(move-mission unit start-time-constraint start-time end-time-constraint end-time destination route formation march-technique contingency contingency-satisfied).
The EA Manager begins execution by calling three methods defined in the mission model: Start-Time-Constraints, End-Time-Constraints, and Location-Constraints. Each of these posts facts in the EA Manager database to invoke mission-specific monitoring capabilities. For example, Location-Constraints (which is specialized to the class movement-mission) posts facts about locations this mission expects friendly units to occupy and at what time (derived from the destination and route arguments), and might also post facts about locations where this mission expects adversarial activity and where adversarial activity should be monitored/alerted.
The EA receives confirmation of mission start from a subordinate EA. Location reports are continuously posted by the Watchman, and the Act in Figure 5 analyzes them with respect to the location facts posted by Location-Constraints. Sensor tracks are similarly analyzed by a different Act. Let us suppose that at some point during mission execution, a track shows activity in a location monitored by this mission. The EA would detect this and invoke the mission-specific method Respond-To-Monitored-Red-Activity, which describes how this mission will respond to such an event. For example, it could issue an alert, abort the move, execute a contingency plan, or ask the user to choose from a set of such options.