It has been proved that AC in the HVE is equivalent to GAC in the
non-binary problem [Stergiou WalshStergiou Walsh1999]. Since the HVE is a binary CSP, one
obvious way to apply AC is by using a generic AC algorithm.
However, this results in redundant processing and an asymptotic
time complexity worse than . To be precise, in the HVE
of a problem with
ary constraints we have
constraints between dual and original variables. On such a
constraint, AC can be enforced with
worst-case time
complexity. For the whole problem the complexity is
Instead, we will now describe a simple AC algorithm that operates in the HVE and achieves the same worst-case time complexity as an optimal GAC algorithm applied in the non-binary representation. We can achieve this by slightly modifying the GAC algorithm of Bessiére and Régin br01 (GAC-2001). In Figure 3 we sketch the AC algorithm for the HVE, which we call HAC (Hidden AC).
The HAC algorithm uses a stack (or queue) of dual variables to
propagate value deletions, and works as follows. In an
initialization phase it iterates over each dual variable
(line 2). For every original variable
constrained with
the algorithm revises the constraint between
. This is done by calling function
(line 4). During
each revision, for each value
we look for a tuple
in the domain of
that supports it. As in AC-2001, we store
: the most recent tuple we have found
that supports value
of variable
2. If this
tuple has not been deleted from
then we know that
supported. Otherwise, we look for a new supporting tuple starting
from the tuple immediately after
. If
no such tuple is found then
is removed from
21). In that case, all tuples that include that value are removed
from the domains of the dual variables that are constrained with
(lines 22-23). If these dual variables are not already in
the stack they are added to it3. Then, dual variables
are removed from the stack sequentially. For each dual variable
that is removed from the stack, the algorithm revises the
constraint between
and each original variable
constrained with
. The algorithm terminates if all the values
in a domain are deleted, in which case the problem is not arc
consistent, or if the stack becomes empty, in which case the
problem is arc consistent.
The main difference between HAC and GAC-2001 is that GAC-2001 does
not include lines 22-24. That is, even if the non-binary
constraints are given in extension, GAC-2001 does not remove
tuples that become invalid from the lists of allowed tuples. As a
result, the two algorithms check for the validity of a tuple (in
lines 17 and 18) in different ways. Later on in this section we
will explain this in detail. Apart from this difference, which is
important because it affects their run times, the two algorithms
are essentially the same. We can move from HAC to GAC-2001 by
removing lines 22-24 and substituting any references to dual
variables by references to the corresponding constraints. For
corresponds to
in GAC-2001, i.e. the last tuple
in constraint
that supports value
of variable
Note that in such an implementation of GAC-2001, propagation is
constraint-based. That is, the algorithm utilizes a stack of
constraints to perform the propagation of value deletions.