Things To Do: Version 1.0
- Fix up the Hit part about displaying the anchor destination so that it searches correctly for an anchor style at point, rather than simplistically checking the innermost style only. Also, do the same for image maybe. What if it's an image inside an anchor? Print all src and href at spot.
- Bug: when hitting return near the bottom of the screen, if the cursor goes off the screen, it's gone forever!
- Bug: entities (e.g. the " stuff), inside or close to anchors cause the anchors to be placed around the wrong region. I don't know why.
- Want a nice way of making sublists. Worked out: see the paper.
- Want to make sure that list items are attached to currently existing lists. e.g. inserting a new item above a list, appending a new item below a list. etc. Worked out: see the paper.
- Bug with anchors when using the dottedbox effect: it seems to draw lots of boxes. Perhaps it's when an anchor is close to another anchor or something? This looks like an auis bug, rather than my bug.
- Get dt/dd lists working in a usable manner. Andy would like to be able to make a set of paragraphs into a list. Worked out: see the paper.
- Get a whole load of keypresses set up for all of the nice functions [njw]. This is a simple modification of the init file.
- Create a function to "sub" an area of text: find all headers and decrease their value (e.g. header1 -> header2). And the other way, of course. [tony]
- Work out a way of linking to another document in the same way that the ATK hyplink works. Requires HTTP support & more.... much later.
- Get the root attributes working correctly. See later
- Allow cut & paste of singleton list items.
- Fill out the help page, so that new users can understand exactly how to use the object: esp how to get it set up to automatically work...
- Add a header object, to contain all of the attributes; if there was a fenced readonly bit at the start of the document, which contained the attributes TITLE, etc....
- Allow <isindex> to be placed anywhere in the document, and allow other form-like entities to be placed in the document at arbitrary spots. Perhaps, allow a FORM view to be placed into a document....
- Documentation: explain the way in which you can add a template of your own. Rationalize the flags and codes which are distributed between stylesheet and code.
- Add a "Sign Document" function, which takes environment variable, or looks at
for your name . Reads a ~/.signature.html file perhaps?
- Add more HTML stuff, esp LINKS
- Get the tagItem routine to make the tags readonly fenced
- Link the HTTP library to the frame object, so that frame understands retrieving and putting HTTP documents. Looking further into this, it seems that the object to be changed is not frame, but the pair of objects "buffer" and "bufferlist". These take a filename and convert it into a buffer. Basically want to alter the fopen's in each of these objects into HTLoad type things. If I can ever grok the HTTP library..?
- The newline of a list-item is part of the list-item. This means that if you hit a CR at the end of the line, it will be inserted before the existing newline and hence be a part of the previous list-item. To get around this, you need to go to the following line and hit ^O. I no longer know if this is true....
Using "plainest/plainer" in the vicinity of a list is a Bad Idea. The "Lists" functions should be used to remove/add list items
Nick Williams