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Search Model
With respect to the search mechanism, we first plan to investigate
alternative techniques for using item similarity values to determine
which to return, for example by cutting off items at the point at
which similarity drops off most steeply, instead of our current use of
a threshold. We also note that work such as that of
[23] on learning to rank instances could apply nicely
to this work, augmenting our current item ranking scheme.
Additionally, we plan develop a version of the system
that generates alternative
items or values in an over-constrained situation [60].
One way to do this would be to
use the preferences to estimate the strength of a stated
constraint, or to merge our preference-based similarity metric with
a more traditional domain-specific similarity metric
[59]. We also plan to evaluate the effect of
making even stronger assumptions about user preferences. For example,
if the system is certain enough about a value preference, it may not have to
ask a question about the associated attribute.
A final improvement of the search mechanism concerns the techniques
for ranking attributes for constraining and relaxing. For attribute
constraint ranking, we have implemented but not yet evaluated a
conditional entropy measure [37]. The system selects
the attribute to constrain by determining the attribute with the
highest conditional entropy among the unconstrained attributes. This
scheme would not be useful for ranking attributes to relax. Therefore,
the system simply determines the size of the case base that would
result if each attribute were relaxed, ranks these case bases from
smallest to largest, and orders the attributes accordingly, excluding
those attributes that, if relaxed, would still result in an empty case
base. We also plan to investigate the combination of the user model
with information gain, as well as with alternative attribute ranking
techniques such as the one used by [2].
Another option is to add personalization to or otherwise adapt the
variable selection techniques used by constraint-satisfaction solvers.
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Previous: Directions for Future Work
Cindi Thompson