-*- Mode: Text, Fill -*- $Header: /home/CVS-cmucl/src/compiler/mips/random-doc.txt,v 1.3 1990/03/02 17:40:56 ch Exp $ DEFINE-STORAGE-BASE Define-Storage-Base Name Kind {Key Value}* Define a storage base having the specified Name. Kind may be :Finite, :Unbounded or :Non-Packed. The following keywords are legal: :Size Specify the number of locations in a :Finite SB or the initial size of a :Unbounded SB. DEFINE-STORAGE-CLASS Define-Storage-Class Name Number Storage-Base {Key Value}* Define a storage class Name that uses the named Storage-Base. Number is a small, non-negative integer that is used as an alias. The following keywords are defined: :Element-Size The size of objects in this SC in whatever units the SB uses. This defaults to 1. :Locations If the SB is :Finite, then this is a list of the offsets within the SB that are in this SC. DEFINE-MOVE-COSTS Define-Move-Costs {((Source-SC*) {(Cost Dest-SC*)}*)}* This macro declares the cost of the implicit move operations needed to load arguments and store results. The format is somewhat similar to the costs specifications in Define-VOP. Each argument form gives the cost for moving to all possible destination SCs from some collection of equivalent source SCs. This information is used only to compute the cost of moves from arguments to Load TNs or from Load TNs to results. It is not necessary to specify the costs for moves between combinations of SCs impossible in this context. DEFINE-SAVE-SCS Define-Save-SCs {(save-sc saved-sc*)}* This form is used to define which SCs must be saved on a function call. The Saved-SCs are SCs that must be saved. The Save-SC a SC that is used in combination with the defined move costs to determine the cost of saving. DEF-PRIMITIVE-TYPE Def-Primitive-Type Name (SC*) {Key Value}* Define a primitive type Name. Each SC specifies a Storage Class that values of this type may be allocated in. The following keyword options are defined: :Type The type descriptor for the Lisp type that is equivalent to this type (defaults to Name.) DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE Def-Boolean-Attribute Name Attribute-Name* Define a new class of boolean attributes, with the attributes havin the specified Attribute-Names. Name is the name of the class, which is used to generate some macros to manipulate sets of the attributes: NAME-attributep attributes attribute-name* Return true if one of the named attributes is present, false otherwise. NAME-attributes attribute-name* Return a set of the named attributes. PRIMITIVE-TYPE-VOP Primitive-Type-VOP Vop (Kind*) Type* Annotate all the specified primitive Types with the named VOP under each of the specified kinds: :Coerce-To-T :Coerce-From-T :Move One argument one result VOPs used for coercion between representations and explicit moves. :Check A one argument one result VOP that moves the argument to the result, checking that the value is of this type in the process. DEFINE-VOP Define-VOP (Name [Inherits]) Spec* Define the symbol Name to be a Virtual OPeration in the compiler. If specified, Inherits is the name of a VOP that we default unspecified information from. Each Spec is a list beginning with a keyword indicating the interpretation of the other forms in the Spec: :Args {(Name {Key Value}*)}* :Results {(Name {Key Value}*)}* The Args and Results are specifications of the operand TNs passed to the VOP. The following operand options are defined: :SCs (SC*) :Load T-or-NIL :SCs specifies good SCs for this operand. Other SCs will be penalized according to move costs. If :Load is true (the default), then a load TN will be allocated if necessary, guaranteeing that the operand is always one of the specified SCs. :More T-or-NIL If specified, Name is bound to the TN-Ref for the first argument or result following the fixed arguments or results. A more operand must appear last, and cannot be targeted or restricted. :Target Operand This operand is targeted to the named operand, indicating a desire to pack in the same location. Not legal for results. :Conditional This is used in place of :Results with conditional branch VOPs. There are no result values: the result is a transfer of control. The consequent and alternative continuations are passed as the first and second :Info arguments. A side-effect is to set the Predicate attribute for functions in the :Translate option. :Temporary ({Key Value}*) Name* Allocate a temporary TN for each Name, binding that variable to the TN within the body of the generators. In addition to :Target (which is is the same as for operands), the following options are defined: :Type Type Specify the primitive type for the temporary, default T. :SC SC-Name :Offset SB-Offset Force the temporary to be allocated in the specified SC with the specified offset. Offset is evaluated at macroexpand time. :SCs (SC*) Restrict the temporary to a subset of the SCs allowed by the type, possibly requiring packing in a finite SC. :From Time-Spec :To Time-Spec Specify the beginning and end of the temporary's lives. The defaults are :Load and :Save, i.e. the duration of the VOP. The other intervening phases are :Argument, :Eval and :Result. Non-zero sub-phases can be specified by a list, e.g. the second argument's life ends at (:Argument 1). :Generator Cost Form* Specifies the translation into assembly code. Cost is the estimated cost of the code emitted by this generator. The body is arbitrary Lisp code that emits the assembly language translation of the VOP. An Assemble form is wrapped around the body, so code may be emitted by using the local Inst macro. During the evaluation of the body, the names of the operands and temporaries are bound to the actual TNs. :Effects Effect* :Affected Effect* Specifies the side effects that this VOP has and the side effects that effect its execution. If unspecified, these default to the worst case. :Info Name* Define some magic arguments that are passed directly to the code generator. The corresponding trailing arguments to VOP or %Primitive are stored in the VOP structure. Within the body of the generators, the named variables are bound to these values. Except in the case of :Conditional VOPs, :Info arguments cannot be specified for VOPS that are the direct translation for a function (specified by :Translate). :Ignore Name* Causes the named variables to be declared IGNORE in the generator body. :Variant Thing* :Variant-Vars Name* These options provide a way to parameterize families of VOPs that differ only trivially. :Variant makes the specified evaluated Things be the "variant" associated with this VOP. :Variant-Vars causes the named variables to be bound to the corresponding Things within the body of the generator. :Variant-Cost Cost Specifies the cost of this VOP, overriding the cost of any inherited generator. :Note String A short noun-like phrase describing what this VOP "does", i.e. the implementation strategy. This is for use in efficiency notes. :Arg-Types Type* :Result-Types Type* Specify the template type restrictions used for automatic translation. If there is a :More operand, the last type is the more type. :Translate Name* This option causes the VOP template to be entered as an IR2 translation for the named functions. :Policy {:Small | :Fast | :Safe | :Fast-Safe} Specifies the policy under which this VOP is the best translation. :Guard Form Specifies a Form that is evaluated in the global environment. If form returns NIL, then emission of this VOP is prohibited even when all other restrictions are met. :Save-P {T | NIL | :Force-To-Stack} Indicates how a VOP wants live registers saved. SC-CASE SC-Case TN {({(SC-Name*) | SC-Name | T} Form*)}* Case off of TN's SC. The first clause containing TN's SC is evaulated, returning the values of the last form. A clause beginning with T specifies a default. If it appears, it must be last. If no default is specified, and no clause matches, then an error is signalled. DEFINE-MISCOP Define-Miscop Name Args {Key Value}* Define a miscop with the specified args/results and options. The following keywords are defined: :results Defaults to '(r). :translate :policy :arg-types :result-types :cost :conditional DEFINE-MISCOP-VARIANTS Define-Miscop-Variants Vop Names* Define a bunch of miscops VOPs that inherit the specified VOP and whose Template name, Miscop name and translate function are all the same. DEF-SOURCE-TRANSFORM Def-Source-Transform Name Lambda-List Form* Define a macro-like source-to-source transformation for the function Name. A source transform may "pass" by returning a non-nil second value. If the transform passes, then the form is converted as a normal function call. If the supplied arguments are not compatible with the specified lambda-list, then the transform automatically passes. Source-Transforms may only be defined for functions. Source transformation is not attempted if the function is declared Notinline. Source transforms should not examine their arguments. If it matters how the function is used, then Deftransform should be used to define an IR1 transformation. If the desirability of the transformation depends on the current Optimize parameters, then the Policy macro should be used to determine when to pass. DEFKNOWN Defknown Name Arg-Types Result-Type [Attributes] {Key Value}* Declare the function Name to be a known function. We construct a type specifier for the function by wrapping (FUNCTION ...) around the Arg-Types and Result-Type. Attributes is a an unevaluated list of the boolean attributes that the function has. These attributes are meaningful here: call May call functions that are passed as arguments. In order to determine what other effects are present, we must find the effects of all arguments that may be functions. unsafe May incorporate arguments in the result or somehow pass them upward. unwind May fail to return during correct execution. Errors are O.K. any The (default) worst case. Includes all the other bad things, plus any other possible bad thing. foldable May be constant-folded. The function has no side effects, but may be affected by side effects on the arguments. e.g. SVREF, MAPC. flushable May be eliminated if value is unused. The function has no side effects except possibly CONS. If a function is defined to signal errors, then it is not flushable even if it is movable or foldable. movable May be moved with impunity. Has no side effects except possibly CONS, and is affected only by its arguments. predicate A true predicate likely to be open-coded. This is a hint to IR1 conversion that it should ensure calls always appear as an IF test. Not usually specified to Defknown, since this is implementation dependent, and is usually automatically set by the Define-VOP :Conditional option. Name may also be a list of names, in which case the same information is given to all the names. The keywords specify the initial values for various optimizers that the function might have. DEF-PRIMITIVE-TRANSLATOR Def-Primitive-Translator Name Lambda-List Form* Define a function that converts a use of (%PRIMITIVE Name ...) into Lisp code. Lambda-List is a defmacro style lambda list. CTYPE-OF CType-Of Object Like Type-Of, only returns a Type structure instead of a type specifier. We try to return the type most useful for type checking, rather than trying to come up with the one that the user might find most informative. SC-IS SC-Is TN SC* Returns true if TNs SC is any of the named SCs, false otherwise.