being also the recipient of one of the "best paper" awards. In this paper, the author purportedly shows that an axiomatization of fuzzy logic, proposed by Gaines, cannot be consistent with valuations over a propositional system if truth values other than zero or one are allowed; i.e., fuzzy logic collapses into conventional logic. Reasonably, many have asked if this paper signals the demise of fuzzy logic. Perplexed by the fact that fuzzy logic has attained considerable success in applications despite this lack of formal soundness, Elkan devotes most of his paper to account for this paradox. His conclusion is that, so far, the inadequacies of FL ".. have not been harmful in practice because fuzzy controllers are far simpler than other knowledge-based systems." This is an extraordinary assertion because fuzzy logic has been successfully applied to synthesize controllers for rather complex systems (e.g., Sugeno's application to helicopter control). Furthermore, some of these controllers have considerably more elaborate architectures than those mentioned by Elkan in his paper. At any rate, even if all the fuzzy controllers developed to date were simple, as Elkan thinks, it is arguable that reliance on a single inferential step would make them less prone to failure. It is altogether too bad that Elkan spent so much time and effort to justify this unwarranted conclusion because, had he spent a fraction of it getting acquainted with some basic results in fuzzy and multivalued logics, he would have found that his theorem is based on incorrect assumptions, his paradox non existent, and his subsequent discussion meaningless. I am bemused, on the other hand, by the efforts of some who have recently posted messages in bulletin boards, trying to explain Elkan's errors on the basis of arguments rooted on Eastern mysticism and on the limitations of the "Western mindset," following a recent trend initiated by questionable articles and books about fuzzy logic written by "philosophers" and "experts." Anybody acquainted with the foundations of fuzzy logic, however, would not have had much difficulty discovering Elkan's mistake as it is well known that many tautologies of propositional logic fail to be valid in fuzzy logic. Assuming therefore that "equivalent" (in Gaines' Axiom 4) means equivalence in the sense of classical logic is bound to lead to error. Perhaps the most famous of the valid formulas of propositional logic that fails to be valid in fuzzy logic is the "law of the excluded middle" asserting the validity of the formula "alpha OR not-alpha," or, equivalently, that of the formula "alpha OR not-alpha IF AND ONLY IF true," where "true" is the propositional symbol denoting the tautological proposition. One does not need to resort to the Elkan's lengthy proof to see that if all tautologies in the classical propositional calculus extended to fuzzy logic, then the only possible truth values are zero and one. To see this in a rather straightforward fashion, note that application of the axioms of fuzzy logic to the formula above leads to max(t(alpha), 1-t(alpha)) = 1, from which it follows immediately that either t(alpha)=0 or t(alpha)=1. Many theorems of classical propositional logic may also be used to derive this result . Elkan's proof---based on the equivalence, in conventional propositional logic, of the formulas "NOT-( a AND NOT-b)" and "b OR (NOT-a and NOT-b)" ---actually assumes the validity of the law of the excluded middle [To see this, simply expand "b OR (NOT-a AND NOT-b)" and note the conjunct "b OR NOT-b"]. One can only wonder to what kind of analysis, if any, this claim was subjected by the NCAI referees, when the author claims, in the discussion following his theorem, that "What all formal fuzzy logics have in common is that they reject at least one classical tautology, namely, the law of the excluded middle," while basing his main argument on an equivalent assertion. Even such a claim about the encompassing lack of validity of the law of the excluded middle is false as can be seen by considering Lukasiewicz's continuous logic L-Aleph-1, which satisfies both the laws of the excluded middle and contradiction while failing to satisfy idempotence and distributivity properties. Applying Elkan's method to this logic, which is based on the functionals t(NOT p) = 1 -t(p), t(p OR q) = min(t(p) + t(q), 1), t(p AND q) = max(t(p) + t(q) -1, 0), it may also be seen that it also collapses into classical logic, as the idempotence property of the disjunction p OR p IF AND ONLY IF p, leads to the equation min(2 t(p),1)=t(p), which again can only be satisfied by t(p)=0 or t(p)=1. Elkan's purportedly shocking discoveries have been long known, being discussed in elementary textbooks on fuzzy and multivalued logics. It is well known, for example (Klir, G. and Folger,N., "Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, Information," Prentice Hall, 1988, pp. 52-59), that if (C,U,I) are complement, union, and intersection operators, respectively, i.e., t(NOT p) = C(t(p)), t(p OR q) = U(t(p), t(q)), t(p AND q)= I(t(p),t(q)), that satisfy the laws of excluded middle and contradiction, then the corresponding logics canbe neither idempotent nor distributive. If Elkan had probed further, he could have proved that all continuous truth-functional multivalued logics "collapse" as well. All of this should give everybody a certain measure of relief but this explanation still does not answer a basic question: What is the meaning, then, of the word "equivalent" in Gaines' Axiom 4 : t(a) = t(b) if a and b are logically equivalent, that led Elkan so far astray? Elkan's discussion certainly indicates that he suspect that it may mean something differentt from equivalence in classical propositional calculus as he assumes in his main result. He seems to think, however, that this is an open question that fuzzy logicians have not pondered about enough. The fact that classical propositional systems do not include, in their semantics, an axiom that mirrors Axiom 4 should have been a sign that deeper insights into the problem were required. In classical logic, logical equivalence between two formulas "alpha" and "beta" is defined as the validity of the formula "alpha IF AND ONLY IF beta," i.e., the truth of that formula when all possible truth values are assigned to their atomic propositional symbols (For example "(p AND q) IF AND ONLY IF (q AND p)" is always true, regardless of whether p or q are true or false). Another way of defining logical equivalence (in classical logic) is to say that "alpha" and "beta" are equivalent when the truth value of "alpha" is the same as that of "beta," regardless of the truth assignments to the propositional symbols appearing in those formulas. A quick inspection of the truth table of the "IF AND ONLY IF" connective shows this definition to be equivalent to that of the previous paragraph. While this is very reasonable something seems, however, to be amiss here. How can we consider an axiom such as Axiom 4 before we even define logical equivalence? If equivalence means that the truth value of "alpha" is always equal to that of "beta," why do we need an axiom to state that this should be the case? In multivalued logics, however, equivalence in the sense of the truth of "IF AND ONLY IF" is not the same as equivalence in the sense of truth-value equality. Although the notions yield the same relation in the Lukasiewicz L3 logic, they are not equivalent in the 3-valued logic of Bochvar (where, if "alpha" and "beta" have the third value 1/2, then "alpha IF AND ONLY IF beta" also has the third value 1/2) In multivalued logics, it is possible to consider several characterizations of the notion of logical equivalence--- each being a reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation between formulas and each having different formal properties (For a discussion of various possible formulations of the concept of logical equivalence in multivalued logic, see N. Rescher's, "Many-valued logic", McGraw Hill, 1969, pp. 138ff). In multivalued logics, in general, and in fuzzy logic, in particular, equivalence is usually defined in terms of the semantics of the "IF AND ONLY IF" connective, itself defined by that of the "IF" connective. Several such definitions have been proposed. Zadeh, for example, originally defined t(p ->q) = max(1-t(p), t(q)), clearly seeking to extend material implication. Trillas and Valverde noted some problems with this definition, proposing instead two families of implication operators with more desirable properties (Cf., R. Lopez de Mantaras, Approximate Reasoning, Ellis Horwood). Seeking a wide characterization of fuzzy logics, Gaines did not choose to specify a particular semantics for the implication operator, requiring only, in his Axiom 4, the use of a reasonable notion of equivalence compatible with equality of truth values. This is the case, for example, when equivalence is defined using the implications families of Trillas and Valverde. It is important to remark, however, that each proponent of a formal approach must define logical equivalence---on the basis of the semantics of that formal system--- in order to provide meaning to Axiom 4. Elkan, however, puts the cart before the horse, with disastrous consequences. Other portions of Elkan's discussion also indicate lack of familiarity with the basic ideas and concepts of fuzzy logic. For example, asserting that an object x has the property "red" to the degree 0.5 (i.e., it is half-red, e.g., purple, in some color-measuring scale) is confused with the probabilistic strength of evidence supporting the assertion that the object has the color red, i.e., Prob(x is red)=0.5. Elkan also argues, incorrectly, that truth-functionality implies intrinsic inability to describe correlation between properties of the objects in a domain of discourse. Such correlations are described, of course, by the "IF .. THEN .." rules of that particular domain (i.e., its "knowledge base"). Although substantive arguments, of a different nature, may be made for the relaxation of truth-functionality, Elkan's deliberations in this regard are way off the mark. Elkan is also misled by the relatively small size of rule-sets in fuzzy controllers. It is generally agreed that the compactness of fuzzy knowledge-bases is the consequence of their inherent ability to describe complex systems by introduction of powerful approximation tools into an inferential framework. By contrast, conventional inferential techniques generally require, in a control problem, the specification of a control value for each conceivable value of the state. Elkan confuses what is a desirable property of fuzzy systems with a supposed lack of important applications of the technology. Much has been said recently about overzealous hype among those propounding fuzzy logic. While quite a few of these claims are certainly true, it is clear from papers such as Elkan that not enough is being done in certain forums to assure that papers dealing with fuzzy logic, either pro or con, are subjected to a fair and competent review process. Many technical conferences and meetings are, in the views of many in the fuzzy-logic community, unfairly hostile to fuzzy logic, while being, on the other hand, ready to accept the work of skeptics with nary an effort to determine its value. Elkan's paper should have never survived the refereeing process, let alone be awarded a prize. ----- End Included Message ----- ----- Begin Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 20:32:33 +0200 From: Subject: Elkan's AAAI paper For your information, please find an answer to be posted to Elkan's AAAI paper : an example of common misunderstanding about fuzzy logic. There have been already many reactions (some very confusing, but also some very good, e.g. by E. Ruspini) to the recent paper "The paradoxical success of fuzzy logic" by Charles Elkan at AAAI Conference this Summer. In the following we just want to briefly repeat the points made orally at Elkan' presentation at AAAI'93 and in more details at IJCAI'93's pannel on Fuzzy Logic and AI. What is fuzzy logic ? Fuzzy set-based logic has at least two very different technical. It may refer to - a logic of VAGUE PREDICATES, with respect to a complete state of information, - a logic of ordinal UNCERTAINTY with respect to incomplete state of knowledge, called POSSIBILISTIC logic. 1. Fuzzy Predicates In the first kind of logic, we are concerned with the degree of satisfaction of GRADUAL properties expressed by vague predicates (e.g. tall, young,...), graded on the scale [0,1]. It allows for fully compositional set operations, in the sense that, for two vague propositions P, Q (such as "John is tall") degree of truth of (P * Q) = F* (degree of truth(P), degree of truth(Q)) where * stands for any binary connective and F* for the associated operation. This is due to the fact that the vague (also called fuzzy) propositions P and Q are no longer elements of a Boolean algebra and that some properties of a Boolean algebra like the extended-middle law : degree of truth of (P or not P) = 1, or idempotency : degree of truth of (P and P) = degree of truth of (P) have to be relaxed if we want a non-trivial calculus on the interval [0,1]. This has been pointed out in the fuzzy set literature for a long time (e.g. Bellman and Giertz "On the analytic formalism of the theory of fuzzy sets", Information Science, 5, 1973, 149-156, and Dubois and Prade "New results about properties and semantics of fuzzy set-theoretic operators", in : Fuzzy Sets - Theory and Applications to Policy Analysis and Information Systems (P.P. Wang, S.K. Chang, eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 59-75). Idempotency is preserved by using min and max for intersection and union respectively but not the excluded middle law, which can be in turn be preserved by choosing max(0, 1 + b - 1) and min(a + b, 1) INSTEAD and then sacrifying idempotency. Said in purely mathematical terms, there are no operations for equipping the real interval [0,1] with a Boolean lattice structure. Note that the impossibility theorem as stated by Elkan is over constrained : it is enough to assume either the excluded middle law or the contradiction low instead of the fourth assumption (since De Morgan laws follow from the 3 first assumptions), in order to get the triviality result. Elkan points out that his assumptions are not compatible with intuitionistic logic. This should not be surprizing since the negation that he uses is involutive. 2. Possibilistic Logic The interval [0,1] can be also used for grading uncertainty pertaining to CLASSICAL propositions (so obeying to ALL the properties of a Boolean algebra). Then due to the incompatibility between Boolean structure and the interval [0,1] already pointed out, the calculus can be compositional with respect to SOME of the connectives only. We can preserve this compositionality with respect to - negation, this is the case with probability calculus where Probability(P) = 1 - Probability(not P) but neither Prob(P U Q) nor Prob(P & Q) are functions of Prob(P) and Prob(Q) except under special supplementary hypotheses on P and Q - disjunction, this is the case of possibility measures introduced by Zadeh ("Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 1978, 3-28), which are such that Possibility(P or Q) = max(Possibility(P), Possibility(Q)) but Possibility(P and Q) is only LESS than or equal to min(Possibility(P), Possibility(Q)) - conjunction, this is the case of the dual necessity measures defined by Necessity(P) = 1 - Possibility(not P), which are such that Necessity(P and Q) = min(Necessity(P), Necessity(Q)) (but are not compositional with respect to disjunction). Possibilistic logic has been extensively developed by our research group and applied to Uncertain, Hypothetical and Default Reasoning. Possibilistic logic is closely related to non-monotonic reasoning concerns (an important class of non-monotonic inferences can indeed be encoded in possibilistic logic). See * Dubois D., Lang J., Prade H. "Advances in automated reasoning using possibilistic logic", in Fuzzy Expert Systems (A. Kandel, ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., 1992, 125-134. * Dubois D., Prade H. "Possibilistic logic, preferential models, non- monotonicity and related issues", Proc. of the 12th Inter. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'91), Sydney, Aug. 24-30, 419-424. * Benferhat S., Dubois D., Prade H. "Representing default rules in possibilistic logic", Proc. of the 3rd Inter. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'92), Cambridge, Oct. 25-29, 673-684. * Dubois D., Lang J., Prade H. "A possibilistic assumption-based truth maintenance system with uncertain justifications, and its application to belief revision", in Truth Maintenance Systems (ECAI'90 Workshop, Stockholm, Aug. 1990) (J.P. Martins, M. Reinfrank, eds.), Springer Verlag, 1991, 87-106. In the most general case we have both to deal with vague predicates and incomplete information. This can be handled both theoretically and practically in the general Zadeh's approximate reasoning framework based on possibility theory. But again compositionality is lost in that extended framework. Didier Dubois & Henri Prade ----- End Included Message -----