ChezSybase: A Chez Scheme interface to the Sybase database. Version: 1.0 (25-MAY-94) Description: A foreign function interface to Chez Scheme to allow calls to the Sybase db-lib, the API to the Sybase database, and a high level Scheme-like interface so you can forget about db-lib. Most of the db-lib calls and datatypes are supported. I believe the two exceptions are: spotty support for text and image data as this datatype was being introduced as I wrote the code, and no Scheme support for the datetime datatype -- dates and times must be supplied to SQL as a string and returned to Scheme in a CONVERT()ed column as a string. There is no Scheme datetime datatype. Working but not really commercial grade code. There is no separate documentation, the code (and makefile) was only tested on a VAX not under Unix, there are a few hacks to avoid linking to shared libraries -- because this didn't work and I didn't want to spend the time figuring it out, and there are a few applys in the code (and lots of executed applys) because I wanted robustness and didn't want to work on speed optimizations. Also, the user of the routines might want more control over the scope of some of the C foreign functions, glue routines, and db-lib functions to package them for an applications programmer, a bunch of stuff is put into the global environment. Requires: Chez-Scheme, Sybase db-lib Copying: Permission is granted to use this code and text so long as this copyright notice is included in it's entirity and so long as any program or product derived from this code is not sold, excepting for money charged to cover the cost of distribution. The intention here is to provide the code for people to play with and use in their programs, including programs which they use in the course of their business, but to retain my rights to the code so that I can get something if somebody starts making lots of money by selling a program based on my work. Bug Reports: Author(s): Karl O. Pinc