In this subsection we present the results for default logic, in its two variants (credulous and skeptical). For more details on these two main variants of default logic, we refer the reader to the paper by Kautz and Selman [29]. Notice that model-compactness is only applicable to skeptical default logic.
Proof. The proof of membership is straightforward: since model checking for
skeptical default logic is in [38], it
follows that it is also in
The proof of
-hardness is similar to the proof of
-hardness [38]. The reduction is from the
3QBF. Let
an instance of
3QBF, where
represents a valid
3QBF formula, and
is any string.
Let be the size of the formula
. This implies that the
variables in the formula are at most
. Let
be the set of all the clauses of
three literals over this alphabet. The number of clauses of three
literals over an alphabet of
variables is less than
, thus
bounded by a polynomial in
We prove that
is valid if
and only if
is a model of some extension of
, where
The set
is a set of new variables, one-to-one
with the elements of
. Note that
only depends on the size
, while
depends on
. As a result, this is a
We now prove that the formula is valid if and only if is a model of some
extension of the default theory
. This is similar to an
already published proof [38]. Consider an evaluation
of the
and an evaluation
of the variables
. Let
the following set of defaults.
This set of defaults has been chosen so that the set of its consequences
corresponds to the sets
. Namely, we have:
Now, we prove that the consequences of this set of defaults are an extension of the default theory if and only if the QBF formula is valid. Since all defaults are semi-normal, we have to prove that:
Consistency of follows by construction: assigning
to true for each
, etc., we obtain a model of
We have then to prove that no other default is applicable. If ,
the default
is not applicable, and vice versa, if
, then
is not applicable. Moreover, none of the
, is
applicable if
, because in this case
, thus
would follow (while
is a justification of the
default). A similar statement holds for
As a result, the only applicable default may be the last one,
(recall that F is negated). This default
is applicable if and only if, for the given evaluation of the
's, the set of clauses is satisfiable. This amount to say:
``there is an extension in which the last default is not applicable if
and only if the QBF formula is valid''. Now, if the last default is
applicable, then
is not a model of the extension because
the consequence of the last default while
. The
converse also holds: if the last default is not applicable then
a model of the default theory.
As a result, the QBF is valid if and only if is a model of the given
default theory.
Proof. Since inference in skeptical default logic is in ,
it is also in
-hardness comes from a simple reduction
from circumscription. Indeed, the
circumscription of a formula
is equivalent to the conjunction
of the extensions of the default theory
where [15]:
As a result,
if and only if
is implied by
under skeptical semantics. Since
only depends on
(and not on
) this is a
reduction. Since inference for circumscription is
(see Theorem 11), it follows that skeptical
default logic is
Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof for model checking of skeptical
default logic. Indeed, both problems are
complete. Since the problem
is in
, as proved by Gottlob [22], it is also in
Thus, what we have to prove is that is hard for that class.
We prove that the
3QBF problem can be reduced to the
problem of verifying whether a formula is implied by some extensions
of a default theory (that is, inference in credulous
default logic).
Namely, a formula
is valid if and only
is derived by some extension of the default theory
are defined as follows (
is the set of all the
clauses of three literals over the alphabet of
, and
is a set of
new variables, one-to-one with
Informally, the proof goes as follows: for each truth evaluation of the
variables in and
there is a set of defaults which are both justified
and consistent. A simple necessary and sufficient condition for the
consequences of this set of defaults to be an extension is the following. If,
in this evaluation, the formula
is valid, then the last default is applicable, thus the extension
also contains . The converse also holds: if the formula is not valid in the
evaluation, then the variable
is not in the extension.
As a result, there exists an extension in which holds if and only if there
exists an extension in which each
is true if and only if
, and such that
also holds. When the variables
have the given
value, the above formula is equivalent to
. As a result, such an
extension exists if and only if there exists a truth evaluation of the
in which
is valid.