In [De 95] complexity results for various DLs are obtained by sophisticated polynomial reduction to a propositional dynamic logic. The author establishes many complexity results, one of which is of special interest for our purposes.
The DL
studied by the author is a strict extension of
TBoxes in his thesis correspond to what we call
in this
paper. Unary coding of numbers is assumed throughout his thesis. Although a
unique name assumption is made, it is not inherent to the utilised reduction
since is explicitly enforced. It is thus possible to eliminate the
propositions that require a unique interpretation of individuals from the
reduction. Hence, together with Lemma 4.2, we get the
following corollary.
Together with Theorem 4.5, this solves the open problem
concerning the lower bound for the complexity of
with cardinality
restrictions; moreover, it shows that the
-algorithm presented in
[BBH96] is not optimal with respect to worst case complexity.