Computer Graphics 2: 15-463, Spring 1996
Administrative Info
Place and Time:
Tue/Thu 9:00-10:20 in Doherty Hall A317.
To get there, go to Wean 5th floor and walk east.
Paul Heckbert
- Office: Doherty Hall 4301A
- Email:
- Office Hours: Thu 10:30-11:30, or by appointment (send email)
Teaching Assistant:
Michael Garland
- Office: Doherty Hall 4301H
- Email:
- Office Hours: Wed 2:00-3:00
Teaching Assistant:
Prem Janardhan
- Office: Wean Hall 2303
- Email:
- Office Hours: Tue 10:30-11:30
Non-electronic handouts missed in class may be picked up from my
Phyllis Pomerantz
- Office: Doherty Hall 4301G, x8-7897
- Email:
What's where
- The class Web page is the
primary online source for documents and info.
The URL is
or .
- The class newsgroup is cmu.cs.class.cs463.
This bboard will serve as
a Q&A forum. Feel free to ask questions or exchange information.
We'll read the group and answer. We'll also post important official
announcements there, as well as in the WWW page.
- Each registered student will get a subdirectory in
named after her/his last name, to be used for electronic
submission of assignments, and to meet your class-related storage
needs. To get a directory you need to
sign in electronically via the Web.
- 15-462 or equivalent,
linear algebra, and a little calculus.
Some of the topics you're expected to know from
462 are computer graphics modeling, including knowledge of 4x4
affine and perspective transformations, parametric surfaces,
and polygon scan conversion.
Required Text
- Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice,
2nd edition in C. Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes.
Addison-Wesley, 1996.
(The 2nd edition not in C is also OK).
Optional Texts
- Digital Image Processing, Gonzalez and Woods. Addison-Wesley,
This book is good for the first 1/3 of the course.
- Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques, Watt and Watt.
Addison-Wesley, 1992.
- An Introduction To Ray Tracing, Andrew
Glassner (ed.). Academic Press, 1989.
- 65% homework (probably 4 programming and 2 written). Late
policy: 14% off per school day.
The programming assignments will be:
- Assignment P1: morphing animation
- Assignment P2: ray casting (non-recursive ray tracing)
- Assignment P3: recursive ray tracing
- Assignment P4: radiosity
- 35% midterm & final
Assignments must be done by you alone unless you have permission
from the instructor to work in a group.
You can use any language or machine you like.
Accounts are available on
the Silicon Graphics workstations in Doherty Hall 2300, which have
24 bits per pixel.
Contact Michael Garland for an account, and Phyllis Pomerantz for a key
to the room.
The machines in this room are Indy's and Personal Irises.
Machines with 24 bits per pixel are recommended, since several of the
assignments require high quality filtering, which is very difficult
to judge on a dithered 8 bit display. 1/15/96