-*-text-*- SPS SPS Version 1.6.01 (Chez Scheme Version) 25 Mar 1993 This is the Semantic Prototyping System (SPS). SPS is a suite of programs, written in Scheme, for rapid prototyping and testing of language definitions written using denotational semantics. It consists of an ML-style typechecker for a large subset of Scheme, along with an LL(1) parser and transducer generator. The system is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.ccs.northeastern.edu It consists of 2 files in directory pub/wand/sps: -rw-r--r-- 1 wand 1768 May 20 11:28 README -rw-r--r-- 1 wand 69687 May 20 11:28 sps.tar.Z Login as anonymous, use your name as password. Set file type to I (Image or Binary). Send me E-mail to let me know you've gotten a copy, so I can send updates if any. shar files are also available if you prefer. The current version of SPS is written in Chez Scheme. Load it as follows: 1. Load Chez scheme. 3. Execute (load ".....top.s") where .... is the path name for the directory where SPS resides. If you intend to use the tools system seriously, it is recommended that you re-boot scheme, loading the types system before dumping. The resulting heap image can be loaded by using Chez Scheme with the -h option in the command line. As of 6 Jul 1993, the distribution includes patches for running SPS under MIT Scheme 7.1.3 . See the directory mit-scheme for details. Mitchell Wand College of Computer Science, Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue #161CN, Boston, MA 02115 Phone: (617) 373 2072 Internet: wand@ccs.neu.edu Fax: (617) 373 5121