Making lyotard hungry/not hungry: (setf (slot food lyotard) 19) = hungry (setf (slot food lyotard) 60) = not hungry Turning on tracing: (setf *trace-hap-goals* t) (setf *trace-hap-goals* nil) to turn off. Looking at features: (call has-feature (slot em lyotard) ') e.g. (call has-feature (slot em lyotard) 'ignoring) returns true or false Features: aggressive, ignoring, content, energetic, friendly Looking at emotions: (call feel-fear (slot em lyotard)) (call feel-anger (slot em lyotard)) returns a list of the form (( )*) (call feel- (slot em lyotard)) returns true/false Emotions: happy, sad, fear, anger, love, hate, hope, pride, shame, admiration, reproach, remorse, gratification, gratitude. Looking at realtionships: (call relationship (slot em lyotard) 'like) (call relationship (slot em lyotard) 'dislike) returns a number [-2 , +2] Relationships: like and dislike How to get net-node of player/lyotard (second (assoc 'player (let ((self lyotard)) (matcher (test (know-of-in-ism (a player ?player))))))) (second (assoc 'lyotard (let ((self lyotard)) (matcher (test (can-see (an actor ?lyotard) (node $$me))))))) Emotions: fear, anger, happy