Next:Preference managementUp:Experimental workPrevious:Importance of the anaphoric

Constraint and preference set

As for the importance of defining an adequate constraint and preference set based on dialogue structure using the accessibility space defined in Section 4, we begin by adopting the constraint and preference set developed by Ferrández et al. 2000 and described below in Section 6.4. This constraint and preference set has been shown to be adequate for pronominal and adjectival anaphora in non-dialogue discourse. To this set, information about dialogue structure will be applied in order to take advantage of its influence. Not only is dialogue structure used to define the anaphoric accessibility space, but it is used to define preferences as well.

For this study, several experiments were carried out using the training corpus. These experiments involved changes in the constraint and preference set in order to define the configuration11that would have optimum precision. Results are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4: Experiment summary
Used preferences Precision
Experiment Pronominal anaphora  
No. 1 2 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 %
0 $\bullet$ $\bullet$     $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ 59.0
1 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$                   $\bullet$ 62.3
2 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$       $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$       $\bullet$ 73.8
31 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$       $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$       $\bullet$ 81.3
Experiment Adjectival anaphora  
No. 1 2 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8         %
0 $\bullet$ $\bullet$     $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$         23.7
1 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$           $\bullet$         65.8
2 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$     $\bullet$         78.9
32 $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$ $\bullet$     $\bullet$         81.5
1 Preference weighted management 
2 Preference weighted management

Next:Preference managementUp:Experimental workPrevious:Importance of the anaphoric
patricio 2001-10-17