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The results show that the SMOTE approach can improve the accuracy of classifiers for a minority class. SMOTE provides a new approach to over-sampling. The combination of SMOTE and under-sampling performs better than plain under-sampling. SMOTE was tested on a variety of datasets, with varying degrees of imbalance and varying amounts of data in the training set, thus providing a diverse testbed. The combination of SMOTE and under-sampling also performs better, based on domination in the ROC space, than varying loss ratios in Ripper or by varying the class priors in Naive Bayes Classifier: the methods that could directly handle the skewed class distribution. SMOTE forces focused learning and introduces a bias towards the minority class. Only for Pima -- the least skewed dataset -- does the Naive Bayes Classifier perform better than SMOTE-C4.5. Also, only for the Oil dataset does the Under-Ripper perform better than SMOTE-Ripper. For the Can dataset, SMOTE-classifier and Under-classifier ROC curves overlap in the ROC space. For all the rest of the datasets SMOTE-classifier performs better than Under-classifier, Loss Ratio, and Naive Bayes. Out of a total of 48 experiments performed, SMOTE-classifier does not perform the best only for 4 experiments.

The interpretation of why synthetic minority over-sampling improves performance where as minority over-sampling with replacement does not is fairly straightforward. Consider the effect on the decision regions in feature space when minority over-sampling is done by replication (sampling with replacement) versus the introduction of synthetic examples. With replication, the decision region that results in a classification decision for the minority class can actually become smaller and more specific as the minority samples in the region are replicated. This is the opposite of the desired effect. Our method of synthetic over-sampling works to cause the classifier to build larger decision regions that contain nearby minority class points. The same reasons may be applicable to why SMOTE performs better than Ripper's loss ratio and Naive Bayes; these methods, nonetheless, are still learning from the information provided in the dataset, albeit with different cost information. SMOTE provides more related minority class samples to learn from, thus allowing a learner to carve broader decision regions, leading to more coverage of the minority class.

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Nitesh Chawla (CS)