CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
EDINBURGH TOOLS: Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog utility library.
The Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog Library is a large collection of Prolog
routines, written largely by researchers and students in Alan Bundy's
Mathematical Reasoning Group at the Department of Artificial
Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh.
These programs are all examples of using Prolog programming to deal
with objects and problems of many kinds. Some of them are very good
examples, others are not so; some are well commented, some have
separate documentation, some have none. You may be able to load the
tools for low-level operations into your code ready-made, or you may
not. Browsing through the code will give you an insight into how to
write good Prolog programs.
The Edinburgh Library includes programs for data structure definition
and manipulation, the input and output of structured and unstructured
data, and extensions to Prolog and definitions of parts of the
Prolog system in Prolog. It also includes files relating to the
development of Prolog programs and demonstration and teaching materials.
Programs include advice, a metacircular interpreter for maintaining
extended and-or trees, an implementation of Mackworth's AC-3
algorithm, Winston's arch, association lists, missionaries and
cannibals, a program for bundling/unbundling files, a program for
converting FOPC formulas to clausal form, a program for solving
cryptarithms, implementation of Definite Clause Slash Grammar, the
DEC-10 compatibility file for C-Prolog 1.4a, the 8-puzzle, Evans'
geometric analogy program, simple macro expansion, random number
generators, an implementation of gensym, graph processing utilities,
an implementation of heaps, an implementation of intelligent
backtracking, an interactive cross referencer, lazy lists, list
handling utilities, a Logo-like inference package, rational
arithmetic, an elementary module system, an implementation of Mycin,
ordered set manipulation, an implementation of tic tac toe, a pretty
printer, the N-Queens problem, queue operations, a tokenizer, a
production system, sorting routines, an algebraic expression
simplifier, a code profiler (timer), a toplevel loop, trace, binary
trees, a Prolog type checker, an implementation of unit resolution, a
conditional plan generator, and formatted output.
See Also:
Origin: (
as tools.tar.Z
Version: 6-JUL-88
Ports: Many of the programs run in Edinburgh-compatible Prologs.
Copying: Public domain.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Alan Bundy's Mathematical Reasoning Group
Department of Artificial Intelligence
Edinburgh University
8-Puzzle, AC3, Advice, Association Lists, Authors!Bundy,
Backtracking, Binary Trees, Clausal Form, Cross-Referencing,
Cryptarithms, DCSG, Definite Clause Slash Grammar, Edinburgh,
Edinburgh Prolog Tools, Evans' Geometric Analogy Program,
Expert System Shells, FOPC, Formatted Output, Gensym,
Graph Processing Utilities, Heaps, Lists, Macro Expansion,
Missionaries and Cannibals Problem, Modules, Mycin, N-Queens,
Planning, Pretty Printing, Profiler, Prolog!Code,
Prolog!Tools, Public Domain, Queues,
Random Number Generators, Rational Arithmetic,
Set Manipulation, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tokenizer, Top-Level Loop,
Trace, Type Checking, Unit Resolution, Winston's Arch
Ken Johnson and Robert Rae, "Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog Library",
University of Edinburgh, AI Applications Institute, Programming
Systems Group, Note Number 103 (AIAI-PSG-103-87), November 12, 1987.
[Available as the file readme.txt.]
See index.txt for a list of the files in the library.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:07 1995