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PROLIB: Prolog programs by Carl Bredlau

prolib.tar.gz A collection of programs written by Carl Bredlau and Paula McKerall for ADA Prolog. Includes a residential air conditioning diagnosis system, a symbolic differentiation system, a towers of hanoi program, a sample network path finding algorithm, and code for sorting lists.

   prolib.arc, site unknown

Version: 7-NOV-85 CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): Carl Bredlau, Paula McKerall Keywords: Air Conditioning Diagnosis System, Authors!Bredlau, Authors!McKerall, Network Path Finding, PROLIB, Prolog!Code, Prolog!Fun Programs, Sorting, Symbolic Differentiation, Towers of Hanoi References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:33:42 1995