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Conversational Interfaces
There is considerable ongoing work in the area of conversational
systems, as evidenced in the general surveys by
[27] and [54].
[83] give a more thorough overview of user
modeling in dialogue systems.
[64] reported one of the
earliest (typewritten) conversational interfaces, which focused on
book recommendation. At the beginning of an interaction,
the system asked several questions to place the user in
a stereotype group, thereby initializing the user model. As each
conversation progressed, this model was adjusted, with the system
using ratings to represent uncertainty. However, the language
understanding capabilities of the system were limited, mostly allowing
only yes/no user answers. More recently, dialogue systems
utilize models of user's beliefs and intentions to aid
in dialogue management and understanding, though
typically these systems maintain models
only over the course of a single conversation [46].
As noted in Section 2.3, an important
distinction is whether only one conversational participant keeps
the initiative, or whether the initiative can switch between participants.
Two ambitious mixed-initiative systems for planning tasks
are TRAINS [8] and more recent TRIPS
Like the PLACE ADVISOR, these
programs interact with the user to progressively construct a solution,
though the knowledge structures are partial plans rather than
constraints, and the search involves operators for plan modification
rather than for database contraction and expansion.
TRAINS and TRIPS lack any mechanism for user modeling,
but the underlying systems are considerably more mature and have been
evaluated extensively.
[73] describe another related mixed-initiative system
with limited user modeling, in this case a conversational interface
for circuit diagnosis. Their system aims to construct not a plan or a
set of constraints, but rather a proof tree. The central speech act,
which requests knowledge from the user that would aid the proof
process, is invoked when the program detects a `missing axiom' that it
needs for its reasoning. This heuristic plays the same role in their
system as does the PLACE ADVISOR's heuristic for selecting attributes
to constrain during item selection. The interface infers user
knowledge during the course of only a single conversation, not over the long
term as in our approach.
With respect to dialogue management, several previous systems have
used a method similar to our frame-based search. In particular, Seneff
et al. (1998) and Dowding et al. (1993) developed
conversational interfaces that give advice
about air travel. Like the PLACE ADVISOR, their systems ask the
user questions to reduce the number of candidates, treating flight
selection as the interactive construction of database queries.
However, the question sequence is typically fixed in advance,
despite the clear differences among individuals in this domain. Also,
these systems usually require that all constraints be specified before
item presentation begins.
An alternative technique for selecting which questions to ask during
information elicitation is presented in [62].
Their overall system necessitates that the system recognize plans the
user is attempting to carry out. Then the system must decide how to
best complete those plans. When insufficient information is available
for plan formation, their system enters an information seeking subdialogue
similar to the constraint-satisfaction portion of our dialogues.
Their system can decide which question to ask based on domain
knowledge or based on the potential informativeness of the question.
Another approach to dialogue management is ``conversational case-based
reasoning'' (Aha, Breslow & Muñoz-Avila, 2001),
which relies on interactions with the
user to retrieve cases (items) that will recommend actions
to correct some problem. The speech acts and basic flow of control
have much in common with the ADAPTIVE PLACE ADVISOR, in that the
process of answering
questions increasingly constrains available answers. One significant
difference is that their approach generates several
questions or items, respectively, at a time, and the user selects
which question to answer or which item is closest to his or her
needs, respectively.
Finally, our approach draws on an alternative analysis of item
recommendation, described by [30,31]. The
main distinctions from that work are that their approach does not
include personalization, that they distinguish between search through
a task space and through a discourse space, while we combine the two,
and that they place a greater emphasis on user intentions. Keeping a
distinction between the task and the discourse space in a personalized system
would unnecessarily complicate decisions about when to perform
user model updates and about how to utilize the model.
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Previous: Personalized Recommendation Systems
Cindi Thompson