XPCE: An X-window interface for symbolic languages ================================================== (X)PCE ====== PCE is an object-oriented library for the development of user interfaces, meant to be connected to symbolic languages. The development of PCE started in 1985. Since then, various major releases have been designed and implemented. New functionality was guided by research into software architectures for complex interactive systems. PCE has been used in various large (ESPRIT) projects and projects at over 50 universities worldwide. PCE is written in C and based on the X-window environment. PCE can be used interactively. It is, for example, possible to modify user interfaces on-the-fly. PCE provides a rich set of predefined classes, dealing with: * Windows * Graphical objects (boxes, lines, circles, bitmaps, text, ...) * Menu's (buttons, radio-buttons, pulldown/popup menus, ...) * Data representation (hash-tables, chains, name/value sheets, ...) * Programming PCE (classes, methods, instance-variables, ...) It allows for two complementary styles of programming UI's: one can either use the existing set of classes and objects as a library or refine PCE's class hierarchy. New PCE classes and methods can be created at runtime. Methods can be implemented using PCE objects or in the symbolic language (Prolog or Lisp; called the ``host language''). PCE interfaces to the host language through a very small interface. It can normally be connected in a matter of days to any symbolic programming environment, although access to the sources/developers of the environment is desirable for proper interaction between the debuggers of the host-language and PCE. EXAMPLE IN PCE/PROLOG ===================== The object-oriented machinery of PCE is made available by means of four Prolog predicates: new/2 to create objects; send/[2-12] to modify objects, get/[3-13] to get information about objects and free/1 to remove objects. The small demo-program below defines a *very* simple drawing tool consisting of a drawing-area in which you may move and resize objects by dragging with the middle-mouse and a panel that lets you add new boxes and ellipses to the drawing-area. demo :- new(DA, picture), % create drawing area new(P, dialog), % create dialog panel send(P, below, DA), % put panel below drawing-area send(DA, label, 'Drawing Tool Demo'), % append buttons with actions send(P, append, button(box, message(@prolog, add_box, DA))), send(P, append, button(ellipse, message(@prolog, add_ellipse, DA))), send(P, append, button(quit, message(DA, destroy))), % open on the screen send(DA, open). % Declare @shape_recogniser as a recogniser of events that allows % the user to resize and move graphical objects. :- pce_global(@shape_recogniser, new(handler_group(new(resize_gesture), new(move_gesture)))). % Call-back from `message(@prolog, add_box, DA)': add a box to the % drawing-area and attach move/resize event-recogniser to it. add_box(DA) :- send(DA, display, new(B, box(100, 50))), send(B, recogniser, @shape_recogniser). add_ellipse(DA) :- send(DA, display, new(E, ellipse(100, 50))), send(E, recogniser, @shape_recogniser). APPLICATION AREA ================ Many UI-building systems offer good support for building dialog-windows containing buttons and various kinds of menu's. Besides these, PCE offers high-level support for interactive graphics and an EMACS look-alike editor with support for `buttons', annotations and multiple (proportional) fonts. These features make PCE suitable for: * Interactive Graphics (direct manipulation of diagrams) * Hyper-text systems * Graphical visualisation of data * Interactive UI building tools PORTABILITY OF PCE ================== PCE is being developed on the SUN SPARC architecture using GNU-C and MIT X-windows version X11R5 (Xlib and Xt libraries). It has been ported to the IBM RS6000 machines running AIX and the IBM version of XMotif and the DEC workstation running Ultrix and DecWindows. An experienced C-programmer should be able to port it to any machine that fully implements X11 (R3 or later) and has 32 bits word-length. The interface to Unix is limited to simple file access and should thus be easily portable. The full list: MACHINE OS WS REMARKS ======= == == ======= * SUN SPARC SunOs 4.1 MIT X11R4/5 Only using GNU-C 2.1 OpenWindows 2 or later OpenWindows 3 * IBM RS6000 AIX 3.1/3.2 XMotif Using native-C and gcc 2.4.5 or later * Silicon Graphics MIT X11R4/5 GNU-C 2.1 * DEC Ultrix 3.1 DecWindows Tested version 4.1 INTERFACES ========== As stated above, PCE can easily be connected to almost any symbolic language, provided a full integration with C-code is possible (calling C and be called from C). Access to the sources is generally necessary to get good debugging support. Currently the following interfaces exists. LANGUAGE VERSION REMARKS ======== ======= ======= * SWI-Prolog 1.8.6 Copy-left, obtainable through ftp from swi.psy.uva.nl. Used for our own development. * Quintus Prolog 3.1 Commercially supported version called ProWindows-3/XPCE. Contact sheywood@aiil.co.uk for sales info. * SICStus Prolog 2.1#7 Interface implemented in cooperation with SICS. Requires patch-level #7. * Lucid Common Lisp 3.0.5 and up 4.0.1 and up Used for our own development. * LispWorks 3.1 DOCUMENTATION ============= * Programming in PCE/Prolog Introduction to the PCE/Prolog environment. * PCE/Lisp: PCE Common Lisp Interface Introduction to the PCE/CommonLisp environment. * A C++ Interface for XPCE Describes the interface to C++, which may be used to create stand-alone executables as well as mixed XPCE/C++/Prolog programs. * PCE-4 Functional Overview Overview of funtionality provided. * PCE-4 User Defined Classes Manual (to appear shortly) Creating PCE classes from Prolog * PceDraw: An example of using PCE-4 Extensive example (User defined classes in PCE/Prolog). * Hyper-text online reference manual: manpce/0 All documentation is available in (TeX generated) PostScript format using anonymous ftp to swi.psy.uva.nl (, directory ~ftp/pub/xpce DISTRIBUTION ============ PCE can be shipped after signing a licence agreement (see below) with the University of Amsterdam. Distribution is in source-form, either by ftp or tape. The sources may not be redistributed and should be treated as confidential material. They may be modified, but the copyright notices and information of origin and authors should be left in place. FEES ==== The distribution includes C-sources of XPCE; Prolog-, Lisp- and C-sources for the various interfaces; documentation; SWI-Prolog sources. The licence fee for academic institutions is 500 ECU (1 ECU= US$ 1.25 approx.). For non-academic institutions 2000 ECU. For European institutions these prices exclude VAT. LICENCE/ORDERING ================ The licence agreement is below. It is written in LaTeX. If you cannot print it, you may ftp a PostScript version from swi.psy.uva.nl or apply for a printed version at xpce-request@swi.psy.uva.nl. Please fill out *two* copies and send them by surface-mail to: Ms. L. Zandvliet, SWI Roetersstraat 15 1018 WB Amsterdam The Netherlands You will be sent an invoice. AUTHORS ======= The development of XPCE was started by Anjo Anjewierden. The package was then called PCE. He designed and implemented version 1 and 2. Version 3 is the result of joint effort from Anjo Anjewierden and Jan Wielemaker. This was the last version based on SunView. Version 4 has been designed and implemented by Jan Wielemaker. It makes the full object oriented mechanisms underlying PCE available to the Prolog or Lisp programmer and is based on X-windows rather than SunView. FURTHER INFORMATION =================== Documentation: In PostScript format using ftp from swi.psy.uva.nl ( Directory ~ftp/pub/xpce. Information: xpce-request@swi.psy.uva.nl Mailing-list: xpce@swi.psy.uva.nl (apply through xpce-request@swi.psy.uva.nl) ================================================================ \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{5pt} \nofiles \begin{document} \begin{center} { \Large \bf Software Release Agreement } \\ \vspace{1cm} { Licence No. ...... } \vspace{1.5cm} \end{center} The undersigned, representing the institution identified below and hereafter referred to as the Licensee, accepts the software and associated documentation known under the name \vspace{5mm} \centerline{\Large \bf PCE version 4} \vspace{5mm} hereafter called the work, and agrees to the following conditions set out below and in Schedule A regarding its use and/or distribution. The department of Social Science Informatics (SWI) of the University of Amsterdam, hereafter referenced as the Licensor, grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferrable licence to use the work only for internal educational, evaluation and research activities. The Licensee shall not distribute the work or any part thereof to others or sell products or services based on the work, including educational and research services, without the express permission of the Licensor. \newlength{\tag} \settowidth{\tag}{Authorised Signature: } \newlength{\rest} \setlength{\rest}{\textwidth} \addtolength{\rest}{-\tag} \newcommand{\fillin}{\dotfill\mbox{}} \newcommand{\onlydots}{\mbox{}\fillin} \newcommand{\next}{\\[7mm]} \vspace{1cm} \makebox[\tag][l]{Licensee:}\fillin \next \parbox[t]{\tag}{Name and address of \\ Institution:}% \parbox[t]{\rest}{\onlydots \next \onlydots \next \onlydots} \next \makebox[\tag][l]{Authorised Signature:}\fillin \next \makebox[\tag][l]{Date:}\fillin \next \vspace{0.5cm} For the department of Social Science Informatics~(SWI), University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB~~Amsterdam, The Netherlands. \vspace{1cm} \makebox[\tag][l]{Authorised Signature:}\fillin \next \makebox[\tag][l]{Date:}\fillin \vspace{1cm} \begin{center} \Large \bf Schedule A: \\ Conditions of the Software release Agreement \end{center} \begin{enumerate} \item[Prerequisites] The licensee is responsible for obtaining any further licence that may be necessary to provide the computing environment required by the said work, such as for Unix\footnote{Unix is a trademark of AT\&T} and Prolog or Lisp. Rights implied by this Software Release Agreement shall never exceed the rights implied by such further licence(s) nor shall any rights implied by such further licence(s) exceed the rights implied by this Software Release Agreement. \item[Limitations on use] This Software Release Agreement does not permit the Licensee to use the work or any part thereof for any commercial purposes. \item[Non-disclosure] The licensee shall take all precaution to maintain the confidentiality of the work; these precautions shall be at least equivalent to those employed by the receiving organisation to protect its own confidential information. \item[Non-exclusivity] The Licensee recognises that the work is released on a non-exclusive basis and the Licensor shall have the exclusive right to grant licences to others or to make such other use of the work as it shall desire. \item[Credits] All credits in the work, both in listings and/or documentation, whether names of individuals or organisations, will be retained in place by the Licensee. The Licensee will acknowledge in any published copy or in any other use of the work the authorship of the work and the fact that the work was developed at the Licensor. \item[Product warranty] The work is released on an ``as is'' basis, and there is no warranty expressed or implied as to the functioning, performance or effect on hardware or other software. The licensee recognises that the Licensor is not obliged to provide maintenance, consultation or revision of the work. \item[Future releases] This licence does not entitle the Licensee to further releases of the work. \item[Legality] All parties will not be bound by any statement other than those included in this copy of the Contract and its accompanying Schedule and this Contract shall be governed by the Dutch law. \end{enumerate} \end{document}