11-731 Machine Translation: Schedule Spring - 2011
Note: This schedule is tentative and is subject to changes.

Date Topic Who Readings Slides Comments
M 1/10 Overview, Schedule, Requirements Lavie ppt
W 1/12 Language Divergences, MT Challenges Lavie ppt Homework1 is out
M 1/17 Martin Luther King Day - No Class
W 1/19 Principles of MT Research Lavie ppt
M 1/24 SMT-Basic Ideas Vogel ppt Homework2 is out
W 1/26 Word Alignment Models (IBM model 1, 2, EM) Vogel ppt
M 1/31 Word Alignment Models (HMM, IBM3, IBM4) Vogel ppt Homework3 is out
W 2/2 Phrase Alignment Vogel ppt
M 2/7 Distortion Model Vogel ppt Homework4 is out
W 2/9 Decoder for Phrase-based Vogel ppt1 ppt2
M 2/14 Minimum Error Rate Training Vogel ppt Homework5 is out
M 2/21 Language Model Vogel ppt
W 2/23 MT Evaluation Lavie ppt
M 2/28 Midterm Exam
3/2,14 Automated Metrics for MT Evaluation Lavie ppt
3/16,21 Syntax-Based Translation Models Lavie ppt
3/23 Decoding and Inference with Syntactic Translation Model Dyer pdf
3/28 Syntax Decoding II Dyer pdf
3/30 System Combination Kenneth/Silja pdf1 pdf2
4/04 Factored Models Vogel ppt
4/06 Comparable Corpora Sanjika pdf
4/11 Discriminated Word Alignment Vogel ppt
4/18 MIRA-MBR Vogel ppt
4/20 MT for Languages with Limitted Resources Lavie ppt
4/27 Final Project Presentation
4/29 Final Project Presentation (10AM-12PM GHC 6501)