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Up: Problem Domains
Previous: The First International Planning
The second competition introduced several new domains:
- Blocks The classic blocks-world problem, encoded without an explicit reference to a gripper. This domain has significant goal interaction.
- Job-Schedule A problem involving the machining of parts. This problem exercises the ADL features involving conditional and quantified effects, although it is less complex than the Assembly domain.
- Freecell This is the classic solitaire card game that is widely available as a computer game. The encoding as a STRIPS domain represents a larger problem than most previous benchmarks and includes the awkward addition of an encoded set of integers.
- Miconics Elevator This domain was inspired by the problem of planning an efficient call sequence for an elevator car travelling between floors of a large building. There were several variants, with the most complex including numeric preconditions as well as purely logical constraints. An ADL version offered complex preconditions involving several different connectives and a STRIPS version offered a relatively simple transportation problem.
In addition, the Logistics domain was reused to provide some calibration of performance in comparison with the first competition.
Next: The Third International Planning
Up: Problem Domains
Previous: The First International Planning
Derek Long