The 1999 Mobile Robot Exhibition: List of Participants

AAAI-99 Robot Exhibition Home Page

  1. Web-based robot simulator
    Dan Stormont

  2. Road Runner and Coyote
    Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence

  3. Babycakes
    Ercan Acar, Michael Rosenblat, Morgan Simmons

  4. Learning Tasks from Demonstration
    Darrin Bentivegna

  5. Robot Improv
    (students; sponsor: Illah Nourbakhsh)

  6. Subot
    Jennifer Herron, John Spofford

  7. Cye
    Henry Thorne, Raymond Russell, Stephan Roth

  8. Minnow
    Tucker Balch, Jim Bruce, Anna Rillo, Sorin Achim, Manuela Veloso

  9. Silver Bullet and Bujold
    University of South Florida

  10. Butler and Leguin
    University of South Florida

  11. ATRV, Urban Robot ("Urbie")
    Grinnell More, Laura Woodbury, Todd Pack