... domains1
To solve a particular planning problem (i.e., construct a sequence of actions to transform an initial state to a goal state), planners require a domain theory and a problem description. The domain theory represents the abstract actions that can be executed in the environment; typically, the domain descriptions include variables that can be instantiated to specific objects or values. Multiple problems can be defined for each domain; problem descriptions require an initial state description, a goal state and an association with some domain.
... scheduling2
Scheduling is an area related to planning in which the actions are already known, but their sequence still needs to be determined. Flowshop scheduling is a type of manufacturing scheduling problem.
... time3
We used actual time on lightly loaded machines because occasionally a system would thrash due to inadequate memory resulting in little progress over considerable time.
... thereof4
We used the BUS system as the manager for running the planners [Howe, Dahlman, Hansen, Scheetz, von MayrhauserHowe et al.1999], which was implemented with the AIPS98 competition planners. This facilitated the running of so many different planners, but did somewhat bias what was included.
... 5
We thank Eugene Fink for code that translates PDDL to Prodigy.
... developer6
We decided against studying some of the planners in this way because the representations for their development problems were not PDDL.
... results7
One planner was the exception to this rule; in one case, the planner timed out far more frequently on non-development problems.
... failures8
We separated the two because we usually observed a significant difference in the distributions of time to succeed and time to fail - about half the planners were quick to succeed and slow to fail, the other half reversed the relationship.
... 1GB9
We propose this figure because it is the amount requested by some of the participants in the AIPS 2000 planning competition.
... planner10
Paul Cohen has advocated such an experimental methodology for all of artificial intelligence based on hypotheses, predictions and models in considerable detail; see Cohen (1991, 1995).