GINA User Manual 1 24.1.1992 GINA User Manual GINA Version 2.1 for Common Lisp Michael Spenke Christian Beilken Thomas Berlage Andreas BŠcker Andreas Genau GMD (German National Research Center for Computer Science) P.O. Box 1316 D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1 Federal Republic of Germany 0. Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 What is GINA? 1 1.2 What is CLM? 1 1.3 Contents of this Release 2 1.4 Contents of this Manual 2 1.5 Roadmap of the GINA Documentation 3 2. Installing GINA 5 2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 5 2.2 The GINA/CLM Distribution 5 2.3 Printing the Documentation 7 2.4 Compiling CLM 7 2.5 Compiling GINA 8 2.6 Testing GINA 8 3. Using GINA 9 3.1 GMD Installation 9 3.1.1 Using Emacs 9 3.2 Calling the Demo Applications 10 3.3 The Inspector 11 3.4 The GINA Browser 12 3.5 Interactive Application Development 14 3.5.1 Calling GINA Functions from the Editor 14 3.5.2 Debugging and Error Handling 15 4. Cookbook Ð GINA Classes 17 4.1 The Most Important GINA Classes 17 4.2 General Hints 19 4.3 Subclassing Class Application 20 4.4 Subclassing Class Document 21 4.5 Background Processes 23 5. Cookbook Ð Motif Widgets 26 5.1 Using Motif Widgets 26 5.1.1 The Widget Hierarchy 26 5.1.2 Interfacing Widgets and Application 26 5.1.3 Encapsulation in CLOS Objects 26 5.1.4 Callbacks 27 5.1.5 Subclassing Widgets 28 5.1.6 Geometry Management 29 5.1.7 User Customization 29 5.2 Item Lists 29 5.3 Menu Entries 31 5.4 Implementing New Widgets in Lisp 32 6. Cookbook Ð Views and Commands 34 6.1 Views 34 6.1.1 Graphical Output into Views 34 6.1.2 Mouse Input 36 6.1.3 Keyboard Input 36 6.2 Object-Oriented Graphics 36 6.3 Direct-Manipulation Objects 38 6.4 Commands 40 6.5 Mouse Commands 41 6.6 Drag and Drop 43 7. The Interface Builder 51 7.1 Interface Builder Principles 51 7.2 Interface Builder Tutorial 52 7.2.1 Creating Widgets 52 7.2.2 Building the Hierarchy 55 7.2.3 Generating Code 58 7.3 Using the Interface Builder 61 .c.1. Introduction .c2.1.1 What is GINA? GINA is an object-oriented application framework written in CommonLisp and CLOS. It is based on CLM, an interface between CommonLisp and the OSF/Motif software. The Generic INteractive Application is executable and has a complete graphical user interface, but lacks any application-specific behaviour. New applications are created by defining subclasses of GINA classes and adding or overriding methods. The standard functionality of a typical application is already implemented in GINA. Only the differences to the standard application have to be coded. For example, commands for opening, closing, saving and creating new documents are already available in GINA. The programmer only has to write a method to translate the document contents into a stream of characters and vice versa. Motif widgets are encapsulated in CLOS objects (CLOS is the Common Lisp Object System, the upcoming standard for an object-oriented extension of Common Lisp). Instantiating an object implicitly creates a widget within OSF/Motif. Graphical output and direct manipulation with individual graphical feedback are also supported. These features use CLX, the Lisp binding of the basic X protocol. GINA also includes a graphical interactive Interface Builder which treats Motif widgets like MacDraw objects. It can be used to design the layout of windows and dialog boxes. The resources of each widget can be modified, and Lisp code to be used in connection with GINA is generated. The combination of framework concepts, the flexible Motif toolkit, the Interface Builder, and the interactive Lisp environment leads to an extremely powerful user interface development environment. There are 18 demo applications including a Finder to start applications and documents, a simple graphic editor, a bitmap editor, and a simple spreadsheet, each consisting of only a few pages of code. Version 2.1 of GINA is publicly available and includes full documentation. It runs on Allegro or Lucid Common Lisp and on Symbolics Lisp Machines. A version of GINA for C++ is also available. .c2.1.2 What is CLM? CLM is a language binding for Common Lisp and OSF/Motif. It consists of a Motif daemon and a Motif server. The Motif daemon runs on an arbitrary machine in the network and listens for Lisp processes requesting to use CLM. The Motif daemon forks Motif server processes which communicate with their Lisp processes over a TCP/IP connection. When supported by the Lisp system, the Motif server can also be directly forked from the Lisp process. The Motif server offers the functionality of the X toolkit and the convenience functions of OSF/Motif on a network-transparent TCP/IP protocol. A package of Common Lisp functions provides a high-level interface to this protocol. The Motif daemon forks a Motif server process for every application that is using OSF/Motif. This enables multiple Lisp processes using Motif to run in a single Lisp world without getting in trouble with the non-reentrant Motif code. Connections to the Motif daemon can be requested even from remote hosts, which allows client programs running on hardware which is not capable of running X and Motif (e.g. Lisp machines or Lisp boards) to use OSF/Motif for their user interface. The Motif server is implemented in C and is designed to be highly portable. The system-dependent part of the Motif interface is a single Lisp function which is used to establish a connection between Lisp and the Motif server. This function is similar to the CLX function that opens a connection to an X display and is coded in much the same way. The functions that read and write to the connection are coded in standard Common Lisp. For efficiency reasons, some of these functions can also be coded in C and can be integrated using a foreign function interface where available. The Motif server solution is very efficient and results in good performance at the user interface level. Redraw operations and geometry management operations are performed by the X Toolkit Intrinsics and the Motif widgets and are handled locally in the Motif server. User interaction like browsing through menu items is also handled by the Motif widgets and requires only the execution of C code. Interactions like clicking a push-button lead to the execution of callbacks and cause an interaction with Lisp. Client programs can use the graphics functions of CLX for drawing into the Motif DrawingArea and DrawnButton widgets. This is achieved by establishing a second connection to the X server and by directly drawing into the widget's window using raw CLX calls. .c2.1.3 Contents of this Release Version 2.1 of GINA contains CLM, the interface between Common Lisp and OSF/Motif, the GINA application framework library implemented in CLOS, 18 demo applications, the Interface Builder, the Inspector and a Browser to read the online documentation. .c2.1.4 Contents of this Manual * Chapter Installing GINA This chapter describes how GINA is compiled starting with the distribution tape. * Chapter Using GINA This chapter describes how to start GINA, how to run the demos, and how to use the Inspector and the Browser. Some hints are given how GINA functions can be called directly from Emacs. * The Cookbook Chapters These chapters contain information about the GINA classes, their methods, when they are called and in which cases they may be overridden. * Chapter Interface Builder This chapter contains a tutorial on how to build widget trees with the Interface Builder and explains the generated code. .c2.1.5 Roadmap of the GINA Documentation The following documentation about GINA is included in the GINA distribution: * Michael Spenke, Christian Beilken: An Overview of GINA Ñ the Generic Interactive Application, In User Interface Management and Design, Proceedings of the Workshop on User Interface Management Systems and Environments (Lisbon, Portugal, June 4-6, 1990), eds. D.A. Duce, M.R. Gomes, F.R.A. Hopgood, J.R. Lee, Springer Verlage, Berlin, pp. 273-293. A description of the concepts of GINA. Read this first. * GINA User Manual This manual. * GINA Demo Applications Manual A description of 18 simple demo applications, including screen dumps and the source code for the simple demos. It is recommended to build own applications starting from the most similar demo. * GINA Reference Manual Detailed documentation of all classes and their slots, methods and their parameters, functions, macros, and global variables which make up the GINA class library. * The source code of GINA The ultimate documentation. The GINA Reference Manual is an excellent guide to the source code. * Andreas BŠcker: CLM Ñ A Language Binding for Common Lisp and OSF/Motif, User Guide and Reference Manual. CLM is used by GINA. In general, it is not necessary to know details of CLM to program with GINA, but in rare cases it might be necessary to call CLM functions directly. The following books and manuals are recommended for the GINA programmer, because GINA builds on the X Window System, OSF/Motif and Common Lisp: * CLX Manual (from the X11R4 release tape) The most important drawing routines of CLX are encapsulated in GINA methods, but for complicated graphical output the programmer has to call CLX functions directly, e.g. for dealing with graphics contexts, color, etc. * Robert W. Scheifler, James Gettys, X Window System, The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition, Digital Press, 1990 This is the "X Bible". No easy reading, but an indispensable reference. * Thomas Berlage, OSF/Motif: Concepts and Programming, Addison-Wesley 1991, ISBN 0-201-55792-4, 496pp. Although the examples in the book are in C, it helps to understand the Motif concepts and the functionality of the widget classes. * OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference Manual The details of the Motif widgets are not explained in the GINA manuals. You have to refer to the Motif documentation directly. * Steele, Common LISP: The Language, 2nd Edition, Digital Press. * Keene, Object-Oriented Programming in Common LISP, Addison-Wesley. This is an introduction to CLOS. The following is the current list of other papers available about GINA. Most of the papers are available for anonymous FTP on our server in the directory /gmd/gina. * Michael Spenke, Andreas BŠcker: GINA Ñ An Application Framework Based on a Language Binding for OSF/Motif and Common Lisp, The European X Window System Conference and Exhibition, London, 12 to 14 November 1990. A newer, but shorter description of the GINA and CLM concepts. * Michael Spenke, Andreas BŠcker, Thomas Berlage, Christian Beilken, GINAÑA User Interface Development Environment Based on OSF/Motif, Proceedings of the First International Lisp Users and Vendors Conference (Gaithersburg, MD, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 1991) The latest description of GINA, including the Interface Builder. * Thomas Berlage, The GINA Interface Builder, Proceedings of the First Annual Motif Users Conference (Washington D.C., Dec. 8-10, 1991) Describes the GINA Interface Builder. * Thomas Berlage, Michael Spenke: GINA Ñ Ein objektorientiertes Integrationsmodell fŸr die Benutzerschnittstelle des Assistenz-Computers, GMD Jahresbericht 1989. An introduction to the GINA concepts for the non-expert. In German. * Andreas BŠcker, Michael Spenke: GINA Tutorial Notes, Tutorial at Interact «90, Cambridge, 27 August 1990. The slides explain the stepwise implementation of a GINA application, starting with a simple Hello World program up to a little graphic editor. .c.2. Installing GINA .c2.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements GINA requires the following software on the target platform: * The X Window System Version 11 (Release 4 or later). We are currently using the freely available MIT distribution. * The OSF/Motif toolkit version 1.1 or higher. GINA needs the toolkit as a library to link with. If it is not available on your system, you need a source license from the OSF (currently $1000). * A Common Lisp implementation that supports multiple processes inside Lisp, the CLX interface library to the X Window System, and a CLOS implementation (e.g. the freely distributed PCL). We currently support Franz Allegro, Lucid Lisp and Genera. Except for multiple Lisp processes, all the requirements are standards and we are committed to support these standards as they evolve. GINA does not require special hardware features, but the software basis mentioned above strongly suggests a fast workstation (such as a Sun SparcStation) with enough memory (at least 16 MB RAM, 32MB are recommended). A local disk for swapping is also a good idea. Because the X Window System and GINA are networked, the three different components mentioned above may run on different machines. For example, a Lisp machine may support the Lisp part. It connects to some UNIX server where OSF/Motif is running, while the output of both machines is displayed on a PC equipped with X server software or a dedicated X terminal. .c2.2.2 The GINA/CLM Distribution GINA is available as source code with a copyright. The copyright allows arbitrary use of the code as long as the copyright notice is retained. See the file COPYRIGHT for details. The distribution consists of two parts: CLM, a Lisp binding for OSF/Motif, and GINA, the Generic Interactive Application. CLM is a stand-alone package, but GINA requires CLM. You can obtain the distribution by anonymous FTP from in "/gmd/gina" or from in the "/contrib" directory. To install the distribution, create a directory and uncompress and unpack the tar file. Further directions can be found in the top-level README (that is also available as a separate file for FTP) and the files "clm/INSTALL" and "gina/INSTALL". CLM consists of two parts. The first part (directory "clm/lisp") is Lisp code to implement a protocol talking to a Motif server process. The second part (directory "clm/server") is the Motif server that consists of two C programs. GINA itself consists of three parts. The first part is the basic application framework (directory "gina"). The second part is a set of demo applications (directory "gina-demos") to demonstrate the GINA features. The third part (directory "ib") is the GINA Interface Builder. For a finished application at run-time, you do not need the demos or the Interface Builder, but these two parts should be present during development. At run-time, the GINA demo applications need bitmaps (directory "bitmaps") and some demonstration documents (directory "documents"). There is also the "documentation" directory that contains the GINA documentation. While you are developing own applications it might be helpful to have a look at the GINA sources from time to time. The source files in the "gina" directory are organized as follows: * The file package.lisp creates the package GINA. * metainfo.lisp contains macros like defginaclass, defginamethod which are almost equivalent to defclass and defmethod but which allow additional semiformal comments. These comments are collected and form the information base about the structure of GINA used by the Browser. * globals.lisp contains some global variables. * OS-dependent.lisp contains some operating system dependent routines, especially for the file system interface. * classes.lisp contains all class definitions of GINA, because they have to be compiled first. This file is automatically generated by a function in extract-classes.lisp, which has to be called whenever a class definition has been changed. The class definitions are written down in the different source files but are quoted. The source files are scanned to generate the file classes.lisp. * framework.lisp contains the classes application and document. * motif-widgets.lisp contains the encapsulation of the Motif widgets in CLOS objects. * dialogs.lisp contains predefined standard dialog boxes. * views.lisp contains the code for the views (drawing areas) and the objects which can be installed there and moved around. * background.lisp contains support for background processes. * commands.lisp contains the framework for undoable commands. * browser.lisp contains the implementation of the online manual. * in extract-classes.lisp there is a utility to extract the headers of all GINA classes, methods, functions, etc. .c2.2.3 Printing the Documentation The PostScript files for the GINA documentation are contained in the "documentation" subdirectory. Part of the documentation is available in TeX format, the rest was created on the Apple Macintosh. The following documents are available: * CLM Reference Manual (""Ñ70pp.) The LaTeX sources for this manual are located in the "clm" directory. * GINA Reference Manual (""Ñ200pp.) This manual is generated from the same database that the GINA Browser uses. The information comes from comments in the GINA source code and is formatted into a LaTeX file (see the file "extract-tex-manual.lisp" in the "gina" directory). * GINA User Manual (""Ñ65pp.) * GINA Demo Applications Manual (""Ñ59pp.) * GINA overview paper (""Ñ12pp.) The last four documents were created on the Apple Macintosh and are also available in Rich Text Format (RTF), which is understood by many word processors. Simply sending the PostScript files to the printer (lp/lpr) should print the documents (provided you have a PostScript printer, of course). If you have trouble printing the files, there are also plain ASCII versions of all the files. However, some information (especially the figures) is necessarily missing from these files. .c2.2.4 Compiling CLM CLM consists of two parts: the Motif server (directory "server") and a Lisp library (directory "lisp"). The compilation process is controlled by Makefiles in both directories as well as a top-level Makefile in the "clm" directory that calls "make" in the subdirectories. The Makefiles must be edited for your installation regarding the location of the Motif libraries and header files as well as your Lisp version. You must also specify the path names for the installation directories. Futhermore, you have to edit the parameter definitions at the top of the file "lisp/defs.lisp". Typing "make" in a subdirectory compiles the respective directory, "make install" installs the result in the destination directories specified in the Makefile. The server part produces two executables: the daemon process "clm-td" and the Motif interface "clm-server" that is spawned as a child process for each Lisp process. It also produces a one-line shell script "clmd" that starts the daemon and contains the absolute path names of the executables. The three files are usually installed in a "bin" directory. The location of this directory must be defined in "defs.lisp" if the CLM server is to be started directly from Lisp. The Lisp part produces a compiled Lisp library and possibly some object files (".o") that are loaded in the foreign function interface. These files are usually installed in a "lib" directory. .c2.2.5 Compiling GINA To compile GINA, your Lisp system must provide CLX and CLOS. If it does not, you can obtain CLX as a part of the MIT X11R4 distribution and PCL (a portable CLOS implementation) by anonymous ftp from PCL must be at least the "Victoria Day" version (5/22/89). Some GINA demo applications and the Interface Builder require bitmap files. In the file "gina/globals.lisp" you should edit the definition of the variable *bitmap-directories* to include the pathname where you have installed the bitmap directory of the GINA distribution. When using the CLM daemon, this directory must also be mentioned in the environment variable XBMLANGPATH before starting clmd. Each of the three directories "gina", "gina-demos", and "ib" contains a file "load.lisp" that compiles and loads the Lisp code of the respective directory. To compile and load a part of GINA, start your Lisp and ensure that CLM is loaded. Then "cd" to the respective directory, and type (load "load") Remember that the demos and the Interface Builder require GINA to be loaded. .c2.2.6 Testing GINA In order to test GINA you can start the empty application now. Optionally start the CLM daemon and then call (gina:make-application) from Lisp. If the CLM server and the X server do not run on the local host you can supply the keyword parameters :toolkit- host and :display-host. You can also set the global variables gina:*default-display-host* and gina:*default- toolkit-host* before calling gina:make-application. As a result, the (empty) generic application is started. It does not have any special functionality, but a complete user interface. Documents of this application can be saved and reloaded. The window can be resized and scrolled. The arbitrarily placed buttons just beep when pressed. See Chapter 3.2 for a description of how to test the demo applications. You can start the Interface Builder from the Finder. There is a file interface-builder.appl in the documents directory. Double-clicking this file starts the Interface Builder. Alternatively, you can start the Interface Builder by typing (ib::make-ib-application). .c.3. Using GINA .c2.3.1 GMD Installation GINA is installed in the directory "/vol/gina". This directory is available either through the automounter or must be mounted from "zeus:/export/vol/gina". GMD has a site licence for Allegro CL on Sun4 machines, so the hardware requirement is a Sun SparcStation with at least 16 MB RAM. 24 or 28 MB RAM are recommended. A local disk for swapping is highly desirable for the 16 MB configuration. The reason for the memory requirements is that a machine running the X server, the Motif window manager and a simple Motif application already needs more than 8 MB. Lisp with CLOS and CLX statically needs 7 MB, and the GNU Emacs development environment adds another 2 MB. GINA with all the demos and the Interface Builder needs only 2 MB, but if you add the dynamic memory requirements during development, you can see that even a 28 MB machine needs swapping from time to time. Further software requirements are X11 ("/vol/X11R4") and Motif ("/vol/motif"Ñneeded only for shared libraries at run-time). For maximum consistency you should use the Motif window manager (mwm). We have developed a set of icons that you can use for the GINA demo applications. To activate this feature, you should copy the file "/vol/gina/X-initfiles/mwm-icons" into the file ".Xdefaults" in your home directory. If you have not yet used X, you can copy the files in the directory "/vol/gina/X-initfiles" into your home directory: cp /vol/gina/X-initfiles/.* $HOME You can use the command xinit to start a default X environment. You can leave this environment by double-clicking into the upper left corner of the "console" window. .c3.3.1.1 Using Emacs Allegro CL supplies a set of extensions for GNU Emacs that create a comfortable development environment. You can edit the Lisp source in one window, while the Lisp listener process can be controlled in another window. You can directly evaluate or compile regions in the source files. GINA supplies a shell script that starts the Emacs in the necessary configuration. The script should be started in the directory where your source files are located. To start the script, type /vol/gina/bin/allegro-emacs while running under X. You need a file "cl" that specifies which Lisp image shall be started. If you do not have such a file in your source directory, the script creates one that refers to the GINA image. If you subsequently create a custom Lisp image with GINA and your application, you can edit the "cl" file to refer to that image instead, so that you do not have to load your application each time. The Emacs window that appears has two parts. In the upper part you can edit a source file, while input and output of the Lisp image appear in the lower part. If you include the two lines (load "/vol/gina/emacs-support/mouse-add-ons.el") (load "/vol/gina/emacs-support/sun-fkeys.el") in the ".emacs" file in your home directory, you can set the point in either window by clicking into it with the (left) mouse button. In the lower part you can enter input for the Lisp listener as usual. You can reuse previous commands by editing them and then hitting RETURN. You can use all Emacs editing facilities in this buffer. You will find a general explanation of the sublisp mode in the GNU Emacs manual. You can mark a region by pressing the left mouse button on the first character ("setting the mark") and releasing it behind the last character ("setting the point"). Although there is no visible indication of this selection, you can use this region for further commands (e.g. ^W). The most important Allegro extension is to be able to evaluate a region. You must first select the region with the mouse as described above (or in any other way) and then use the command ^C^R. The region is copied into a temporary file and the listener is instructed to load the file. If you want to compile the region instead, you can use the ^U prefix (i.e. ^U^C^R). In this way you can incrementally develop your application by adding or changing parts (functions, methods, classes) and compiling them into the running image. The Allegro extensions are described in detail in the file "/vol/allegro.sun4/emacs/fi/spec.out". .c2.3.2 Calling the Demo Applications You must have the X server running. Start the Lisp world containing GINA and the demo programs (e.g. /vol/gina/bin/gina). There is a set of simple GINA applications available, the most important of which is the Finder. It is similar to the Macintosh Finder but much more primitive. The Finder is started by the call (gina:make-finder) (or alternatively (gina:AC)). There are keyword parameters :toolkit-host and :display-host to specify the hosts where the servers run. As default the host "localhost" is used which means the local machine. You can also set the global variables gina:*default-display-host* and gina:*default-toolkit-host* before calling gina:make- finder. As a result, a window comes up showing the contents of the current directory. Therefore, you should change to the documents directory (/vol/gina/documents) before calling the Finder or you have to make a walk through the directory tree now. Once you have reached the documents directory you can double- click a file name (or select it and then press the start-button) to launch an application. There are application files (xxx.appl) and documents (e.g. the-s.hello) which belong to a certain application. Opening a document implicitly starts the corresponding application if it is not already running. The functionality of the demos is described in the GINA Demo Applications Manual. .c2.3.3 The Inspector You can inspect the slots of each CLOS object of a running GINA application. In the Debug menu there are entries to pop up the inspector box for the application object, the document object, or the main-view of the document. In addition, you can inspect any visible widget using the so called inspect-click (control-right mouse-button). For example, you can look into the interior of a push-button, see which callback is attached to it, move to its parent widget etc. Each object is displayed in a modeless dialog box containing a scrollable list of slots. Each item shows a slot name and its current value. Selecting an item and pressing the Inspect button (or alternatively double-clicking the item) will display the value in an extra box. In this way, you can follow pointers to other objects or zoom into lists. Using the Go back button you can pop up the last inspector box again. Several objects can be shown at the same time in different windows. You can move an inspector box aside and work with the application. In order to display the up-to-date slot values of an object you have to press the Refresh button or select Refresh Inspector form the Debug menu. To get rid of an inspector box you either double-click the upper left corner (mwm menu) or press the Dismiss button. Pressing Dismiss All or selecting Leave Inspector from the Debug menu deletes all inspector boxes. When an object is inspected for the second time, the already existing box is just exposed but not refreshed. Therefore, an extra refresh might be necessary. You cannot directly modify slots using the inspector. However, the last inspected object is always assigned to the global variable *inspected-object*. Therefore, you can easily modify slots in the editor using (setf ( *inspected-object*) ...). The inspect-click can be disabled for an individual application (before it is started) by overriding the slot inspect-click of class application and initializing it to nil. By default, it is initialized to the value of the global variable *inspect-click*. So this variable can be used to turn off the inspect-click for all applications. Analogously, the slot debug-menu and the global variable *debug-menu* control whether the Debug menu is present in an application. .c2.3.4 The GINA Browser The GINA Browser is a self-contained application (implemented using GINA, of course) which can be used to read the online documentation about GINA. The information available via the Browser is equivalent to the information contained in the GINA Reference Manual. To start the Browser you can either select GINA Browser from the Debug menu or start the file gina- browser.appl (in the documents directory) from the Finder. Furthermore, the Browser can be started from the Inspector: Pressing the Browser button will display the class of the inspected object and also will show the corresponding methods. If the Browser is already running, its window will be exposed (and deiconified if necessary). The Browser shows three scrollable lists: A list of classes, a list of methods, and a list of functions, macros, or global variables. One item of these three lists can be selected at any time. The manual entry of the selected item is shown in the text widget at the bottom. All information about GINA classes, methods, functions etc. is stored in a database of CLOS objects. The database is automatically generated when the GINA source code is compiled, because macros like defginamethod, defginaclass are used instead of the normal CLOS macros. These macros are used to specify more detailed descriptions for each routine. When e.g. a method is recompiled the database is immediately updated, and the change is reflected in the Browser. To suppress the generation of the database during the compilation process, the variable *generate-metainfo* at the beginning of file metainfo.lisp can be set to nil before compiling GINA. You can enter a search string and press the filter button to search for items with a certain substring. Using the main menus Classes, Methods, and Other you can display special subsets of the available items. For example, you can display * all classes * the basic classes * the superclasses of the selected class * the subclasses of the selected class * the classes inheriting the selected methods * all methods * the methods of the selected class * methods with the same name as the selected method * all macros, variables and functions * all variables * the constructor function of the selected class. For each method there are flags indicating whether it can be called by the application (c), must be called by the application (C), can be overridden by the application (o), or must be overridden (O). Using the toggle buttons below the method list, it is possible to search e.g. for all methods of class document that have to be overriden in each application. .c2.3.5 Interactive Application Development .c3.3.5.1 Calling GINA Functions from the Editor If at least one GINA application is running, you can execute GINA functions and methods directly from the editor. For example, you can create and pop up a dialog box, or you can resize an existing window, set resources of existing widgets, draw into existing views, move around view objects etc. However, you have to bear in mind, that each application has its private connection to its own Motif server process running the Motif software. In order to make something happen on the screen you have to send requests to one of these server processes. So, first of all, you have to select one of the running applications. By default, the first element of the list *running-applications* is used. This list contains the application objects of all currently running applications. You can call, for example, (focus- application 3) to bring the third application to the front of the list. As soon as you have focussed on the desired application, you can execute any call you would normally place in your application code, but you have to place the calls inside the body of the macro with-application-stopped.For example, (with-application-stopped (pop-up (make-modeless-dialog-box "Test" :resize t))) will pop up an empty dialog box with the title "Test". The macro sets some global variables, so that the connections of the focussed application to its Motif server and the X server are used, and stops the Lisp process of the application so that no synchronization problems can occur (e.g. two processes reading from the same connection). Another example: (with-application-stopped (setq box (make-modeless-dialog-box "test" :resize t)) (setq view (make-view box :width 200 :height 300 :document (first (document-list *application*)))) (install (make-direct-manipulation-object 100 100) view) (pop-up box)) This code creates a dialog box containing a view with a rectangular object that can be moved and resized. All operations on this object are automatically undoable! (See section 6.3 to find out why!) Inside the body of the macro you can refer to the variables *application* and *display*. *application* denotes the focussed application, and therefore can serve as a hook to reach all objects within an application. For example, (with-application-stopped (resize (main-shell (first (document-list *application*))) 400 500)) resizes the shell for the first open document of the focussed application. The effect can be immediately observed on the screen. For your convenience, the macro will always call xlib:display- force-output for *display*, which denotes the connection to the X-server. So you can call CLX functions or GINA methods encapsulating them, and the result will immediately appear on the screen: (with-application-stopped (draw-line (main-view (first (document-list *application*))) 10 10 50 50)) The GINA Reference Manual contains a lot of examples like that. Most of the examples can be directly copied from the Browser window into Emacs and be executed. The variable *inspected-object* always holds a pointer to the last object visited by the Inspector. So you can walk to a relevant object using the Inspector, and then invoke operations on it from the editor. If you want to make a quick test where code is executed inside a callback, you can override the method test-callback of your document. This method is called whenever the entry Test- Callback in the Debug menu is executed. The default method just pops up a dialog box. .c3.3.5.2 Debugging and Error Handling To output debugging information in your programs, you can test the flag (debug *application*). You can turn on the debug flag of an application using the entry Debug On/Off in the Debug menu. Errors reported by the X server can come in asynchronously, so that it is hard to figure out what the reason for an error was. You can set the slot clx-synchronous of class application (or the global flag *clx-synchronous*) to run the connection to the X server in synchronous mode. All errors will be reported from inside the Lisp function which caused them. The flag "just print errors" in the debug menu determines, whether errors are just printed or the debugger is entered. If errors are just printed, the program reenters the application main loop. This works in many cases, but some errors may have effects on the subsequent execution of the program. When the debugger is entered, there is the problem that two processes are trying to read your input as soon as a GINA application runs into an error: The Lisp listener is waiting for the next Lisp form and the debugger is waiting for an indication how to proceed. Usually, the prompt is always the wrong one, e.g. when the debugger prompt appears, the Lisp listener will read the next input. It is usually safe to enter all commands twice, because they probably do not have an undesired effect on the normal Lisp listener. The debugger offers a restart option for the main loop, or you can abort the complete application process. In the rare case that the CLM server runs into an error, it will produce a core dump and quit. The application windows disappear, but the Lisp process will not recognize that the connection to the CLM server was closed and continue waiting for input. You have to abort this process. Note that an additional error can occur if you start your application once more for the Finder while the old process still exists. The Finder will conclude (from *running-applications*) that the application is already running and just try to expose its window. There is a cleanup action at the end of each GINA process that will update *running-applications* before the process dies. In rare cases it might be necessary to modify the variable *running- applications* by hand. .c.4. Cookbook Ð GINA Classes .c2.4.1 The Most Important GINA Classes A typical GINA application consists of a lot of objects which inherit behaviour from the GINA classes. The figure shows the most important GINA classes and the interconnections of the objects existing at runtime. There is exactly one object of class application (or more precisely: of a subclass of class application) for each running GINA application program. The application object holds a list of document objects, one for each open document the user is working with. Each user action already executed for a document is stored in a list of command objects which form the base for undo- and redo-operations. Documents itself are invisible, they store the internal representation of the document contents and create a shell to display the contents. The shell is the root of a tree of Motif widgets. The leaves of this tree are widgets (like the scrollbars in our example) or views, which are empty widgets where the application can draw using the X Window primitives. Graphical objects within a view are also modeled as CLOS objects. Here is a short overview of the GINA classes: * APPLICATION This class constitutes the main program of a GINA application. It contains the main event loop translating incoming events into messages to other objects. At runtime there is exactly one instance of a subclass of class application, differing from the superclass at least in its name, signature and the type of document objects used. * DOCUMENT This class corresponds to the documents seen by the user, which are created by the user by a new or open command, and can be saved to a file. The programmer defines a subclass of document adding slots describing the contents of the application specific document. Furthermore, he has to override the methods write-to-stream and read-from-stream, so that the document contents can be saved to and restored from a file. GINA calls these methods when appropriate, e.g. in reaction to a save, revert, open, or quit command executed by the user. The programmer also has to override the method create-windows. In this method the window is created which represents the document on the screen. * SHELL Shells are toplevel-windows which can be moved, resized, and iconized by the user (using the window manager). The shell classes typically used are the document-shell, which already contains a menu bar and is used to represent a document, and the classes modal-dialog-shell and modeless-dialog- shell which are used for dialog boxes . * WIDGET This is the superclass of all Motif widgets. Special widgets like scrollbar, push-button, etc. are subclasses of this class. * VIEW Views are drawing areas where the contents of a document are represented graphically. The programmer can override the method draw of class view and call the graphical primitives of the X Window System inside this method. GINA calls this method whenever any part of the view has to be redrawn. Views can also react to keyboard and mouse input. To achieve this, the methods button-press and key-press can be overridden which are called when the corresponding events are received. * VIEW-OBJECT Instead of overriding the draw method of class view it is also possible to install view-objects at a certain position within a view. View-objects have their own draw method defining their individual shapes. The draw method is called whenever a view- object becomes visible. Mouse events are propagated to the object hit when desired. There are methods to move and resize view-objects. A typical example for view-objects are the objects of a graphical editor like MacDraw. * DIRECT-MANIPULATION-OBJECT This is a subclass of view-object. These objects can be selected, moved, and resized using the mouse. Methods can be overriden to define individual feedback during dragging operations, non-standard highlighting of selected objects etc. The subclass movable-icon covers an important special case. * COMMAND Command objects form the base for undoable commands. Each relevant user input leads to the creation of an object with superclass command, where all parameters of the command are stored. The execution of a command is performed within the method doit which is always overridden by the user. Later, GINA can call the method undoit (also overridden) which contains the inverse operation. Therefore, the application programmer has to define a subclass of class command for each kind of undoable command supported by his application. * MOUSE-DOWN-COMMAND This is a subclass of class command which is initiated when the mouse goes down in a view. As long as the mouse button is held down and the mouse is moved around, an application specific feedback is shown in the view. A typical mouse-down- command is dragging a rubberband rectangle in a graphic editor. For dragging objects across window and application boundaries, the class drag-command is available. .c2.4.2 General Hints We recommend that you put your application into its own package and "use" the package GINA. The macro defginapackage performs this task independent of the Lisp platform. GINA classes often have shared slots (with :allocation :class). There is only one copy of such a slot which is shared by multiple applications. Be careful not to setf these slots in your application, because this has consequences for other applications. In order to modify a shared slot you have to override it in your subclass. If its value is identical for all instances of your subclass, you can again specify :allocation :class. Otherwise, you can leave out the specification resulting in :allocation :instance. GINA also uses before and after daemons for accessor functions. For example, when you setf the slot modified of class document to T, an after daemon is called which makes the save menu entry sensitive. Therefore, you should not directly modify slots of GINA classes. That means: Never modify GINA-defined slots with slot-value or with-slots. For each GINA class, there is typically a constructor function like e.g. make-label for class label. The constructor function of a subclass calls the constructor of the superclass. For example, the constructor make-push-button calls make-label because push- button is a subclass of label. However, make-label normally creates an object of class label. Therefore, each constructor function has a keyword parameter :class to specify a different class. make-push-button calls make-label with :class «push-button. Moreover, the class push-button has some additional slots. Therefore, each constructor has a keyword parameter :initargs which is a list of key/value-pairs to initialize the slots of the subclass. .c2.4.3 Subclassing Class Application You have to define a subclass of the GINA class application in your application program. Typically, you override the slots name, document-type, signature, and file-type with a new :initform. See the Demo Applications Manual for examples. You can specify :allocation :class for these slots, because they are never modified and have identical values in all instances. The name of an application is used in several contexts e.g. in the title bar of the main window of the application. Document-type is the subclass of the GINA class document used in your application. When the user performs a new command, GINA will create an instance of this subclass. The file-type is used when documents are saved. For example, the graphic editor has file-type "gredit" and consequently the documents are stored in files like mydoc.gredit. The signature is a short string serving as a unique identification for your application. It is written into the header of each document saved to a file and is later used to determine the application which has to handle the document, when it is opened from the Finder. If you want to start your application from the Finder, you have to create a file like myapp.appl which contains just the signature in double quotes. The signature can also be used in the .Xdefaults file to identify your application and to set resources for it. For example, to define the icon used for the graphic editor demo you can insert the line Mwm*gredit*iconImage: /vol/gina/bitmaps/gredit into your .Xdefaults file. You also have to call the function register-application to insert a line in a central table (*loaded-applications*) of GINA which stores the mapping from signatures to application classes, so that your application can be started when its signature is found in a file. You can define a constructor function like make-xxxx-application (which in turn calls make-application) for your convenience, but it is not called by GINA. GINA just calls make-application with the appropriate :class parameter. Therefore, you should not place any initializations into your constructor function, but instead add an after daemon for the method initialize- instance. If you want to do initializations using the connections to the X server and the Motif server, you can override the method startup-actions of class application. It is called by GINA somewhat later when the global variables *display* and xtk:*motif-connection* are already set. For example, you can open the fonts used by your application in this method. Similarly, you can override the method cleanup-actions to do any cleanup before your application is finished. Each application can start another application using the function start-file. The parameter is just a pathname. GINA determines whether the pathname denotes a document, an application or a directory, and then starts a new application or tells an already running application to open a new document. GINA uses the method send-message to inform the running application. This is a simple, but powerful mechanism for inter- application communication. You can use it for your own purposes. The message transmitted can be any lambda- expression, function, or callback, which will be executed by the receiver as soon as it enters the main event loop again. Normally, your application does not do anything but wait when the user does not perform any action. However, you can override the slot idle-timeout of class application and thus tell GINA that your application should periodically be woken up. For example, a timeout of 0.5 means that the method idle-action of your application is called every half second. The default version of idle-action does not do anything, but you can override it. See the demos Clock and Tetris as examples. The idle-action is periodically called even when user input is performed between two subsequent timeouts. However, you can call the method restart-timer, to start a new, full time interval. .c2.4.4 Subclassing Class Document You have to define a subclass of the GINA class document in your application program. Typically you add some slots holding the application specific contents of your document. When a document is saved to a file the information stored in these slots is transformed into a sequence of ASCII characters. You do not have to define a constructor function for your document class, because GINA directly creates an object of the class stored in the application object. Initializations can be placed in an after daemon for the method initialize- instance. You override the method create-windows in order to define the representation of a document on the screen. Typically, in this method an object of class document-shell or a subclass of it is created and assigned to the slot main-shell. GINA must have this pointer to the shell object e.g. to delete the shell when a document is closed. If you have used the Interface Builder to define your main window you call the constructor function of the subclass of document-shell generated by the Interface Builder. Otherwise, you create the complete widget tree within the method create-windows. You also can add new menu entries to the menu bar or remove some of the standard entries which make no sense in your application. If your widget hierachy contains a view, you have to assign it to the slot main-view of class document. It will then be, for example, redrawn when the user selects the revert menu entry. In create-windows only those widgets should be created which do not depend on the concrete contents of the documents. When an existing document is opened, first of all the header containing the shell size is read and assigned to the slots shell-width and shell-height. Next your method create-windows is called. When the document-shell is created the slots shell-width and shell-height determine the size of the shell (provided that there are no explicit size parameters for make-document-shell). Next your method read-from-stream is called. You can create widgets in this method which depend on the document contents. However, you must also take care to destroy any existing widgets representing the old documents contents, because read-from- stream is also called when the user selects the revert menu entry. When a new document is created, the default values of the slots shell-width and shell-height are used. The default for class document is :auto which means that the shell size is computed from the widgets within the shell. You can override the two slots in your document subclass. Again, create-windows is called to create the content independent part of your window. Afterwards GINA calls the method display-empty which does not do anything by default. You can override this method to create widgets which are present only in an empty document. When the user executes a revert command to go back to the last saved version of his document, the size information in the header is read, and the shell is resized. Next, read-from-stream is called and then redraw-views. This method redraws all views so that the display correctly shows the internal state of the document which is modified by read-from-stream. If there are any widgets displaying document contents, for example scales representing an integer (like in the Micky demo) you have to update the current value of the widget (by setf value). You can do this either in read-from-stream or add an after daemon to redraw-views. As already mentioned, you have to override the methods read- from-stream and write-to-stream when your documents can be saved in a file. Your task is to translate the document contents into a stream of characters and vice versa. This is quite easy when you write out representations that can be read by the Lisp reader. GINA calls these methods in response to open, save, save as, close, quit, and revert commands executed by the user. GINA pops up standard dialog boxes, performs some error checking, for example whether a file is writable, and finally opens the file. The resulting stream is passed to your method. If you want different dialog boxes you can override the methods select-new-file and select-old-file. Each document contains a slot modified indicating whether the document contents differ from the saved version. You should call (setf (modified doc) t) whenever you change the document contents. Command objects automatically set this slot when doit is called. You should not access the slot directly, without the accessor, because GINA has installed an after daemon for it, updating the sensitivity of the save menu entry. If you also want to dynamically change the sensitivity of menu entries you can override the empty method command-executed which is called whenever a command is executed, undone, or redone. Normally the length of the command history is infinite because the slot max-history of class document is initialized to nil. You can, however, override this slot and define a maximum number of commands to be stored. For example, 1 means that only the last command is undoable, 0 means that no undo is possible at all. .c2.4.5 Background Processes In GINA you can have multiple background processes in a single GINA application. Using background processes it is possible to perform extensive computations while the user interface still responds to user inputs. For example, the computation can be aborted. Without a background process, executing (sleep 60) in a callback will block the application for one minute without a way to interrupt. Not even expose events will be processed during this period. For each application, there is always exactly one main process running the main event loop and there can be several background processes which can draw into views using CLX and call CLM functions to create, modify, or delete widgets. A background process should be started using the macro in- background-process: (in-background-process (document) ... ...) A new process is started which executes the body of the macro. The macro immediately returns the newly created process. Within the body the global variables *application*, *display*, and xtk:*motif-connection* are set so that calls to CLX and CLM are possible. (The function xlib:display- force-output must be explicitly called to flush the CLX buffer.) Also the GINA error handler is set up which will print the error and terminate the process. The keyword parameter :terminate- on-error can be used to prevent the macro from setting up the error handler. Note that modal dialog boxes cannot be popped up from a background process because they start a second (recursive) main event loop. However, a modeless dialog box can be used with the additional Motif resource :dialog-style set to :full- application-modal so that no further input is allowed in the main window. Background processes always belong to a document. They are registered in the slot background-processes of class document. The method kill-background-process of class document can be used to kill a single process. The method kill-all- background-processes sends a kill signal to all background processes and waits until they are all dead (which can take some time because of the cleanup actions in unwind-protects). kill- all-background-processes is called by GINA when a document is closed. Because all processes work in the same data space, it is sometimes necessary to synchronize access to common data structures using locks. In CLM there is already a lock for each connection which guarantees that only one request is handled at a time. You can explicitly prevent other procesees from calling CLM functions by the macro with-clm-connection. CLX also uses such a lock (see xlib:with-display). In order to synchronize access to data structures of class application and class document there are slots semaphor in both classes which contain a lock. The macros with-application and with- document can be used for this purpose. GINA calls with-document when the slot background- processes is modified and when a process is killed. Therefore, you can prevent a background process from being killed for some time by using with-document. GINA also guarantees that a process is not killed in the middle of a CLM request by using with-clm-connection in kill-background-process. The macro with-progress-bar can be used to create a background process and additionally to display a dialog box which contains a variable message, a scale indicating the progress of the computation and an abort button. For example, (with-progress-bar (doc :title "Sleeping") (loop for i from 1 to 10 until (progress-bar-aborted) do (sleep 1) (indicate-progress (* 10 i)))) displays a dialog box, increases the value of the scale in steps of 10, and can be terminated by pressing the abort-button. There are some keyword parameters which control apperance and behavior of the dialog box: * the flag :modal controls whether other user input is allowed or pressing abort is the only possible action * :title and :message are strings displayed in the dialog box * the flags :abortable, :centered, and :with-scale control whether the abort button is sensitive, whether the scale is displayed and whether the dialog box is in the middle or below the main shell * the flag :kill-on-abort controls whether the background process is killed or is itself responsible to ask periodically whether abort was pressed Within the dynamic extent of the macro with-progress-bar the two functions progress-bar-aborted and indicate-progress can be called. The first function checks whether the abort button has already been called. The second function is used to update the scale value to the current percentage and optionally to display a new message. The "pacmen" demo gives an simple example of how to use background processes. The Lisp Listener demo and the Mandelbrot demo also use background processes. .c.5. Cookbook Ð Motif Widgets .c2.5.1 Using Motif Widgets This chapter briefly explains the nature of the Motif widgets and their encapsulation in GINA. For a more detailed description see the Motif documentation and reference. .c3.5.1.1 The Widget Hierarchy The visible part of a GINA/Motif application is a strict hierarchy of Motif widgets. According to their position in the hierarchy there are two different categories of widgets. Primitive widgets are the leaves of the tree. They are simple rectangular areas on the screen with a Motif-defined appearance and behaviour. Composite widgets are containers for other widgets. Their children are completely contained within their parent. A composite widget often does not have a distinctive appearance, but only manages the geometry of its children. Independent subtrees of the widget hierarchy, such as secondary windows or dialog boxes that can be moved independently, start with a shell widget. Although the shell widget must have a parent, the parent is most often only necessary for administration purposes. In most cases GINA supplies a default parent. A shell widget must have exactly one child, usually a composite widget that manages all the parts of the independent window. Application-specific functionality is implemented in empty widgets that are available as views in GINA. View behaviour is implemented by a combination of GINA and CLX facilities. CLX is the library that supports plain Xlib drawing in Lisp. .c3.5.1.2 Interfacing Widgets and Application The parameters controlling appearance and behaviour of widgets are called resource fields. The different resource fields are documented in the Motif reference manual for all Motif widget classes. Most of them can be changed dynamically. User actions such as activating a button are reported by the widgets as callbacks. A callback can be associated with a method of the application that is executed when the callback is triggered. Callbacks that are not associated with any method are simply ignored. .c3.5.1.3 Encapsulation in CLOS Objects As a convenience, the Motif widgets that reside in the CLM server are encapsulated as CLOS objects on the Lisp side. The class hierarchy on the CLOS side need not and does not mirror the class hierarchy on the Motif side exactly, but there is one CLOS class for every Motif widget class. Some GINA widget classes are abstractions built on top of Motif components to create a more uniform interface for the programmer. For example, a GINA radio-button-group consists of a label, a frame, and a row-column with a number of toggles. This combination is a single instance of the class radio- button-group. You only need to know the internal structure if you want to set special resources of the components, such as the shadow thickness of the frame. For these rare cases, the subparts are exported as read-only slots of the widget. Every GINA widget class provides a constructor function that defines the most frequently used resource fields as parameters. For example (make-push-button parent "OK" :activate-callback (...)) creates an instance of the push-button class. The first parameter of the constructor is the parent object in the hierarchy. There may be more positional parameters and usually a number of keyword parameters. All other resource fields can be specified in the parameter :motif-resources, e.g. (make-push-button parent "DoIt" :motif-resources (list :shadow-thickness 5 :margin-height 4)) Only a few resource fields of the widgets are cached as slots in the CLOS objects to avoid duplicate storage. A setf daemon updates the resource value when the slot is changed. Another daemon is installed for the slot accessor to read the current value (see resource slots in the class descriptions in the reference manual, also the method update-slots). All resource fields can be read with get-motif-resources and written with set- motif-resources. .c3.5.1.4 Callbacks For every callback defined by a widget class there exists a slot in the CLOS encapsulation. Setting this slot also sets the callback in the Motif widget. (setf (activate-callback push-button) #'(lambda () (xlib:bell *display*))) Important callbacks can be specified in the parameter list of the constructor function. In this case the default value causes a method of the CLOS class to be executed. You can either override this (empty) method in a subclass or specify a callback function in the parameter list. A callback function can be every compiled function or lambda expression. Be careful to specify the correct number of parameters, they are different for each callback. The correct parameter list is specified in the GINA Reference Manual. For example, the activate-callback of a push-button has no parameter, while the value-changed-callback of a scroll- bar passes the new value as parameter. You can also use a so-called callback object. Callback objects are CLOS objects that are created with make-callback. A callback object not only contains the function to be called, but also a list of static arguments that are always passed to the function. This feature is most often used to call a method of a specified object in the callback. For example (make-scrollbar parent :value-changed-callback (make-callback #'set-volume speaker)) This expression creates a scroll bar that calls the method set- volume when the value is changed by the user. The first argument of the method is the object speaker. The arguments of the callback, in this case the new value, are passed as additional parameters of the method. Therefore, the method set-volume must be defined with two parameters. A callback can also be a list of functions or callbacks that are called in succession. .c3.5.1.5 Subclassing Widgets You can define subclasses of the GINA widget classes to define widgets with special appearance or behaviour. For example, you can define a class beep-button as a subclass of push-button that beeps when it is pressed. In the constructor function make- beep-button you call the superclass constructor make-push- button. To allow for the subclass, the constructor functions have a parameter :class that can be set to 'beep-button in the subclass constructor. If a subclass has additional slots, the keyword parameter :initargs may be used to supply a list of keyword-value pairs where the keywords must be a defined initarg of the subclass. (defclass beep-button (push-button) () (:documentation " A push-button that beeps")) (defun make-beep-button (parent &key (class 'beep-button) (initargs nil) (motif-resources nil) &aux new-beep-button) (setq new-beep-button (make-push-button parent "Beep" :show-as- default 5 :class class :initargs initargs :motif-resources (more-motif-resources :alignment :center))) new-beep-button) (defmethod execute-activate-callback ((bb beep- button)) (declare (special *display*)) (xlib:bell *display*)) .c3.5.1.6 Geometry Management A principle of the Motif toolkit is that the geometry (size and position) of widgets should not be specified explicitly. Because the user of an application can choose an arbitrary font through the resource database mechanism of X, an explicitly specified geometry is only valid for a certain situation. Furthermore, a fixed layout does not make use of resizable windows. Therefore the layout of a main window or dialog box is controlled by a composite widget that follows a certain layout strategy. The chosen font and the current size of the window are taken into account by this composite widget. The layout strategy can be influenced by choosing an appropriate widget class and by setting resource fields that are defined by this class (such as spacing between children). There are two general widget classes in Motif that are designed as universal geometry managers: the row-column widget that produces a regular layout, and the form widget that handles constraints for the layout of its children. .c3.5.1.7 User Customization You should avoid setting resource fields in your program that only affect the presentation (such as fonts and colours), because they cannot be overridden by the user if set in the program. The user can express preferences in his .Xdefaults file. Specific widgets in an application can be addressed by name. The name is a keyword parameter with the CLOS class name as default (converted to lowercase). For example, *push-button*background: pink shows all push buttons with no explicit name in all applications in pink. .c2.5.2 Item Lists GINA has unified some Motif widget classes that originally have different programmer interfaces by providing an item list abstraction. The following GINA widget classes support item lists: selection-list, option-menu, toggle-button-group, radio-button-group, toggle-group-entry, radio-group- entry. Only the Motif selection list supports the item list more or less directly. In the other widgets, which are composed of more elementary Motif widgets, item lists are implemented by reconstructing the array of buttons when the item list is changed. For the classes that support item lists, the item list must be specified as a positional parameter on creation, e.g. (make-selection-list parent '("helvetica" "times" "courier")) Originally, the list widget supports an item list consisting of a list of strings. For easier identification in Lisp, each item in the list can be accompanied by a value that is kept on the Lisp side as an identification in the value-changed-callback. This value is most often a keyword, but can be any Lisp object. If a value is supplied for a string, both are enclosed as a sublist, e.g. (make-option-menu parent '(("Normal" :normal) ("Bold" :bold) ("Italic" :italic))) Strings with values can be mixed with strings without values. In the latter case the string is also regarded as the value. Item lists are not directly available as slots. Instead, you have to use set-item-list to change the item list of a widget dynamically. You should be aware that this is a rather expensive operation for all widgets except the selection list, because a number of button widgets will be destroyed and then created again. Except for the list widget, you can also introduce separators at arbitrary places between items by specifying :separator as an item in the item list. The purpose of the item list in all these widget classes is to allow the user to select one or more items from the list. The selected values are available as the slot value. Depending on the widget class, this may be a single value or a list of values. For example, the radio-button-group always has a single value, while in a toggle-button-group more than one value can be selected. For the list widget it depends on the selection policy whether one or more values can be selected. The values are the second elements of the item list sublists, or the string if no separate value is specified. You can set the value with setf to present a different set of selected items. All these widget classes support a value-changed-callback that is activated when the user changes the selected value. The first parameter of this callback is always the new value, but, depending on the widget class, there may be further parameters identifying the situation, such as the last value or the item that has been toggled. (make-radio-button-group parent '("a" "b" "c") :value-changed-callback #'(lambda (value old-value) (format t "Changed from ~a to ~a.~%" old-value value))) The keyword parameter initial-value of the constructor function specifies what value should be selected initially. (make-toggle-button-group parent '("a" "b" "c") :initial-value '("b" "c")) The default value is either :use-first (if only one value can be selected) or nil. .c2.5.3 Menu Entries The pull-down menu system in GINA (i.e. the menu bar with the associated pull-down menus) is dynamically reconfigurable. Because the entries can be more than simple buttons, a list of strings is not sufficient to describe the menu structure. Instead, the menu system is composed of a hierarchy of menu entry objects. Each menu entry object describes one entry, but is different from the Motif widget implementing the entry. The reason is that the widgets for the entries are destroyed if the menu is reconfigured and are recreated from the information in the menu entry objects. There are four different kinds of menu entries: push buttons, toggle buttons, toggle button groups and radio button groups. Push buttons are used to activate simple menu commands. Toggle buttons represent boolean values. Toggle button groups are used for n-of-many selections (such as text styles) and radio button groups are used for one-of-many selections (such as fonts). The entry objects are constructed as subclasses of menu-entry. Because they only describe an entry, they do not need a parent widget. The parent will be supplied when the entry is installed in the menu. The following code creates a simple button entry. (make-button-entry "Dialog..." #'pop-up-the-dialog) The other entry classes have similar constructor functions to be described below. The entry object returned by the constructor can be used to later change attributes of the entry, such as the label string (this feature is, for example, used to change the "Undo" menu entry in GINA). The entry object must be installed in a main-menu under a certain topic header and an item name. (insert-menu-entry main-menu "Tools" "Dialog" (make-button-entry "Dialog..." #'pop-up-the- dialog)) The topic and item names are used as keys to locate the entry even if the label string is changed later. For this purpose you can use the following method: (setq entry-object (find-menu-entry main-menu "Tools" "Dialog")) Because the above case is the most frequent one, you can use the following method as an abbreviation to install simple button menu entries: (add-menu-command main-menu "Tools" "Dialog" #'pop-up-the-dialog) To change the label string of the entry, you can simply set the slot of the entry object. (setf (label-string (find-menu-entry main-menu "Tools" "Dialog")) "Dialog...") Because the main menu in a standard main window already contains a number of menu entries, you can remove entries with remove-menu-entry and specify a :before keyword in insert- menu-command to specify a certain location within the preinstalled entries. Toggle entries have an additional slot value. You can set this slot with setf, updating the toggle state. A value changed by the user is reported by the callback, which is the value-changed- callback of the toggle button. (make-toggle-entry "Default" '(lambda (new-value) ())) The two types of group entries can either be expanded in place (i.e. the buttons of the group are installed as normal entries) or put into a cascaded submenu. The following code creates a cascaded submenu for font selection. (make-radio-group-entry "Fonts" '("Helvetica" "Courier" "Times") #'(lambda (new-value old-value) ()) :initial-value "Courier") The following code creates a button group in place (make-toggle-group-entry "" '("Normal" "Bold" "Italic") #'(lambda (value toggled-value set) ()) :is-submenu nil) You can dynamically change the set of available entries with set-item-list, just as for other button groups. If you need to create a submenu with individual entries (such as the "Documents" entry in the "File" menu), you can use a toggle button group entry with the Motif resource :indicator-on set to NIL. The functions add-menu-command, make-button-entry and make-toggle-entry have additional keyword parameters: ... &key (accelerator nil) (acc-modifier :alt)) Setting :accelerator e.g. to the string "f" means that the key- kombination ALT-f can used as a shortcut. Instead of :alt, it is possible to define :shift or :ctrl as the :acc-modifier. Note that on SUN keyboards you may have to hold down the diamond- key (meta) instead of the key labelled "Alt" to enter a kombination like ALT-f !! All the constructors for menu entries as well as add-menu- command have a keyword :separator-before. If it is T, a horizontal line is put into the menu before the entry. .c2.5.4 Implementing New Widgets in Lisp (see also the lisp-widgets demo application) If combinations or variations of the predefined Motif widgets are not sufficient, you can implement your own widget classes in Lisp. The Motif widgets are programmed in C, and you can also write new widget classes in C (for performance reasons), but that is much harder than in Lisp. Examples are special sliders, such as the volume control on the Mac or simulated cockpit instruments. Lisp widgets must be implemented as a subclass of view. The size can be specified explicitly when the view is created. However, you should set the resize-policy appropriately, because the widget should be able to resize itself in geometry negotiations, for example if the user shrinks a window. The draw-method of the Lisp widget must be prepared to handle the changing view size. Just as in views, you can program the reaction of the Lisp widget to mouse events in the button-press method, either directly or by using a mouse-down command with feedback. .c.6. Cookbook Ð Views and Commands .c2.6.1 Views Views are drawing areas where the document contents are represented graphically and can be interactively manipulated. Class view is a subclass of widget, the Motif class is drawing- area. Consequently, views are placed in the widget tree, typically as the son of a scroller. However, no particular look and behaviour is defined by Motif. Instead, the Programmer can override the method draw and call the graphics primitives of the X Window System to define the contents of the view. The methods button-press and key-press are overridden in order to react to user input. .c3.6.1.1 Graphical Output into Views For graphical output into views the primitives of CLX are available which are typically called within the draw method. A view has slots x-window and gcontext. X-window is a reference to a CLX window structure corresponding to the Motif drawing area. It can be specified as an argument to CLX functions. Each view also has its own CLX graphics context storing attributes like line-width, font, etc. For optimization purposes, GINA passes the exact area to be redrawn as parameters to the method draw. The number of subsequent calls to draw which will immediately follow is also passed. You can either optimize your draw method so that only the necessary part is redrawn or you can just draw the complete view in the last call (when count equals 0). However, this optimization is only possible in a view without installed view- objectsÑif there are view-objects, count is always 0. The CLX primitives like draw-line, draw-rectangle, draw- circle and draw-point are encapsulated into methods of class view with the same name. For example, the calls (draw-point view x y) and (xlib:draw-point (x-window view) (gcontext view) x y) are equivalent. The x-window and gcontext of the view are implicitly passed to the CLX function. You can find a lot of examples for the use of drawing functions in the GINA Reference Manual. The encapsulation of CLX functions into methods makes it possible for GINA to automatically support WYSIWYG printing of views. When a global flag printing is set, methods like draw- rectangle can generate equivalent Postscript code instead of calling a CLX function. This is, however, still not supported in GINA 2.1. Attributes of the gcontext can be permanently changed for the whole view by a call like (setf (xlib:gcontext-line-width gcontext) 5) The effect of calls like draw-line is different then. See the Graphic Output demo for some examples. New graphics contexts can be generated by CLX calls and be temporarily stored in the gcontext slot of a view. Alternatively, the gcontext can be modified for a short time using the macro xlib:with-gcontext. Example: (xlib:with-gcontext ((gcontext view) :line-width 4) (draw-rectangle view 50 5 40 40)) Here, all attributes of gcontext are inherited, only the line- width is modified for a single call. Views are instantiated by a call to make-view. Typically, you define a subclass of view with its own constructor function calling make-view, the constructor function of the superclass. You should always pass the document shown in the view as a parameter, so that the view is automatically refreshed, when e.g. the document is reverted to the last saved version. Moreover, mouse commands performed in the view are stored in the undo list only if the view belongs to a document. You can place initializations into your constructor function. The graphics context of a view does not yet exist after the view is created because it depends on the X window. To change attributes of the graphics context, to create new ones, or for any other CLX-related initializations that depend on the viewÕs window, you can add an after daemon for the method determine-window-id, which is called by GINA in response to the first Expose event. When the internal representation of your document changes, you can call force-redraw to redraw the whole view or invalidate-rectangle to redraw only a part of it. When the user resizes your view, GINA calls the draw method for any new areas of your view. If even the old parts have to be redrawn, because resizing means, for example, some kind of zooming, you can add an after daemon to the method resized. To allow smooth animations of complex drawings, you can instruct a view to use double buffering. For example, the chess demo uses double buffering so that chess pieces can be moved around smoothly without XOR drawing. Double buffering is transparent to the programmer. If the keyword double-buffering to make-view is specified as T, a pixmap as large as the view is created in the X server and all drawing operations performed by methods of class view, such as draw-rectangle, are redirected into this pixmap. Only the final pixels are copied to the window. XOR-feedback is still directly drawn into the window. The pixmap is also used to handle expose events, so the viewÕs draw method will only be called when parts of the view are invalidated by the application. However, depending on the view size, the pixmap may consume a large amount of memory. Because output is redirected by GINA, you should not use direct CLX drawing operations. .c3.6.1.2 Mouse Input To react to mouse clicks in the view, you have to override the method button-press of your view subclass. This method is called by GINA when any mouse button goes down in the view. The point where the mouse went down is reported in the parameters x and y which hold coordinates relative to the view. The parameter code indicates which button was pressed. It holds a virtual button code like :select, :extend or :toggle. (See the Reference manual for more details.) The use of virtual codes makes your program independent of one, two and three button mice. If you need the real codes you have to override the method handle-button-press, which handles the translation and calls button-press. The parameter repetition indicates if this click is part of a series of subsequent clicks within a short time. For example, if the user double-clicks into the view, button-press will be called twice: once with repetition=1 and once with repetition=2. You can adjust the double-click-interval which is a slot of class view and defaults to 250 milliseconds. A button press may be directly reported to the view-object hit when the slot propagate-button-press is set to T. See Chapter Object-Oriented Graphics below. If you want your program to react when the mouse button goes up and show a graphical feedback as long as the button is held down, you have to use a mouse-down-command (see below). .c3.6.1.3 Keyboard Input In order to react to keyboard input in views, you have to override the empty methods key-press or key-release which are called when a key goes down and the view has the keyboard focus. You can use the method set-keyboard-focus to set the focus to the view, for example in the button-press method. However, there are still focus-related bugs in Motif 1.1. All relevant parameters of the corresponding X events are reported as parameters of the two methods. See the Reference Manual for more details. .c2.6.2 Object-Oriented Graphics Besides overriding the method draw of class view to define the contents of a view, it is also possible to install objects of class view-object at a certain position within a view. View-objects are graphical objects like a circle, a rectangle or any other visible object with application specific semantics. View-objects are similar to X-Windows, but they can have an arbitrary shape and they can overlap. Moreover, they are cheaper than X-Windows and are not known to the X-server, but are just data-structures of the application (the X client). View-objects also have a draw method, i.e. they have to know how to represent themselves. A view calls the draw methods of the view-objects installed in it (after calling its own draw method) whenever a part of the view is refreshed which contains the view-objects. Therefore, object-oriented and procedural graphics can be mixed in a single view, i.e. you can override the draw method of a view and install view-objects in it. In the implementation of the draw method for a view-object, the graphics primitives like draw-line can be called as methods of the view-object. The coordinates supplied as parameters are interpreted relative to the current position of the object within the view. Example: (draw-rectangle view-object 0 0 width height) draws a rectangle at the current position of the view-object. It is important not to draw anything outside the enclosing rectangle of a view-object, because that violates an assumption GINA makes about view-objects and undesired visual effects may occur. Never draw outside the enclosing rectangle of a view-object. Calls to the method button-press are propagated to the view- object hit, provided that the flag propagate-button-press of class view is on. The coordinates of the mouse-click are transformed into coordinates relative to the position of the object. The view-objects are stored in the view in the slot view- objects. Normally, you do not modify this slot, but instead call methods like install and deinstall which in turn modify this slot. However, in some cases the order of objects in this list is relevant: The draw methods of the objects are called one after the other and can overlap. Also, mouse clicks are reported to the first object hit. There may be other objects at the mouse position which come later in the list. Therefore, it might be necessary to rearrange the list view- objects in order to define an application dependent stacking order. For this purpose, a programmer should use setf on the slot and only reorder the objects. View-objects should only be added to this list using install, and removed using deinstall. A new view-object is created by a call to the function make-view- object. Typically, you define a subclass of view-object and call make-view-object in the constructor function of your subclass. You have to specify the width and the height of your object. Even for non-rectangular objects the enclosing rectangle is held in the slots x-pos, y-pos, width and height, because it is used to decide, for example, if an object must be redrawn. Other than widgets, view-objects can exist without a parent, so there is no parent parameter in make-view-object. Instead, there is the method install which is called in an extra step. The position of the view-object within the view is specified in the parameters. A later call to deinstall will remove the object again from the view. The methods move and resize do not only change the size and position of an object, but also make sure that the object is cleared at the old position, redrawn at the new position and any objects that where covered by the object are also redrawn. Simultaneous moving and resizing is handled more efficiently by the method reconfigure. If you are sure, that your objects can never overlap, you can override (not set) the flag overlapping-objects to nil. As a result, operations like moving and resizing will be handled more efficiently. See, for example, the Tetris demo. There are two methods, point-inside and inside-rectangle, which are called by GINA to decide if an object is hit by a mouse- click and if an object intersects with a rectangle to be refreshed. The default methods assume that an object is rectangular. You can override these methods according to the actual shape of your object. In this way, you can specify, for example, that a circle in a graphic editor is not selected, when the mouse is clicked inside the enclosing rectangle, but outside the circle itself. Just like for views, you can call the methods force-redraw and invalidate-rectangle to redraw a complete object or a rectangular part of it. If an application uses many view-objects and their positions and sizes follow some regular strategy, it may be possible to speed up object redraw by overriding the method get-refresh- candidates of the view. The complete list of objects and a region that must be refreshed are passed as parameters. By default, the method returns all view-objects, which are then checked whether they intersect with the region. The method can be overridden to return fewer objects. If the method knows exactly which objects are affected, it may return T as a second value. In this case the returned objects are directly redrawn by GINA without checking. If the method returns NIL as a second parameter, it may return a superset of the affected objects and let GINA check which actually intersect. This is useful if there is a "quick-and-dirty" method that reduces the number of objects to be checked. .c2.6.3 Direct-Manipulation Objects The class direct-manipulation-object is a subclass of class view-object. Instances of this class have the additional property, that they can be selected, moved, and resized using the mouse. The most obvious application of this class are the objects manipulated by a graphic editor like MacDraw. However, most direct-manipulation interfaces are concerned with some kind of dragging or reshaping of objects. The ruler of MS-Word, where tab-marks can be moved around, is another example. The operations performed on such an object are undoable because special types of mouse-down commands are created, when the mouse is clicked into an object. In fact, all these features are already available in the class view- object. You can override the slot facilities to determine which subset of the available operations shall be allowed for an object class. This slot is set to nil in class view-object, disabling all features, while the facilities for direct- manipulation-object enable the maximum number of features. While an object is moved or resized, either an outline of the object is shown as feedback or the object is immediately adapted each time the mouse is moved. By default, outlines are used. You can override the flag outlines to change the default. Like for view-objects, you override the method draw to define the individual shape of an object. In addition, you can override the method draw-outline which by default draws a dashed rectangle. For example, when a circle is moved, a dashed circle might be the appropriate outline. When an object has been selected by the user, this is indicated by four little squares at the corners. You can override the method draw-selected to get a different indication for the state selected. In this method you place additional graphical output which is not produced by the method draw. In the case, that a selected object looks completely different from an unselected one, your draw method should take into account the value of the slot selected, and draw-selected should be empty. You can also change the state of an object by the program using setf selected. An after daemon of GINA redraws the object if the state really has changed. When you override the method draw-selected, it might be necessary to override also the method which-resize-handle, which is called by GINA in order to determine if one of the resize handles is hit by a mouse click. When a button is pressed twice or more in an object within a very short time (double-click-interval) the method double- clicked is called. The default version just beeps. You can override it to define a special reaction to double clicks into your object. However, on the first click, button-press is called, so the double-click action should be a superset of the single-click version. There are two methods of class view-object, constrain- position and constrain-size, that can be overridden to implement constraints for moving and resizing on a per-view- object-class basis. The new position or the new size of the object are passed as parameters. The methods return the nearest approximation that the object allows. They can be used to implement fixed increments for the size, moving objects only in certain allowed areas, or constraining width and height to the same value. Although resizing an object may also result in moving it (e.g. if the user drags the upper left handle), only constrain-size is called, because the two constraints may easily be contradictory. The method reconfigured-by-user can be overridden to implement any consequences of the user moving or resizing a view-object. For the common case of iconic objects, the subclass movable- icon of class direct-manipulation-object is available. The look of such an icon is defined by a bitmap file. You can either specify a pathname for the bitmap file or an XLIB image. GINA caches pathnames, images and pixmaps in a hashtable in the slot pixmap-table of class application. Therefore, if you pass the same pathname or image to several objects, GINA need not read the bitmap file and send the image to the X server each time. Note that you can read the bitmap file before the connection to the X server is established. Therefore, you can read the bitmaps when your code is loaded and thus minimize the startup time of your application: (defvar *icon* (xlib:read-bitmap-file (find-bitmap ".."))) In this case, the procedure find-bitmap can be used to find a bitmap in the list of directories given by *bitmap- directories*. Calling this procedure is only necessary if you call xlib:read-bitmap-file directly. If you also pass a mask bitmap to make-movable-icon, it is used for clipping when the icon is drawn so that the icon can have holes in it. Mouse-clicks are only propagated to the icon when the mask is hit. Also, the mask can be used to draw a drop shadow for the icon. You have to pass a :shadow-offset greater than 0 to get shadows. To test the class you can start the graphic editor and evaluate the following expression: (with-application-stopped (setq icon (make-movable-icon "mailfull" :mask "mailfullmsk" :shadow-offset 8)) (install icon (main-view (first (document-list *application*))))) An icon will appear in the graphic editor which can be moved around. If you want to define e.g. a subclass with an additional name string below the icon you can set margins and define an :after daemon for the draw method. .c2.6.4 Commands Command objects form the base for undoable commands. Each relevant user input leads to the creation of an object with superclass command, where all parameters of the command are stored. You have to define a subclass of class command for each kind of command supported by your application. An instance of your subclass is created at the moment the user requests an operation, e.g. by executing a menu item. In the callback you call the constructor function for your subclass which in turn calls make-command. You have to supply the document to which the command belongs. The command object will be stored inside the document object for a possible later undo. If the effect of the command is shown in some view, you should also supply the :view parameter. GINA will automatically scroll the view when the command is later undone, so that the effect of the undo can be observed by the user. Calling make-command implicitly passes the command to GINA which will call the method doit of your command. The default version of doit does not do anything, you have to override it to define the effect of the command. Because doit does not have any parameter (but the command object) you have to place all relevant information you need to perform the command inside the command object. There are some shared slots of class command which you can override. The slot name is initialized to "Command". The name of a command is displayed in the undo and redo menu entries. Therefore, you should select meaningful names for your commands. Normally, you override the name slot which has :allocation :class with a new :initform (repeating the :allocation :class). The name is then identical for all instances. You can, however, use :allocation :instance if you want an individual name for each instance. The flags undoable and causes-change both are shared slots and default to T. Again, you can override them for your subclass or for each instance. By default, a command causes a change and consequently the document is marked as modified when the command is executed. Also, commands are usually undoable and are stored in a list inside the document. If your command is not undoable but causes a change, GINA will clear the command history because no undo is possible any more. You always override the methods doit and redoit in order to define an operation and its inverse. If the user selects the redo menu entry, the method redoit is called. By default, it just calls doit, i.e. it is assumed that executing the command for the second time is the same as doing it for the first time. In some cases, however, redoing an operation is easier, because e.g. a view-object already exists and only has to be installed again when a draw-rectangle command is repeated. If subsequent commands in the command history have references on an object that is created in this command, it is important to recreate the same object in the redoit method. If a completely new object is created on redo (i.e. if redoit is handled like doit), the subsequent commands refer to the wrong objects and will fail. When your command is eventually deleted from the command history, the normally empty method commit is called. So you have a chance to do any cleanup which is necessary when your command cannot be undone or redone any more. .c2.6.5 Mouse Commands Your hook for reacting to mouse input is the method button- press of the classes view and view-object. You can override this method and get the current mouse position and the button code. In simple cases you can code the reaction of your program directly into button-press. If it is desired that the effect of a mouse click is undoable, you have to create a command object in button-press as explained above. The semantics of the click are then coded in doit. Often, it is also desired that a visual feedback is shown as long as the mouse button is held down and the mouse is moved around. In this case, you have to define a subclass of class mouse-down- command which is a subclass of command. In addition to the inherited methods, there is also a method draw-feedback which is called whenever the mouse is moved while the button is still down. By default, draw-feedback draws a rubberband line from the point where the button went down to the current mouse position. You can override this method to define a special application dependent feedback. Typically, you use the drawing function boole-xor to draw your feedback, because you are also responsible for clearing the feedback again. GINA calls the method draw-feedback twice for each mouse- movement. By default, GINA switches the graphics context into XOR mode for the duration of this method, so you do not have to distinguish whether you have to draw or to clear the feedback. In the implementation of draw-feedback you will often use the slots start-x, start-y, last-x, and last-y which hold the points where the mouse went down and the last point visited. If the feedback will flip over when the current position is to the top or left of the starting position, you can use the method mouse- rectangle that determines a rectangle between current position and start with a positive width and height. This is important because you cannot draw rectangles with a negative width or height in X. Each mouse position entered during the feedback phase is also processed by the method constrain-mouse. The default version just returns x and y as multiple values. You can override this method to modify the mouse coordinates before draw-feedback is called. In this way, you can easily specify, that e.g. only squares or horizontal lines are drawn as feedback. Note that the mouse is not forced to certain areas on the screen. It is an important user interface guideline, that the mouse (which is regarded as the users finger) is not moved by the program, but the user. The program, however, can indicate by a special feedback, that the set of possible operations is constrained, e.g. an object cannot be moved to a certain place. Similar to the method draw-feedback, the method track-mouse is called each time the mouse moves. However, it is called only once for each mouse position. Typically, nothing is drawn in track-mouse, but the coordinates are processed in some way. For example, it can be checked if some object is hit or all mouse positions can be collected in a list. Finally, you can also override the method mouse-idle, which is called, whenever the mouse is not moved for some time while the button is down. The time interval is determined by the slot idle-timeout. By default, autoscrolling is enabled if the view, where the feedback is drawn, is placed inside a scroller, i.e. the view is scrolled when the mouse is moved outside. If the command is later repeated by a redo, the view will automatically scrolled by GINA to the point where the mouse button was released so that the effect of the redo can be observed by the user. When the mouse button is eventually released, doit is called. The feedback phase can also be regarded as a parameter- collection phase, because the concrete action performed in doit typically depends on the mouse movement. GINA will ask your command whether it is executable before doit is called. So you have a chance to override the method executable and specify conditions under which the command is executed. By default, a command is always executable. You can also specify a hysteresis for a command, which is a minimum number of pixels the mouse must be moved before the command is submitted. When the command is not submitted, instead the method not-submitted is called which you also can override. For example, the command to move an object only selects it when the mouse is accidentally moved for one or two pixels while clicking. You can also specify a special mouse cursor which is to be used during the feedback phase. .c2.6.6 Drag and Drop The primary difference of the drag-and-drop mechanism compared to mouse-down-commands is that objects may be dragged across window boundaries. In simple mouse operations, all operations take place in a drawing area and auto-scrolling may be invoked if the mouse cursor leaves the drawing area. The feedback always stays within the drawing area. In contrast, if you drag a folder icon across the screen, the icon follows the pointer position even across windows of foreign applications. Moving an image across the screen can be implemented in three different ways in the X Window System: * Direct drawing on top of other windows. However, to avoid interferences, all other applications must be frozen, which prevents any feedback reaction from a possible target. * Using a distinctive cursor image. This produces the fastest feedback operations, however, in general not every image can be used as the mouse cursor, because the cursor size may be limited in an X server. * Moving a separate window. This restricts the feedback to rectangular images if the X shape extension cannot be used for availability or performance reasons. The GINA implementation supports the latter two options. When creating a drag-command, the programmer can pass a cursor or a window or both. The window may be an arbitrary Motif widget inside an override-shell. The override-shell is necessary to prevent any window manager decoration around the moving window. First of all, the application must provide a widget whose activation by button-press creates the drag-command and that provides the necessary event handlers to catch motion events and pass them to the active mouse command. For this purpose, GINA provides a special widget class called a drag-label. A drag-label is a Motif label widget that is drawn using a bitmap image and that reacts to button presses by calling its activate callback. The activate callback passes the x and y coordinates of the button press to a function that is responsible for creating the appropriate drag-command. The following GINA code creates such a label showing the "woman" bitmap provided with X11: (make-drag-label parent-widget a-document "woman" :activate-callback (make-callback #«make-demo-drag-command a-document source)) The class demo-drag-command is implemented as follows as a subclass of drag-command: (defclass demo-drag-command (drag-command) ((name :initform "Demo Drag" :allocation :class))) (defun make-demo-drag-command (source-widget document x y) (make-drag-command document source-widget x y nil :class «demo-drag-command :cursor :left-ptr ;; default is :dotbox :shell-to-move (drag-shell source))) This constructor function installs the normal cursor for the feedback phase and passes a shell belonging to the drag-label as the shell image to move. Such a shell that is initially invisible is automatically created by a drag-label. The nil parameter to make- drag-command will be explained below. The effect of this program is that you can move the "woman" image of the drag-label across the screen. When you press the mouse button, the invisible shell appears on top of the label and is moved synchronously with the mouse pointer. When you release the mouse button, the shell disappears and no further action is taken (because none is defined yet). Another variation is to use a self-created cursor image. For this purpose you need a cursor bitmap with the hot spot defined and a mask bitmap that defines all pixels that shall be drawn by the cursor. The two pathnames of the bitmap files are passed to the drag-label, that creates an X cursor out of these bitmaps. You can then use the new cursor in the drag command instead of the bitmap image in the shell. The feedback is then faster, but you cannot create arbitrarily large cursors on most X servers. (make-drag-label parent-widget a-document "/vol/gina/bitmaps/magnet" :cursor-mask "/vol/gina/bitmaps/magnet-mask" :activate-callback (make-callback #«make-demo-drag-command a-document source)) ... (defun make-demo-drag-command (document source- widget x y) (make-drag-command document source-widget x y nil :class «demo-drag-command :cursor (cursor source))) Targets A drag-command does not have an effect unless a possible target is defined for it. A target may be any widget within the main window or dialog windows belonging to a document. The list of possible targets is specified when creating a drag-command as the fifth parameter to the constructor. To associate an application-specific object with each target to identify the target in terms of the application, every target specification consists of a widget and an arbitrary value. Therefore the target list is composed of target-value pairs, such as (defun make-demo-drag-command (document source- widget x y) (make-drag-command document source-widget x y (list (list (main-view document) :view) (list (main-menu (main-shell document)) :menu)) :class «demo-drag-command :cursor (cursor source))) In this case, two targets are defined: the main view and the menu bar of the document shell. Each is identified by a separate keyword. When the mouse button is released over a target, the doit method of the command is called, if the release occurs outside a target, not-submitted is executed. To test the effect of the above command class, you can print out the keyword of the target that was hit, if any: (defmethod doit ((cmd demo-drag-command)) (print (current-value cmd))) The target information is stored in four slots of the command object: current-target The target widget or nil. current-value The value associated with the target. target-x The x position of the button release relative to the target. target-y The y position of the button release relative to the target. If the targets of the drag-and-drop operation are not widgets, or if there are many small targets, the next larger enclosing widget should be chosen as the target. The subtargets must then be identified by the command subclass. A common case are commands that target on view-objects. In this case the view is the target. The subtarget must be identified by overriding the method executable. If this method returns nil, the command will not be executed and not be included in the undo history. The following example assumes that the class demo-drag-command defines a new slot my-subtarget that is used to store the subtarget to be used in the doit method. (defmethod executable ((cmd demo-drag-cmd)) (setf (my-subtarget cmd) (identify-my-subtarget cmd (target-x cmd) (target-y cmd))) (my-subtarget cmd)) For example, to delete the view-object hit in the target-view, the following code can be used. (defclass demo-drag-command (drag-command) ((name :initform "Demo Drag" :allocation :class) (child-to-delete :accessor child-to-delete))) (defun make-demo-drag-command (document source- widget x y) (make-drag-command document source-widget x y (list (list (main-view document) :view)) :class «demo-drag-command :cursor (cursor source))) (defmethod executable ((cmd demo-drag-cmd)) (setf (child-to-delete cmd) nil) (loop for child in (view-objects (current-target cmd)) when (point-inside child (target-x cmd) (target-y cmd)) do (setf (child-to-delete cmd) child)) (child-to-delete cmd)) (defmethod doit ((cmd demo-drag-cmd)) (deinstall (child-to-delete cmd))) (defmethod undoit ((cmd demo-drag-cmd)) (install (child-to-delete cmd) (current- target cmd) (x-pos (child-to-delete cmd)) (y-pos (child-to-delete cmd)))) Target Feedback While the pointer is moving, the method track-target is called whenever the pointer moves over one of the targets. To identify the target, not only the widget is passed, but also the identifying value. (defmethod track-target ((cmd demo-drag-cmd) widget x y value) (format t "~s ~d ~d ~s~%" widget x y value)) Using the code above, you can observe that track-target is called on every mouse movement. However, when the pointer moves out of a target, track-target is called once with all parameters as nil, and then only when a new target is entered. By overriding the shared slot lazy-tracking of the command as t, track-target is called only once for each target. This is useful if you do not need the position information inside the target. If no mouse tracking is desired, the shared slot do- tracking can be defined as nil. In this case, the costly target determination can be avoided during mouse motion. In many cases the old feedback must first be switched off before a new feedback can be shown, for example, when drawing with XOR or when changing an attribute of the target. In this case the method draw-target-feedback can be overridden, which is called twice for every position. (defmethod draw-target-feedback ((cmd demo-drag- command) widget x y value &key (clear nil)) (declare (ignore clear)) (when (eq value :view) (xlib:with-gcontext ((gcontext widget) :function boole-xor :foreground (xor-foreground widget)) (draw-line widget 0 0 x y)))) The target widget passed to draw-target-feedback is never nil, i.e. it is not called while the pointer is outside a target. If lazy tracking is enabled, draw-target-feedback is called exactly twice per target, but the positions in these two calls will not be the same (one is the entering, the other the leaving position). When subtargets, e.g. in a view, are used, track-target should determine the subtarget and store it in a slot of the command. This slot can then be examined by draw-target-feedback to draw a feedback for the subtarget. Obviously, lazy tracking cannot be used with subtargets. Crossing Application Boundaries The most interesting case of drag-and-drop is between applications. This subsection describes the technical difficulties encountered and their solution in GINA. However, the technical details are successfully hidden from the programmer. In the X environment, one application cannot know anything about the possible targets of the other applications. It can only identify the top-level windows of the foreign application by querying the X server. Therefore the target application must produce the feedback for its targets itself. Because in the future multiple documents of the same application may also be implemented as separate processes with their own X connection in GINA, the same also applies to dragging between documents of the same application. Because a button press produces a grab in the X server, the target application does not receive motion events during the dragging process. As a solution, synthetic motion events are sent to the foreign application while moving the pointer on top of one of its windows. The foreign application is then responsible for handling these synthetic events (Figures 6-1 and 6-2). Clearly, the foreign application must know that it is the receiver of the dragging operation, because it should neither try to establish its own cursor nor move the image. Figure 6-1: Producing feedback within the sender application. Figure 6-2: Producing feedback in the target application. To prevent disturbing an application that is not prepared to act as a receiver for a certain dragging operation, every top-level window signals the drag-commands it is able to handle in a window property stored in the X server. This property is read by the dragging application. If the current command does not appear in this property, no motion events are sent to this window. The first thing necessary to make this identification possible is to define a unique name for each drag-command that must work across applications. This must be an X atom, which is denoted by a keyword in Lisp. For compatibility with other languages, the name should consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores. The keyword is defined as the shared slot protocol-id of the drag-command. Which commands a document accepts must be signaled by every shell that has targets in it. Therefore, the slot drag-protocols is defined for shells that contains a list of protocol IDs that are accepted and have targets inside this shell. As a convenience, the same slot drag-protocols is defined for documents, and document shells automatically inherit this value, because most targets are in the main shell. When a moving shell is combined with tracking in the target application, a complication arises for the drag-and-drop implementation that is successfully hidden from the programmer. In X, there is no direct way of identifying the window under the pointer, because the moving shell on top of the desired window will always be reported as the window containing the pointer. Therefore, the drag-command collects all necessary window information at starting time, using caching techniques to minimize the number of X requests, and calculates the target window itself. Accepting Drop Requests Because handling motion events is not very different in the sender and the receiver, a second drag-command is used in the receiver to handle the synthetic motion events. This command is created when the pointer first enters the target application (provided tracking is enabled in the sender). The method create-drop-command of class document is responsible for creating the receiving drag-command. The only difference between creating the sender command and creating the receiver command is that the receiver command must be identified by specifying the keyword :received-from with a value supplied as a parameter of create-drop-command (which is an X window denoting the sending application). Furthermore, no cursor or shell to move can be specified. However, what must be specified is a list of targets in the receiving document. For example: (defclass demo-drag-command (drag-command) ((name :initform "Demo Drag" :allocation :class) (protocol-id :initform :demo_drag :allocation :class))) (defmethod create-drop-command ((document demo- document) shell x y protocol-id transfer-value received-from) (case protocol-id ((:demo_drag) (make-drag-command document shell x y (list (list (main-view document) :view)) :class «demo-drag-command :received-from received-from)))) The tracking and feedback methods of the receiving command are called whenever the pointer is over one of the targets in its own target list. Therefore only one of the twin commands can be tracking a target at a time. In the same way, only one doit of the two commands will be called because only one target can be hit. Because the pointer may visit a number of foreign windows, a number of receiving commands may be created. However, only one may be tracking, and for only one will doit be called. If an effect is also desired when no own target is hit (this makes only sense for the sender command), submit can be called from the not-submitted method. If dragging takes place between documents of the same class, both sending and receiving command may be of the same class, only distinguished by the received-from slot. However, in another application the receiving command may have a completely different class. Value Transfer To transfer a value from the sender to the receiver, a transfer- value can be specified when creating the sending command. This value is automatically transferred to the receiving application and must be passed in create-drop-command to the receiving command object. This value is then available in the receiving doit method. The value may currently be any Lisp value (because transfer to non-Lisp applications is not yet implemented), but it is expected that this can be any value that is also suitable for cut&paste. It is currently not possible to transfer a return value back to the sending application, for example, to determine whether a foreign target has been hit. The problem is that the execution of the sending command must be delayed until the acknowledge event arrives from the receiving command. However, in the meantime other events arising from user actions may arrive in the sending application that must be handled first. .c.7. The Interface Builder .c2.7.1 Interface Builder Principles This section gives an overview of the role of the Interface Builder (IB) in GINA. Target You can roughly divide a GINA application into three parts: the construction of the widget hierarchy, the application model, and the connections between the two parts by means of callbacks. The IB currently defines the widget hierarchy as the main part of the user interface and may be used to connect callbacks (but not to define their functionality). The rest of the application must be implemented using the non-widget GINA classes (application, document, command etc.), appropriate view subclasses and application-specific classes. Audience Currently the IB is used by the programmer. Future versions will support the interface designer and the user. Code vs. Interface Builder The user interface may be constructed either before or after the application code. Both cases have their problems because each part must know some things about the other. Therefore, the IB will in the future support the separate definition of the interface between the two parts. Building New Classes The output of the IB is a new widget class as a subclass of some GINA class. All independent windows of an application are constructed as such classes. For example, an application with a main window and two dialog boxes needs three IB documents, each one defining one of the three classes. The IB-generated class may be instantiated several times, but in many cases only one instance will be created. The IB generates Lisp code from the definition that may be compiled into the application. However, the generated code should not be edited because these changes will be lost in future edit cycles. You can instead supply additional modifications in other places. Structure of a New Class Following the model of those GINA widget classes that are composed of several Motif widgets (such as the radio button group), each widget as part of the IB-generated class is defined as a read-only slot of the new class. You can use these slots in your application to dynamically modify the widgets. The IB also defines a constructor function that builds the components and fills the slot values. The constructor is usually called in the method create-windows. After calling the constructor you can supply callbacks to the new widget and fill application-dependent values. If the new class is a dialog, it must be popped up (method pop-up) to be visible. .c2.7.2 Interface Builder Tutorial This tutorial describes how to build the interface of the "Finder" demo application with the Interface Builder. You can compare your result to the complete code in the demo application. .c3.7.2.1 Creating Widgets You can start the Interface Builder by opening "interface- builder.appl" in the Finder or by opening an existing IB document. The empty IB window shows a menu bar, a palette of little tools below and an empty drawing area (Figure 7-1). Figure 7-1: The main window of the interface builder. As the first step you create the necessary simple widgets for the Finder window. These are three push buttons, a label displaying the directory name, and a scrolled list that will contain the directory entries. The widgets will be selected from a separate palette window that is created by selecting the "Palette..." entry in the "Tools" menu (Figure 7-2). Figure 7-2: The widget palette. You create new widgets by pressing the mouse button over one of the widgets in the palette, dragging a copy of that widget onto the work area and dropping it there. The exact position of the new widget is not important, because the layout will be established in another way. However, you should arrange the widgets approximately as they should appear to avoid rearranging them later. Widgets you have created are immediately operable. Try pushing the newly installed buttons. However, no action is triggered by activating the buttons, because no application callback has been defined for them yet. Because the installed widgets work as usual inside their area, the IB creates a small area around them where IB-related actions can be triggered. For selected widgets this area is marked with a dashed line. A widget may be selected by clicking into it or by catching it with a selection rectangle drawn inside the work area. Figure 7-3: Widgets for finder shell. To move a widget, it must be selected. You can then press the mouse button inside the IB-generated border around the widget and move the widget while the mouse button is pressed. The small rectangle in the lower right corner can be used to resize a widget. Figure 7-3 shows the contents of the work area with all the basic widgets necessary for the Finder window. The generated widgets have default values for all resource fields. Usually you need to change some of them. In this example, specific labels are necessary for the push buttons. Resource fields can be changed in a resource dialog. To display a resource dialog, press the mouse button inside the small magnifying tool and drag the magnifying glass on top the desired widget. A dashed line appears around the widget the cursor is over. The dialog appears when you release the button (Figure 7-4). Figure 7-4: Resource dialog for a push button. A clock cursor appears because the dialog window must first be created (you can simultaneously show resource dialogs for several widgets). In the dialog window you see controls that set the most important resource fields of the widget belonging to this dialog. You can now change the label string of the selected push button. The dialog contains a text field with the string. You can edit the string using the normal editing operations. Observe how the label string in the widget immediately changes during the editing process. The three push buttons should be labeled "Parent Directory", " Open " and " Refresh ". You can end the resource dialog by clicking on the "Dismiss" button or by double clicking in the upper left corner of the dialog window. However, the dialog may also be left open while you work with the other widgets in the IB because it is a modeless dialog. The dialogs also contain the widget name as the first entry in the dialog window. This string is not displayed in the widget, but used to identify the widget from the program. Although a default name is supplied, you should use meaningful names. The widgets in this example that you have already created should be named "parent-button", "directory-label", "file-list", "open-button" and "refresh-button" to correspond with the names used in the Finder application code. You can edit other resource fields of the buttons, but they are not necessary for this example. You can also change the contents of the label and the scrolled list, but this has only demonstration character as the real values are supplied from the directories read by the Finder application code. .c3.7.2.2 Building the Hierarchy The next step is to build the composite widgets that will lay out the components of the Finder window. At first, the two push buttons at the bottom will be aligned through a row-column widget. To enclose the buttons in a row-column, you first select the buttons by enclosing them in a selection rectangle drawn in the work area. Then you select the "Make Row-Column" entry from the "Arrange" menu. The buttons are now aligned next to each other by being enclosed in a row-column widget (Figure 7-5). Figure 7-5: After enclosing the two buttons in a row-column. It is possible that the buttons are not arranged horizontally but vertically. The orientation is determined by a heuristic from the positions of the selected widgets. If the orientation is wrong (and in other cases) you can use the Undo command, rearrange the widgets and then repeat the step correctly. It is desirable that there is some spacing between the two buttons. However, you cannot move the buttons apart because they are now parts of the row-column. The row-column determines the layout in its region. Only the row-column as a whole can be selected and moved. Fortunately, the spacing is a resource field of the row-column widget, and you can change it if you pop up the resource dialog for the row-column widget. It is slightly difficult to hit the row-column widget with the magnifying glass, you have to move it near the border until the feedback indicates that the whole row-column is selected. To show the resource dialog, you can slo double-click into the border around the row-column widget. Another way to access resource dialogs is the tree tool that appears if you select the "Tree" command in the "Tools" menu to display the widget hierarchy (Figure 7-6). In the dialog that appears you can select a widget by name and activate the "Resources" button or double- click an entry. Figure 7-6: The tree tool. The row-column is only suitable for regular layout. To arrange the rest of the components you have to use the form widget. The form widget ensures that, when resizing the Finder window, only the selection list is resized. You create the form widget in the same way as the row-column. You have to enclose all widgets in the form, even the row-column. At first, the form widget assumes a default layout similar to the placement of the widgets before creating the form. In many cases this layout will be correct, except for the amount of spacing. To change this arrangement you have to use the form resource dialog. The form layout is determined by specifying an attachment for each side of each child of the form. The resource dialog (Figure 7- 7) shows an option menu selecting between the children and four control groups that set the four attachments of the child selected by the option menu. Each attachment can have a different type. Three types are important, the others are seldom used. "None" specifies no attachment, the side is left alone. "Form" attaches the side with a specified offset to the side of the form. "Widget" attaches the side with a specified offset to another widget. The offset is specified with a scale and the attached widget, if relevant, is selected by another option menu. For this example you should control the attachments for each child in turn. At first the parent-button is connected. Its top and left attachment should be set to "Form". To leave some space, you can set both offset scales to 10. Figure 7-7: The form resource dialog. Next, the label is connected. Its top attachment should be set to "Widget" and its left attachment to "Form". Again you can set the appropriate spacing. The file list needs different attachments. At the top it is attached to the label. The list will be attached to the left and the right side of the form to be resized when the window is resized. Test this behaviour by resizing the form widget. See how the list becomes wider, while the other widgets stay at their size. The bottom of the list must be attached to the row-column because if the row-column would be attached to the list, the row- column would resize vertically and not the list. At last, the row-column must be connected. Its top must be attached "None", otherwise the attachments would be circular. Instead its bottom, as well as its left side, are attached to the form. Note that you cannot attach the buttons in the form, because they are not direct children of the form widget. Test the resize behaviour of the resulting layout and adjust the spacing until it suits your needs. There is an experimental feature that shows the layout parameters of the form widget, called the ruler view. You can see this view if you click on "Show Constraints" in the resource dialog for the form widget (Figure 7-8). You can change the spacing by moving the rulers. However, this feature is not fully implemented and may crash in exotic circumstances. Figure 7-8: Ruler view (experimental). As the last step you have to choose the superclass to be used for your window. In this case the layout will be used in a main window, therefore you must select "Main" in the "Class" submenu in the "Dialog" menu. You can save your work by using the "Save As" menu entry and choosing an appropriate name for your IB document. .c3.7.2.3 Generating Code You can now generate code for the new widget class. At first you have to name the new class. This name is handled like a resource of the dialog class. The corresponding resource dialog is shown by choosing the "Resources" entry in the "Dialog" menu. You should enter the class "finder-shell" here. The next step is to show the coder dialog by selecting the "Coder" entry in the "Tools" menu. This tool has a separate menu. You can look at the generated code by selecting the "Class Code" and "Constructor Function" entries in the "Show" menu. The complete code is always saved in conjunction with the IB document, carrying a ".lisp" extension. Inside the IB, the parent of the new window is not shown (in this case the main window with the default menu bar). However, you can control the final appearance by selecting "Create instance" from the "Code" menu. This command saves and loads the generated code into the running lisp and executes the constructor function. In a few seconds, the newly generated main window appears. You can get rid of this window by double-clicking in its upper left corner. You should not edit the generated code in your application. Instead, you can create an instance of this class and perform any additions by accessing the subpart widgets as slots of the instance. Figure 7-9: The coder tool. ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp;Package:gina;- *- ;; !!! Do not edit !!! ;; This code was generated by the GINA Interface Builder. (in-package :gina) (defclass finder-shell (document-shell) ((form :accessor form) (button-row :accessor button-row) (file-list :accessor file-list) (directory-label :accessor directory-label) (parent-button :accessor parent-button) (start-button :accessor start-button) (refresh-button :accessor refresh-button)) (:documentation "")) (defun make-finder-shell (doc &key (initargs nil) (motif-resources nil) (class 'finder-shell) &aux box) (setq box (make-document-shell doc :class class :initargs initargs :motif-resources motif-resources :width 157 :height 217)) (setf (form box) (make-form box)) (setf (button-row box) (make-row-column (form box) :orientation :horizontal :spacing 20)) (setf (start-button box) (make-push-button (button-row box) "Open")) (setf (refresh-button box) (make-push-button (button-row box) "Refresh")) (setf (file-list box) (make-scrollable-selection-list (form box) nil :visible-item-count 3)) (setf (directory-label box) (make-label (form box) "/my/dir")) (setf (parent-button box) (make-push-button (form box) "Parent Directory")) (define-form-constraint (button-row box) :top-attachment :none :left-attachment :form :left-offset 10 :right-attachment :none :bottom-attachment :form :bottom-offset 10) (define-form-constraint (file-list box) :top-attachment :widget :top-widget (directory-label box) :top-offset 5 :left-attachment :form :left-offset 10 :right-attachment :form :right-offset 10 :bottom-attachment :widget :bottom-widget (button-row box) :bottom- offset 15) (define-form-constraint (directory-label box) :top-attachment :widget :top-widget (parent-button box) :top-offset 10 :left-attachment :form :left-offset 10 :right-attachment :none :bottom-attachment :none) (define-form-constraint (parent-button box) :top-attachment :form :top-offset 10 :left-attachment :form :left-offset 10 :right-attachment :none :bottom-attachment :none) box) In the Finder example program you can look at the method create-windows. This method creates an instance of the class finder-shell and adds the necessary callbacks, as well as removing some menu entries. The Finder application also sets the directory label and file list contents, when appropriate. .c2.7.3 Using the Interface Builder This chapter contains a short summary of the IB features and its usage. The interface builder consists of a main window and three tool windows (menu "Tools"): * the palette that shows the available widget classes. Dragging a widget from the palette onto the work area creates a new widget there. * the coder tool, where the generated code can be inspected. In this window, Lisp users will set the package used. C++ users have to switch to "Use C++". * the tree tool, where you can see the widget tree. Double-clicking shows the resources, you can also set widget name and label string of the selected widget. Creating Widgets Prototype widgets can be dragged from the palette onto the work area. The palette can be used for multiple IB documents. Widgets can be selected by catching them with a rectangle drawn in the view. They can also be selected by clicking into. Shift Btn1 (Extend) and Ctrl Btn1 (Toggle) work like on the Mac. Widgets can be moved by dragging their selection frame. The rectangle in the lower right corner can be used to resize a widget. However, position and size are not relevant for the final window, as geometry is determined by a manager widget. Positions are used as approximations to determine layout parameters. Resizing is useful for observing geometry management behaviour. All commands, except for changing form and pane constraints, can be undone. Selected widgets or all widgets can be deleted by the menu entries "Clear" and "Clear all". Building the Hierarchy To arrange the widgets, you select the desired widgets and group them with a command in the "Arrange" menu. The grouping tries to preserve the layout of the widgets before grouping. This is especially important for the form widget that tries to establish a matrix from the selected widgets and align the widgets in one row or column. Therefore, when creating a form, you should arrange the parts approximately as you would like them to appear. Use some space between the parts, then the interface builder knows better which parts to align. You can reduce the spacing later on when the layout is finished. You can cut or copy any part of the widget hierarchy with two other icons below the menu bar. When grabbing these icons and positioning them over a widget, a feedback is shown around the widget that will be hit. By slowly moving to the corners of a manager, you can select a whole subtree starting with the manager for cutting. If a manager would have no children after cutting, it will be included in the cut operation. You cannot cut widgets from a form that are referred to by other widgets (indicated by a missing feedback). Set the other widget's attachments to another widget before cutting again. You can also paste into a manager. By positioning on a child of a row-column, you can insert the pasted widget before that child. A composite group can be destroyed by the "Ungroup" command. The composite widget and all its resources are lost (except for Undo, of course). However, constraints of the children remain because they are stored with the children. They are used if possible when the children are later enclosed again. Changing Resource Fields The resources of a widget can be inspected by dropping the magnifying glass on top of it, or by double-clicking on a selected widget, or by selecting "Resources" in the tree view. The form and paned window dialogs contain constraints that are stored with their children. Resource fields of the invisible root widget (dialog, main window etc.) can be changed with the command "Resources" in the menu "Dialog". The parent class can be chosen in the "Class" submenu in "Dialog". Defining Callbacks You can set callbacks for a widget in the resource dialog. The edit area for a callback is shown in Figure 7-10. Figure 7-10: Edit area for callbacks in a resource dialog. The callback representation consists of a list of elements. The first (default ) is the name of the procedure or method to be called. The second (default ) is the object to be used as the message target. The other entries show the parameters passed by the callback, so that you have a complete parameter list of the destination method. The selected line on the left can be edited by selecting an entry from the chooser, or by entering a value into the text field. You will normally enter the method name when editing the entry (the chooser is empty), and you will use the chooser for all other entries. If you want to add additional callback parameters, you can insert an empty object entry or delete the selected line (if possible). Additional entries starting with an alphabetic character are regarded as slot references, all other values are passed as immediate Lisp expressions. The chooser offers all defined widgets of the dialog and two special entries: denoting the document object associated with the dialog (this is the most common target), and if the callback is a function call that has no method target. Example: the value-changed-callback of a text shows the representation , , value Select the first line and enter "notify-changed" in the text field. Select the second line and select in the chooser. Select the third line and press the Insert button. A new entry appears. Select modeless-dialog-box-0 from the chooser. The callback now reads: notify-changed, , modeless-dialog-box-0, value This process will result in the following generated code: (setf (value-changed-callback (text-0 box)) (make-callback 'notify-changed doc box)) where "box" is the dialog box to be created and "doc" is the document parameter to the window constructor. Saving Documents IB documents can be saved and restored in files with the "ibuild" extension. The generated code is always saved concurrently with extension ".lisp" in the same directory. For C++, two files are generated for the code, a header file (".h") and the code file (".C"). Generating Code Code generation can be controlled from the coder tool, displayed by selecting "Coder" from the "Tools" menu. In the "Show" menu you can look at the code, while in the "Code" menu, you can load or compile the code into the Lisp image or create an instance of the window class. The code is automatically saved with the document. For subclasses of document shells you should be careful with the menu entries when creating an instance, because they may affect the IB application. Only closing the window is safely permitted. For loading the code into Lisp, the package name should be set correctly in the coder window. Connecting to the Application The generated code implementes a widget class as a subclass of either document-shell, modeless-dialog-box, tool-dialog- box or modal-dialog-box. You can name this new class in the resource dialog for the dialog widget. Every subwidget is defined as a slot of this class. The constructor function (named make- ) creates an object of this class and all its subwidgets with the resource fields specified in the IB document. The constructor function has a document as its argument, and the keyword parameters :class and :initargs to allow for subclasses. Callbacks (if not set in the resource dialog) and application- dependent values may be set immediately after calling the constructor function (e.g. in the method create-windows). For document shells you may also modify the standard menu by adding or removing entries. Views are handled slightly different, because an application normally uses a subclass of view, which is not available in the IB. You have to specify the name of this view class in the resource dialog for the view. In the generated code, the constructor make- is called with a document as the single parameter. Any modifications (such as size) can be performed inside this application-specific constructor.