Article 9773 of comp.lang.prolog: Xref: comp.lang.prolog:9773 Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog Path:!!!library.ucl!!!usc!!swrinde!!uun et!!quintus!quintus!dave From: (David Bowen) Subject: Re: How to write portable code ???? Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET news account) Nntp-Posting-Host: pokey Organization: Quintus Corporation, Palo Alto, CA References: <2kdj7h$> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 03:36:39 GMT Lines: 33 You can use term-expansion to roll your own conditional compilation. E.g. :- dynamic '$suppress'/1. term_expansion((:-ifdef(X)), []) :- !, ( call(X) -> Suppressing=off ; Suppressing=on ), asserta('$suppress'(Suppressing)). term_expansion((:-endif), []) :- !, retract('$suppress'(_)), !. term_expansion(Clause, []) :- '$suppress'(on), !. This (untested) code is just a sketch; it doesn't handle "else" or do any error checking. But you get the idea I hope. Term expanding a clause to [] effectively discards it. The dynamic predicate begins with a '$' just so that it is unlikely to conflict with a predicate in a program; you could alternatively use a special module to hide it away. -- =========================================================================== David Bowen Chief Scientist Quintus Corporation InterNet: 2100 Geng Road Phone: 415 813 3851 Palo Alto, California 94303 Fax: 415 494 7608 =========================================================================== Article 9786 of comp.lang.prolog: Xref: comp.lang.prolog:9786 Path:!rochester!udel!gatech!!vixen!!msuinfo!!!goa!not-for-mail From: (Richard A. O'Keefe) Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog Subject: Re: How to write portable code ???? Date: 25 Feb 1994 18:01:23 +1100 Organization: Comp Sci, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia Lines: 91 Message-ID: <2kk7o3$> References: <2kdm7a$> <2kflln$> NNTP-Posting-Host: NNTP-Posting-User: ok (Paul Singleton) writes: >Prolog should be seen, not as a language which lacks a source preprocessor, >but as a wide-spectrum language which does not impose an arbitrary dichotomy >between compile-time and run-time constructs. >"Conditional text" is a limited special case of partial evaluation. For the special case of conditional compilation, think of :- , . If is "obviously" false, we can safely drop the clause. (This might result in the predicate disappearing. Fine.) If is "obviously" true, we can drop _it_. Consider simplify(Head :- Body0), (Head :- Body)) :- guard_part(Body0, Guard, Body), ( setof(Guard, call(Guard), Solutions) -> Solutions = [Guard], ! ;/* Guard is false */ !, fail ). simplify(Clause, Clause). /* otherwise */ guard_part((A,Body0), (A,Guard), Body) :- nonvar(A), known_simple_predicate(A), !, guard_part(Body0, Guard, Body). guard_part(A, A, true) :- nonvar(A), known_simple_predicate(A), !. guard_part(Body, true, Body). known_simple_predicate(environment(_)). This Quintus library contains a file I encourage other Prolog providers to adopt that interface. It was very carefully designed to provide answers to the kind of questions that come up when porting. Now plug simplify/2 into term_expansion. (If only every Prolog provided offered term_expansion/2...) Then you would get p(X) :- environment(dialect(quintus(_))), q(X), r(X). p(X) :- environment(dialect(open_prolog(_))), s(X), t(X). p(0) :- environment(dialect(sictus(_))). Compile this in Quintus Prolog and you get p(X) :- q(X), r(X). Compile it in SICStus Prolog, and you get p(0). Compile it in LPA Prolog-386, and you get /* no clauses */ which is _right_. (There shouldn't be an "else" because you don't know what other dialects might do to you.) This is not in the least to *contradict* Paul Singleton, but rather to *illustrate* his point. The code I've shown _is_ a trivial partial executor for Prolog. It will, for example, handle nl :- environment(character(end_of_line(C))), put(C). which would expand to nl :- put(10). on a UNIX system, or to nl :- put(13). on a Macintosh. (This is in fact the wrong way to do it, because VMS, to name but one operating system, supports _several_ line termination methods, so that in one run of a single program, there may be streams using CR, LF, CRLF, counts, or fixed lengths.) What can you do if your Prolog system doesn't support term_expansion/2, other than throw it away and get a better one? Write your own program that _installs_ your suite of files, using code like repeat, read(Clause), simplify(Clause, Simplified), ( Simplified = end_of_file ; portray_clause(Simplified), fail ), ! -- Richard A. O'Keefe;; RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony number 9.