CATALOG ENTRY FORMAT FOR CATALOG.TXT. Each entry is on a separate page, separated by the page mark Control-L. Each entry consists of fields. Each new field begins with a field name in square brackets, then an arbitrary amount of text. This rather rigid format is designed to make it easy to build various sorts of software to automatically manipulate catalogs. The field names are sensitive to spelling, but insensitive to case and extra whitespace. Fields currently recognized are as follows: [Name] or [Module Name]: The name of the program or set of programs. If no Package Name is supplied, then this is assumed to name of the package in which the code lives. [Package Name]: If the programs are loaded into a package of their own, the name of this package. If no Name or Module Name is supplied, the package name will be used as the name for everything. [Description]: A brief description of what the program does. [Author]: Name of the author, or "anonymous". [Maintainer]: Name of current maintainer, if different from the author. If a program is not being maintained by anyone, the Maintainer is "none". [Address], [Address of Author], [Address of Maintainer]: Physical mailing address of author or maintainer. If the field is just "address", it is assumed to be the maintainer if one is specified, and the author otherwise. [Net Address], [Net Address of Author], [Net Address of Maintainer]: A network address that can be reached from the arpanet. [Copyright Status]: "Public domain" or some sort of copyright notice. [Files]: A list of the files comprising this facility. If a system whose name is "Foo" is distributed as files "foo.slisp", "foo.sfasl", and (optionally) "foo.doc" or "" for documentation. In order to minimize maintenance headaches and encourage people to build on the work of others, we want all programs in the library to include complete sources. [How to Get]: This can either be a shell command using such programs as lcp or cp. There will usually be a .cmd file that will copy all the sources, binaries, catalog, and log files to the user's current directory. This .cmd file will try to preserve write date (such as using -p with cp). [Portability]: If the program will run in any legal Common Lisp, say so. If there are known dependencies on CMU Common Lisp specific or Mach/RT specific features, describe them here. [Dependencies]: If the program requires other library packages not built into the standard CMU Common Lisp core image, list those other packages here. [Instructions]: Place here any instructions for use that are too lengthy to be mere documentation strings, but that are not lengthy enough to deserve a separate document. [Recent Changes]: What is different between this version and the one that preceded it, if any. (May go back several versions at the author's discretion.) [Bugs]: Describe here any known bugs or treacherous features. [Future Plans]: Describe here any improvements planned by the author. [Wish List]: Describe here any desirable features that the author does not plan to work on in the near future. [Notes]: Anything else that users or potential users ought to know about.