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Macro Generation
For an abstract type
, macros are generated by
performing a forward search in the space of macro operators.
Macros perform local processing within a component of type
according to the locality rule detailed below.
Figure 8:
Adding operators to a macro.
The root state of the search represents an empty macro
(i.e., empty sets of operators, variables, preconditions, and effects).
Each search step appends an operator to the current macro,
and fixes the variable mapping between the new operator and the macro.
Adding a new operator
to a macro
, and
as shown in Figure 8.
Even if not explicitely shown in the figure,
the variable mapping
in the procedure
is used to check the identity between operator's predicates
and macro's predicates (e.g., in
Two predicates are considered identical if they have the same
name and the same set of parameters.
The variable mapping
tells what variables (parameters)
are common in both the macro and the new operator.
The search is selective:
it includes a set of rules for pruning the search tree
and for validating a built macro operator.
Validated macros are goal states in this search space.
The search enumerates all valid macro operators.
The following pruning rules are used
for static filtering:
- The negated precondition rule prunes
operators with a precondition that matches one of the current delete
effects of the macro operator. This rule avoids building incorrect macros
where a predicate should be both true and false.
- The repetition rule prunes
operators that generate cycles.
A macro containing a cycle is either useless, producing an empty effect set,
or it can be written in a shorter form by eliminating the cycle.
A cycle in a macro is detected when
the effects of the first
operators are the same
as for the first
operators, with
In particular, if
then the
operators have no effect.
- The chaining rule requires that
for consecutive operators
in a macro, the
preconditions of
must include at least one positive effect of
This rule is motivated by the idea that the action
sequence of a macro should have a coherent meaning.
- We limit the size of a macro by imposing a maximal length and
a maximal number of preconditions.
Similar constraints could be added for the number of variables or effects,
but we found this unnecessary.
Limiting the number of preconditions indirectly limits the number
of variables and effects.
Large macros are generally undesirable, as
they can significantly increase the preprocessing costs and
the cost per node in the planner's search.
- The locality rule is meant to prune macros that change
two or more abstract components at the same time.
All local static preconditions of an acceptable macro are
part of the same abstract component.
Given an abstract type
and a macro
let the local static preconditions be
the static predicates that are part of both
's preconditions and
's edges.
Local static preconditions and their parameters
's definition define a graph structure
(different variable bindings for
the operators that compose
can create different
graph structures).
To implement the idea of locality we require
that this graph is isomorphic
with a subgraph of
Figure 9:
Operator TAKE-IMAGE and
macro-operator TAKE-IMAGE--TAKE-IMAGE in Rovers.
This macro is rejected by the locality rule.
As an example of the locality rule,
consider the Rovers abstract type
in Figure 5
and the macro
shown in Figure 9
(this figure also shows the definition of the TAKE-IMAGE operator).
involves two components, since
two distinct cameras and two distinct rovers are part of the macro's variables.
We show that this macro is rejected by the locality rule.
The graph corresponding to the local static preconditions of
is shown in Figure 10.
Obviously, this is not a subgraph of
graph shown in Figure 5,
is rejected.
Figure 10:
Local static preconditions of macro TAKE-IMAGE--TAKE-IMAGE
with respect to the abstract type in Figure 5.
As the picture shows, these correspond to a graph with 4 nodes and 2 edges.
Next: Macro Ranking and Filtering
Up: Creating Macro-Operators
Previous: Creating Macro-Operators
Adi Botea