Making Reuse a Reality --

Introducing the SOMobjects Developer Toolkit

Object oriented (OO) technology represents a fundamental change in the concept of software development. The promise of OO technology is for software objects -- segments of code combining data and procedures -- to become standard, off-the-shelf parts. A programmer can then incorporate these objects in a software system as easily as an engineer incorporates an off-the-shelf semiconductor chip in a circuit board design.

The Future is Now

Creating interchangeable, reusable software components is very much a reality today: you can choose from a variety of object oriented programming languages, design and analysis aids, and visual programming tools. You can also find OO enablers and frameworks built into the latest releases of some operating systems, including IBM Operating System/2(R) [OS/2(R)] Versions 2.0 and 2.1. What you haven't been able to find -- until now -- are some key pieces needed to complete a system that works as smoothly and openly as the hardware development process.

Now, SOMobjects(TM) tools fill in some of these missing pieces by breaking objects free from ties to a specific programming language. On a single machine, the System Object Model (SOM) provides an object-structured protocol that allows applications to access and use objects and object definitions, regardless of what programming language created them, with no need to recompile the application. SOM's language-neutral character not only allows robust software objects to be easily used and reused wherever they're needed, it also enables a greater degree of openness than ever before in the development and use of object oriented programming (OOP) facilities across multiple operating platforms.

What's more, SOMobjects incorporates Distributed SOM (DSOM) technology that provides a base for OOP development and use over entire networks. With the IBM SOMobjects Developer Toolkit Version 2.0, programmers can start taking advantage of SOM and DSOM immediately. SOMobjects is available for both the OS/2 2.0 (or higher) and the IBM AIX/6000(TM) 3.2 (or higher) operating systems and is planned for the Windows environment. Complying with industrywide standards of the Object Management Group's [OMG(R)] Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), SOMobjects provides an extensive set of facilities for putting the power and speed of OO technology to work for you.

Highlights of SOMobjects

IBM's SOMobjects gives professional programmers a comprehensive toolkit for creating OO class libraries and instances of those classes -- that is, objects that belong to particular classes -- using SOM and DSOM technology. Among the product's powerful functions and benefits are the following:

What You Get

IBM's SOMobjects offers you several packages for the development and execution of SOM-based applications in OS/2 and AIX/6000 environments. Each package is available separately.

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