Programming Assignment P1: IMAGE MOSAICING
handout 2 of 2
Rendering, 15-862
due 5 Oct. 95 (by end of day)
This second handout on assignment P1 explains extra credit options:
Make the registration process interactive.
On a fast graphics workstation, such as an SGI with Reality Engine
graphics, you could exploit the real time texture mapping hardware
and make it real zippy.
A nice general technique for controlling projection parameters
interactively is described by
Gleicher and Witkin.
Do automatic registration,
as described by
Szeliski & Coughlan,
Mann and Picard,
or your own method.
additional notes on mosaic work
Use high quality resampling filters to get top quality images.
See pp. 41-60 of
my master's thesis,
Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping.
Generate an entire panorama (360 degrees).
Your final result won't fit in a single perspective projection,
obviously, so use a cylindrical, spherical, or cubical projection
of some sort (maybe you could even put it in Quicktime VR format?).
Paul Heckbert, 26 Sept. 95